YSPH@APHA 2023 | Annual Meeting & Expo | Atlanta, GA
Join YSPH friends and colleagues in Atlanta from November 12-15 for the APHA Annual Meeting and Expo!
The APHA Annual Meeting brings together more than 12,000 public health professionals from across the world to engage, collaborate, and grow through educational and networking opportunities.
Learn more about this YSPH event here.
- Sunday, November 12, 12:30-6 pm
- Monday, November 13, 10 am-4 pm
- Tuesday, November 14, 10 am-4 pm
Event Schedule
- Nov 202312SundayIjeoma Opara, PhD, LMSW, MPH - Beatriz Duran-Becerra
2027.0 - Using youth participatory action research to develop a sexual health and substance use prevention toolkit for Latina girls in Paterson, New Jersey
Early and Adolescent Latino Health
285 Andrew Young International Boulevard NorthwestGeorgia World Congress Center - Trace Kershaw, PhD
YSPH Booth @ APHA 2023 Expo: Meet & Greet with Trace Kershaw, PhD
285 Andrew Young International Boulevard NorthwestGeorgia World Congress Center - Linda Degutis, DrPH, MSN
YSPH Booth @ APHA 2023 Expo: Meet & Greet with Linda Degutis, DrPH, MSN
285 Andrew Young International Boulevard NorthwestGeorgia World Congress Center 2183.0 Healthcare empowerment and relations for the deaf: A qualitative evaluation of healthcare provider’s communication methods, interpreting services, and health literacy in deaf and hard of hearing populations
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention for People with Disabilities
285 Andrew Young International Boulevard NorthwestGeorgia World Congress Center- Allison Beaulieu, MPH - Katherine LaMonaca, MPH - Beatriz Duran-Becerra - Oana Groza - Kathleen O'Connor Duffany, PhD, MEd - Rafael Pérez-Escamilla, PhD
2184.0 Advancing vaccine equity through trusted messengers: A multi-sector approach to preventing and responding to community spread of misinformation
Misinformation Can be Deadly: Strategies to Prevent & Address Inaccurate Health Beliefs
285 Andrew Young International Boulevard NorthwestGeorgia World Congress Center - Nov 202313MondayAnne Havlik - Tormod Rogne, MD, PhD
3024.0 Cleft lip and depression: A multi-ancestry two-sample mendelian randomization study
Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology
285 Andrew Young International Boulevard NorthwestGeorgia World Congress Center - Anne Havlik
YSPH Booth @ APHA Expo: Meet & Greet with Anne Havlik
285 Andrew Young International Boulevard NorthwestGeorgia World Congress Center - Tulin Saleh Ahmad
3081.0 Assessing training effectiveness for implementing a verbal autopsy program in northwest Syria using the 2022 who questionnaire
Innovations and Solutions in Global and International Health Poster Session
285 Andrew Young International Boulevard NorthwestGeorgia World Congress Center - Laura Bothwell, PhD, MA
3070.0 - Ethical considerations for the equitable utilization of real-world data for pharmacovigilance and regulatory science activities
Principled Posters: Ethics Research & Calls to Action Addressing Health Disparities
285 Andrew Young International Boulevard NorthwestGeorgia World Congress Center - Ashley Hagaman, PhD, MPH - Gul Saeed, MPH
3184.0 Maternal suicidality in Pakistan: Developing a grounded theory to better inform suicide prevention interventions
Suicide Risk and Prevention: Systemic, Programmatic and Individual Approaches
285 Andrew Young International Boulevard NorthwestGeorgia World Congress Center - Shannon Whittaker
3190.0 - How intersecting systems of racism, sexism, and classism contributed to housing inequities for black women survivors of intimate partner violence
Gender-Based Violence Among Marginalized Populations and Implications for Prevention
285 Andrew Young International Boulevard NorthwestGeorgia World Congress Center - Trace Kershaw, PhD - Ijeoma Opara, PhD, LMSW, MPH
YSPH Booth @ APHA Expo: Meet & Greet with Trace Kershaw and Ijeoma Opara, PhD, LMSW, MPH
285 Andrew Young International Boulevard NorthwestGeorgia World Congress Center - Megan L. Ranney, MD, MPH
YSPH Booth @ APHA 2023 Expo: Meet & Greet with Megan L. Ranney, MD, MPH
285 Andrew Young International Boulevard NorthwestGeorgia World Congress Center - Joshua Warren, PhD - Erica C Leifheit, PhD - Judith Lichtman, PhD, MPH
3194.0 Assessing associations between long-term CO, NO2, O3, PM2.5, and so2 exposure and annual ischemic stroke hospitalization in the United States at the national level
Environments and Aging in Place
285 Andrew Young International Boulevard NorthwestGeorgia World Congress Center 3245.0 'creating happy synergies': Lessons learnt from lao PDR’s efforts to create an enabling environment to protect breastfeeding and child nutrition
Research on the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of Human Milk Feeding and Lactation
285 Andrew Young International Boulevard NorthwestGeorgia World Congress Center- Nov 202314Tuesday
- Chelsey R. Carter, PhD, MPH
4034.0 Exploring the perceptions of genetics, genomic medicine, and science in black communities
Health Disparities in Genomics
285 Andrew Young International Boulevard NorthwestGeorgia World Congress Center - Chelsey R. Carter, PhD, MPH
4034.0 The black genome project: A community-based participatory ethnography towards more equitable genomics research
Health Disparities in Genomics
285 Andrew Young International Boulevard NorthwestGeorgia World Congress Center - Trace Kershaw, PhD - Ijeoma Opara, PhD, LMSW, MPH
YSPH Booth @ APHA Expo: Meet & Greet with Trace Kershaw and Ijeoma Opara
285 Andrew Young International Boulevard NorthwestGeorgia World Congress Center - Trace Kershaw, PhD - Christina Aivadyan, PhD
4171.0 - Adolescent perspectives on the role of confidentiality in their HIV testing practices: A qualitative study
Emerging Issues in HIV/AIDS Poster Session IV
285 Andrew Young International Boulevard NorthwestGeorgia World Congress Center - Joshua Warren, PhD - Trace Kershaw, PhD - Shannon Whittaker - Marie-Fatima Hyacinthe
4183.0 - Race, wealth and health: The role of reparations
Spirit of 1848 Social Justice & Public Health Student Poster Session
285 Andrew Young International Boulevard NorthwestGeorgia World Congress Center - Claire Masters, MS, PMP - Ashley Hagaman, PhD, MPH - Jeannette Ickovics, PhD
4185.0 Association between prenatal mental health and receipt of recommended maternal and infant care postpartum
Implications of Social and Structural Factors on Maternal Health Outcomes
285 Andrew Young International Boulevard NorthwestGeorgia World Congress Center - Nov 202315WednesdayYue Hu - Chelsey R. Carter, PhD, MPH - Debbie Humphries, PhD, MPH, MA
5032.0 Integrating community health workers (CHWs) into health systems to improve HIV care engagement: Opportunities and challenges
Ending the HIV Epidemic
285 Andrew Young International Boulevard NorthwestGeorgia World Congress Center - Yusuf Ransome, MPH, DrPH - Raquel Burgess, MSc
5056.1 What can a commercial determinants of health lens bring to our understanding of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy?
Health-Promoting Trade Policies and Practices
285 Andrew Young International Boulevard NorthwestGeorgia World Congress Center - Jeannette Ickovics, PhD - Claire Masters, MS, PMP
5152.0 Association between moving during pregnancy and birth outcomes
Improving Pregnancy Outcomes: Social Determinants of Health (SDOH)
285 Andrew Young International Boulevard NorthwestGeorgia World Congress Center