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Internship Spotlight: Paige Farrenkopf (SBS)

October 04, 2021

Save the Children Maternal, Newborn and Reproductive Health in Emergencies Team

Internship Outline

I completed a fellowship with Save the Children on their Maternal, Newborn and Reproductive Health in Emergencies Team (MNRHiE).

Value of Experience

My fellowship with Save the Children allowed me to work on programming in sexual and reproductive health, where I learned about the operational and thematic issues in humanitarian work. One of my main tasks was to comprise a systematic review of health care facilities throughout Yemen, focusing on resources for survivors of sexual violence.

Best Moment/Experience

Wanting to better understand the inner workings of humanitarian work and global public health, I began this fellowship with my only goal being to learn as much as possible. However, this fellowship exceeded my expectations in what it taught me and how I view public health. My role at Save the Children allowed me to better understand how politics, gender inequity and stigma all play a role in reproductive healthcare. Moreover, I learned the value of thinking outside the box when approaching certain public health issues, and I know that the creative problem-solving techniques I learned will no doubt be of great use in my future public health career.

Funding Source

Yale Institute of Global Health (Leadership in Global Health Fellowship)
Submitted by Sabrina Lacerda Naia dos Santos on October 11, 2023