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Dreaming Public Health's Future

Join the HAPPY Initiative in an informal virtual space using image theater to envision the post-election future of public health

Wednesday, 12/2, 5:00pm eastern RSVP to for zoom link

The past month has likely been stressful on everyone, especially those of us concerned with the future of public health in these complicated times. We know that public health and social cohesion suffer in times of isolation and political turmoil. Join YSPH's new Humanities, Arts and Public Health Practice at Yale (HAPPY) Initiative to build social connection and imagine a positive future for our field.

Take a little time to step out of schoolwork and share emotions, dreams and creative engagement in virtual space this coming week. What do we want for the future of public health? How will we build that future as emerging public health professionals? Whose leadership and example do we look to in times of conflict and stress?

We’ll meet over zoom and use writing and image theater – a set of tools from Augusto Boal's theater of the oppressed – to create physical images with our words and bodies. We’ll embody the emotions we feel today, and the dreams we have for the future of the field. These are simple theater and brainstorming exercises, no experience necessary, and you’re always free to sit one out if it’s not comfortable for you. Join us to engage however feels comfortable, and to share space with others imagining a future that is invested in health and wellness.

Facilitated by Taiga Christie
Program Manager, HAPPY Initiative
Founding Member, Faultline Ensemble

Host Organization




Student Events
Dec 20202Wednesday