Each year, the Yale School of Public Health honors select students for their outstanding scholarship, leadership, innovation, and commitment to public health.
Here are the award winners for the Class of 2024.
Award for Outstanding Contributions to Advancing Belonging, Equity, and Justice – Ashley Nicole Reynolds Marshall, Amrit Sandhu
As Deputy City Manager for Social Equity for the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, Ashley oversees a robust portfolio that includes the city’s Downtown Job Center and Home to Hope program focused on welcoming formerly incarcerated persons back into the community. Ashley also serves as the city’s Chief Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Officer and LGBTQIA+ Liaison.
Amrit is a Student Fellow with the Solomon Center for Health Law and Policy and a Graduate Research Assistant with the Yale Trauma and Mental Health Lab. A health policy student specializing in global health, Amrit has a long history of human rights involvement including internships with Minnesota’s Safe Harbor program and The Advocates for Human Rights Women’s Human RightsProgram.
Dean’s Prize for Outstanding MPH Thesis – Ellie Cragan Bourgikos
Thesis title: “Ecological Factors Influencing the Evolution of Jamestown Canyon Virus in the Northern United States.”
Dean’s Prize for Outstanding MPH Thesis – Riena Suzanne Harker
Thesis title: “Effects of Wildfire Smoke and Nonsmoke PM2.5 on Respiratory, Circulatory, and Mental Health in Nevada: A Case-Crossover Study on Emergency Department Visits from 2016-2019.”
Wilbur G. Downs Outstanding Thesis Prize in International Health – Catherine Wenger
Thesis title: “Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Alternative Infant and Neonatal Rotavirus Vaccination Schedules in Malawi.” Dr. Downs was a pioneer in international health and a long-time faculty member at YSPH.
Henry J. (Sam) Chauncey Jr. Inspiration Award – Kamali Clora
The Henry J. (Sam) Chauncey Jr. Inspiration Award is awarded by alumni of the Health Management Program to a student who exemplifies Mr. Chauncey’s ideals of innovation, integrity, leadership, and community service. Mr. Chauncy, BA ’57, is a former secretary of the University and one of the founders of Yale’s Health Management Program.
Lowell Levin Award for Excellence in Global Health – Charles Minicucci
The Lowell Levin prize is awarded to a graduating student whose work addresses health promotion and global health. Lowell Levin, ’60, is a former YSPH professor who was a long-time policy advisor to the World Health Organization.
Outstanding MPH Thesis Prize in Health Equity – Karenna Kinsella Thomas
“I don't work for the prison. I don't work for the hospital either. I’m yours. Who else here is yours?” A Qualitative Analysis of Facilitators and Barriers of Launching Enhanced Perinatal Programs in Seven State Prisons”
Teaching Fellow Award – Sunny Siddique
The Teaching Fellow Award recognizes a YSPH student who demonstrates outstanding performance as a teaching fellow and promise as a future teacher.
Dean Ranney invited everyone to join her in congratulating this year’s award winners.