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Dashni Sathasivam

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Dashni Sathasivam, '19 M.P.H., Health Equity Solutions, Program Manager. Dashni Sathasivam is compelled by the intersection of health policy and advocacy and believes engaging communities and amplifying the voices of those directly impacted by policies as central to achieving structural changes that advance health equity. Originally from Wisconsin, her role as the Latino Outreach Coordinator with the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center's Cancer Health Disparities Initiative and service as a City Year Milwaukee AmeriCorps Member informed her community-based participatory approach to health and partnership building. Dashni graduated with a Master’s in Public Health in health policy from the Yale School of Public Health (YSPH). In recognition of her commitment to social justice within YSPH and the wider New Haven community, she was awarded the inaugural YSPH Student Award for Outstanding Contributions in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. She holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Gender & Women's Studies and Spanish from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Education & Training

Yale School of Public Health (2019)