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YSPH Climate Change and Health Seminar, Dr. Tormod Rogne, "How do high ambient temperatures during pregnancy affect mother and child?"

Dr. Tormod Rogne, MD PhD, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology at Yale University School of Public Health, is a perinatal epidemiologist with ongoing projects on the link between exposure to high ambient temperatures and air pollution during pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcomes and childhood health. Prior to his current position, he trained and worked clinically as a medical doctor in Norway, took his PhD and postdoc at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, in perinatal and genetic epidemiology, respectively, and was a Fulbright Scholar to Yale University. To tackle clinically relevant questions and provide robust results, he applies modern epidemiological methods ranging from negative controls and sibling comparisons to genetic epidemiological methods. Dr. Rogne places emphasis on using high-quality data, in particular by use of data from large population-based cohorts and state-/nation-wide registries.






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