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Assistant Professor Krystal Pollitt honored with international award

September 06, 2022
by Pam Johnson

Novel analytical approaches underway in Assistant Professor Krystal Pollitt’s lab at the Yale School of Public Health (YSPH) led to the development of the Fresh Air Clip, a wearable device that detects personal exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.

The Fresh Air Clip is just one of many outstanding contributions by Pollitt to the field of exposure science. In recognition of her technological innovations and impactful research, the International Society of Exposure Science (ISES) has awarded Pollitt its prestigious Joan M. Daisey Outstanding Young Scientist Award. The award will be presented at the 2022 ISES Annual Meeting, September 25-29, in Lisbon, Portugal.

Established in 1990, ISES has created a global community of exposure science professionals working to meet the needs of public health and environmental protection. Scientist Joan M. Daisey, an ISES founding member, was a leading national expert on indoor air quality, and also dedicated to fostering the careers of young scientists. In 1998, with her guidance, ISES instituted its Outstanding Young Scientist Award. The award was renamed in 2000 to honor Daisey, posthumously.

Pollitt joined the YSPH faculty in 2018 in the Department of Environmental Health Sciences. She received her BASc and MASc in Chemical Engineering at the University of Toronto and PhD in Biomedical and Health Sciences from King’s College London, UK. She was subsequently awarded a Canadian Thoracic Society Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship.

Pollitt’s background in engineering and analytical chemistry focuses on advancing assessment of air pollution exposure and its impact on health. Her research centers on building technologies to assess a broad range of airborne contaminants, from regulated to emerging pollutants, and aims to enable prevention and therapeutic health strategies. She pioneered development of wearable tools which can be used to comprehensively monitor an individual’s exposure to thousands of airborne chemicals and pathogens. Pollitt has also partnered with communities, environmental advocacy groups, and policymakers to establish air monitoring networks to enhance environmental quality and community health. More information about Pollitt’s research can be found at

Much of the success with all of these technologies and methods is because of the fantastic students that I’ve been able to work with.

Krystal Pollitt

“Much of the success with all of these technologies and methods is because of the fantastic students that I’ve been able to work with,” said Pollitt. She further credits the distinction of being honored with the ISES Joan M. Daisey Award to strong cross-disciplinary collaborations with faculty across Yale and beyond.