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YSPH Global Health Seminar

The Global Health Seminar is a weekly course for students in the health professional schools to be exposed to key issues upon which they may base future research, service, and clinical pursuits in the field of global health. The course features faculty from across the health professional schools and other global health experts from around the world. Its collaborative nature provides a rich environment for interdisciplinary dialogue. The Global Health Seminar is a requirement for students in the Global Health Concentration at the Yale School of Public Health (YSPH) and for students in the Certificate in Global Medicine at the Yale School of Medicine (YSM). Students from YSPH must take the course in their first year.

Syllabus subject to change:

8/31 Global Health at Yale

Michael Skonieczny, Lecturer in Public Health; Deputy Director, Yale Institute for Global Health

9/7 Antimicrobial Resistance

Windy Tanner, Associate Research Scientist in Epidemiology (Microbial Diseases)

9/14 History, Justice, and Ethics in Global Public Health

Laura Bothwell, Associate Research Scientist in Epidemiology (Microbial Diseases)

9/21 Building Equitable Partnerships in Global Health

  • Tracy Rabin, Associate Professor of Medicine (General Medicine) and Clinical Professor of Nursing; Director, Office of Global Health: Co-Director, YIGH Global Health Ethics Program
  • Kaveh Khoshnood, Associate Professor of Epidemiology (Microbial Diseases); Co-Director, YIGH Global Health Ethics Program

9/28 Building Public Trust in the Age of Misinformation

Aleksandra Kuzmanovic, Social Media Manager, Leadership Unit, Department of Communications (DCO), World Health Organization (WHO)

10/5 Health Systems Strengthening Post-War and Post-Ebola in Liberia

Kristina Talbert-Slagle, Assistant Professor; Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health; Associate Director of Faculty Mentorship and Academic Programs, Yale Institute for Global Health

10/12 Global Health in Practice: Investing Amidst Pandemics, Denial of Evidence, and Neo-Dependency

Olusoji Adeyi, President, Resilient Health Systems (via Zoom)

10/19 October Recess – No Class

10/26 Addressing Emerging Public Health Challenges in Cambodia

  • Yem Sokunthea, Health Economist, National Institute of Public Health, Cambodia
  • Chham Savina, Research Fellow, National Institute of Public Health, Cambodia
  • Mao Sovathiro, Researcher, National Institute of Public Health, Cambodia

11/2 HIV-TB in sub-Sahara Africa

Luke Davis, Associate Professor, Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases; Pulmonary, Critical Care, & Sleep Medicine, Yale School of Medicine; Center for Methods in Implementation & Prevention Science; Yale School of Public Health

11/9 Innovation in Global Health: The Story of Khushi Baby

Ruchit Nagar, CEO, Khushi Baby

11/16 Equitable Access to Vaccines

Anant Shah, New Products & Lifecycle Lead, COVID & Respiratory Combination Vaccines, Moderna

10/19 Thanksgiving Recess – No Class

11/30 Mobile Technologies to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease and HIV/AIDS

Zhao Ni, Assistant Professor, Yale School of Nursing

12/7 Biological Embedding of Adversity

  • Barbara “Suzi” Ruhl, Senior Research Scientist, Yale Child Study Center
  • Kieran O’Donnell, Assistant Professor, Yale Child Study Center; Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences


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