12:00 PM1:00 PMEveryoneLynn Madden, PhD, MPACIRA Qualitative Research Discussion Group (QRDG): "Using Nominal Group Technique to Elicit Barriers and Facilitators? As a research strategy?”https://yale.zoom.us/j/93012332332?pwd=dUo3Wi9rd3Z0ejF4WTczdW5tWHRpdz09dW5tWHRpdz09Add event to Calendar
Yale Only4:00 PM4:30 PMKate Nyhan, MLSCo-working session: deal with your passwords (Online)https://yale.zoom.us/j/98650310984?from=addonAdd event to Calendar
School Only12:00 PM1:00 PMRuth R Montgomery, PhD - Tamar Taddei, MDRESEARCH Grand RoundsHope Memorial BuildingAdd event to Calendar