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AI in Medicine Seminar Series

AI in Medicine Seminar Series - Dr. Andrew Taylor

Bringing AI to the Bedside

Artificial Intelligence is making waves in healthcare, promising breakthroughs in patient care. But how does an AI idea evolve into a tool that patients and providers can use at the bedside? The transition from conceptual algorithms to practical bedside tools isn't straightforward—it necessitates a fusion of medical insights with rigorous engineering principles.

In this talk, Dr. Andrew Taylor will guide you through the intricate journey of AI development in medicine. Beginning with an overview of the challenges in deploying AI models in healthcare settings, Dr. Taylor will emphasize the need for robust pipelines that ensure model reliability, scalability, and reproducibility. Throughout, he’ll emphasizing the significance of data architectures, scalable infrastructures, and the application of best practices from decision science, software engineering, and data science domains to ensure the reliability and efficacy of AI solutions. The talk will also encompass real-world case studies, illustrating the challenges and solutions in actual healthcare settings and touch upon the strategies to manage model lifecycle, from continuous integration and delivery to monitoring and retraining in dynamic clinical environments.






Lectures and Seminars


Lunch: Lunch (sandwiches and salad) will be provided.