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Department of Health Policy and Management
Health Policy & Management: In Conversation with the Yale School of Public Health Department Chair
"Spending on health care in the United States is 19% of GDP," says Jason Hockenberry, Chair of the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Yale School of Public Health. "It is the largest industry by far. Studying health care management and being involved in trying to improve the delivery of health care in the U.S. is both a noble and a practical endeavor."
In this video, Hockenberry discusses the work and impact of the Health Policy and Management Department, including providing legislative research support to Connecticut's legislature, and improving policies around Medicaid, billing for hospital care, delivery of mental health and substance use services, tobacco and electronic cigarettes, and vaccines and other COVID-19 prevention measures.
"If we’re talking about real-world impact, we have faculty that are doing work that’s changing lives day by day," he says.
Our Research
Research in Health Policy and Management is key to advancement of the health of the public. The impact of our research on evidence-based policy making related to the delivery of health care and improving public health has been felt in government, not-for-profit, for-profit and research organizations across the country and around the world.
Practice-based research and initiatives
Research Themes
Health Systems Reform
The U.S. health care system accounts for over 17 percent of the GNP, yet by virtually every metric of system performance, American health care is in the middle or bottom of the pack compared to countries with similar levels of economic development.Quality, Efficiency and Equity of Healthcare
As metrics for health system performance have become more extensive and nuanced, shortfalls in quality, disparities in health care access, treatment, and outcomes, and inconsistencies in health system performance have been more fully identifiedSubstance Abuse and Mental Health
The opioid crisis has captured much recent public attention in the U.S., but the abuse of substances (licit and illicit) and broader manifestations of mental health have long been central to health policy and to research within HPM.Modeling: Policy, Operations and Disease
Mathematical and simulation modeling plays a growing role in studying the health and financial outcomes of public health policies.
Pharmaceuticals, Vaccines and Medical Devices
Medical products—pharmaceuticals, biologics, vaccines and devices—are essential tools in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease. As their role in health and health care grows, so too does the complexity of their development, regulation, promotion and pricing, among other topics.Health and Wellbeing
The scope of effective health policy necessarily extends beyond encounters with the health care system or the treatment and recovery from illness.Global Health
HPM researchers conduct and disseminate research to improve health systems, generating scientific evidence that can be translated into improved health policies and practices for primary care delivery, HIV/AIDS, addiction, social and climate issues and more.
Faculty Affiliated Centers and Labs
- Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS (CIRA)CIRA provides HIV-related resources, skills, services, training, and professional networking opportunities to HIV researchers and practitioners who can contribute to advances in HIV prevention and treatment.
- Public Health Modeling UnitThis renowned program uses mathematical representations of disease spread, healthcare processes, and human behavior to make better public health decisions and predictions.
- Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center (PRC)The PRC works with community partners to develop and implement community-based approaches to prevent and control chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
- Yale Institute for Global Health (YIGH)YIGH serves as the focal point for research, education, and engagement with global partners to improve the health of individuals and populations worldwide.