Exploration of the multi-level barriers to scaling up methadone for HIV prevention among people who inject drugs in Kazakhstan
Liberman A, Rozental Y, Ivasiy R, Kussainova A, Primbetova S, Madden L, Terlikbayeva A, Altice F. Exploration of the multi-level barriers to scaling up methadone for HIV prevention among people who inject drugs in Kazakhstan. Journal Of Substance Use And Addiction Treatment 2025, 172: 209640. PMID: 39986387, DOI: 10.1016/j.josat.2025.209640.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNominal group techniqueHIV preventionCommunity health workersMulti-level barriersIn-depth interviewsHealth workersPWID clientsSocioecological modelCommunity stakeholdersOpioid use disorderFocus groupsHIV epidemicClinical directorsClinical sitesEducating clientsOpioid agonist therapyImprove implementationGroup techniqueResearch teamCHWsPolicy levelUse disorderCliniciansAlternative medicationsEligibility
Design and implementation of a Type-2 hybrid, prospective randomized trial of opioid agonist therapies integration into primary care clinics in Ukraine
Machavariani E, Dumchev K, Pykalo I, Filippovych M, Ivasiy R, Esserman D, Madden L, Bromberg D, Haddad M, Morozova O, Ahmad B, Gómez D, Farnum S, Dvoriak S, Altice F. Design and implementation of a Type-2 hybrid, prospective randomized trial of opioid agonist therapies integration into primary care clinics in Ukraine. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2024, 146: 107690. PMID: 39265780, PMCID: PMC11531372, DOI: 10.1016/j.cct.2024.107690.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPrimary care centersQuality health indicatorsNon-communicable diseasesSpecialty treatment centersOpioid agonist therapyImplementation of integrated carePay-for-performance incentivesPrimary care clinicsPrimary care settingSelf-reported prevalencePay-for-performancePrevalence of medical comorbiditiesParticipants self-reportedEffective evidence-based treatmentsHealth of PWIDEvidence-based treatmentsIntegrated careCare clinicsImplementation outcomesImplementation trialCare settingsElectronic chart reviewHigh-burden countriesSpecialty servicesHIV prevalenceThe impact of emergency guidance to the COVID‐19 pandemic on treatment entry, retention and mortality among patients on methadone in Ukraine
Ivasiy R, Madden L, Meteliuk A, Machavariani E, Ahmad B, Zelenev A, Desai M, Bromberg D, Polonsky M, de Leon S, Farnum S, Islam Z, Altice F. The impact of emergency guidance to the COVID‐19 pandemic on treatment entry, retention and mortality among patients on methadone in Ukraine. Addiction 2024, 119: 1585-1596. PMID: 38807448, DOI: 10.1111/add.16565.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOpioid agonist therapyTake-home dosesCOVID-19 guidancePre-COVID cohortAgonist therapyOptimal doseTreatment retentionEmergency guidanceEffective HIV prevention strategiesAdult HIV prevalenceHIV prevention strategiesMinistry of HealthImprove treatment retentionMethadone dosePatient survivalTime-dependent predictorsProspective cohortHIV prevalencePredictors of treatment retentionGovernmental clinicsPrimary outcomeHazard ratioPatient enrollmentPatientsMethadone patientsIntegrating methadone into primary care settings in Ukraine: effects on provider stigma and knowledge
Bromberg D, Machavariani E, Madden L, Dumchev K, LaMonaca K, Earnshaw V, Pykalo I, Filippovych M, Haddad M, Dvoriak S, Altice F. Integrating methadone into primary care settings in Ukraine: effects on provider stigma and knowledge. Journal Of The International AIDS Society 2024, 27: e26202. PMID: 38379179, PMCID: PMC10879646, DOI: 10.1002/jia2.26202.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPrimary care clinicsStigma reduction interventionsOpioid agonist therapyClinicians' attitudesStigma constructsHIV preventionReduction interventionsEvidence-based HIV preventionCluster randomized controlled trialEvidence-based carePrimary care settingIntegrated care sitesDirect providersRandomized controlled trialsProvider stigmaCare clinicsCare sitesHIV careCare settingsHealth outcomesClinical staffSubstance use disordersLinear mixed-effects modelsTreatment continuumImprove attitudesPreferences and decisional considerations relating to opioid agonist therapy among Ukrainian people who use drugs: A conjoint analysis survey.
Bromberg D, Madden L, Fraenkel L, Muthulingam D, Rhoades D, Dvoriak S, Dumchev K, Pykalo I, Altice F. Preferences and decisional considerations relating to opioid agonist therapy among Ukrainian people who use drugs: A conjoint analysis survey. PLOS Global Public Health 2024, 4: e0002725. PMID: 38277422, PMCID: PMC10817130, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0002725.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOpioid agonist therapyWithdrawal symptomsAdverse side effectsAgonist therapySide effectsOpioid use disorderQuality-of-life improvementUse disorderCombined HIVHIV incidenceClinical decision-makingDosing frequencyRespondent-driven samplingOpioidOpioid epidemicAssess preferencesClinical concernPatient preferencesPatientsDelivery strategiesTherapyDisordersHIVPatient concernsWithdrawalCorrigendum: High perceived stress in patients on opioid agonist therapies during rapid transitional response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine
Galvez S, Altice F, Meteliuk A, Ivasiy R, Machavariani E, Farnum S, Fomenko T, Islam Z, Madden L. Corrigendum: High perceived stress in patients on opioid agonist therapies during rapid transitional response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine. Frontiers In Public Health 2024, 11: 1359708. PMID: 38274528, PMCID: PMC10809844, DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1359708.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchStalled Scale-Up of Opioid Agonist Therapies for HIV Prevention in Kazakhstan: History, Policy, and Recommendations for Change
Liberman A, Ivasiy R, Altice F, Bromberg D, Ibragimova O, Seksenova Z, Madden L, Primbetova S, Terlikbayeva A. Stalled Scale-Up of Opioid Agonist Therapies for HIV Prevention in Kazakhstan: History, Policy, and Recommendations for Change. Journal Of Illicit Economies And Development 2024, 5: 69-77. DOI: 10.31389/jied.208.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Introducing methadone maintenance therapy into Ukrainian prisons: a qualitative study of criminal subculture, Russia’s full-scale invasion, and contested methadone objects
Ponticiello M, Azbel L, Tate M, Bromberg D, Pykalo I, Kiriazova T, Saichuk N, Altice F. Introducing methadone maintenance therapy into Ukrainian prisons: a qualitative study of criminal subculture, Russia’s full-scale invasion, and contested methadone objects. Frontiers In Psychiatry 2023, 14: 1227216. PMID: 38098632, PMCID: PMC10720714, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1227216.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPeople deprived of libertyNon-conflict regionsCriminal subcultureUkrainian prisonersPrison staffPrison authoritiesRussia’s full-scale invasionInvasion of UkraineFull-scale invasionIn-depth qualitative interviewsDrug usePrison subcultureRussia invaded UkrainePrison environmentFull-scale invasion of UkraineSocial tiesPrisonConflict zonesEastern EuropeMethadone uptakeQualitative interviewsSocial hierarchyOpioid agonist therapySocio-environmental factorsPrevent transmission of HIVHigh perceived stress in patients on opioid agonist therapies during rapid transitional response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine
Galvez S, Altice F, Meteliuk A, Ivasiy R, Machavariani E, Farnum S, Fomenko T, Islam Z, Madden L. High perceived stress in patients on opioid agonist therapies during rapid transitional response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine. Frontiers In Public Health 2023, 11: 1231581. PMID: 38098837, PMCID: PMC10720365, DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1231581.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid agonist therapyOpioid use disorderAgonist therapyOAT patientsCOVID-19 pandemicSubstance useTake-home dosingAdditional psychosocial supportHigher perceived stressHigh riskPerceived Stress ScalePsychiatric disordersUse disordersPatientsPatient stressPsychosocial supportCertain subgroupsSevere levelsHigh levelsHealthcare deliveryStress ScalePerceived stressTherapyExtraordinary high levelsDisordersDesign, implementation and preliminary results of a type-2 hybrid cluster-randomized trial of integrating screening and treatment for major depressive disorder into specialty clinics providing opioid agonist therapies in Ukraine
Machavariani E, Bromberg D, Dumchev K, Dvoriak S, Zeziulin O, Morozova O, Esserman D, Pykalo I, Saichuk N, Ivasiy R, Haddad M, Altice F. Design, implementation and preliminary results of a type-2 hybrid cluster-randomized trial of integrating screening and treatment for major depressive disorder into specialty clinics providing opioid agonist therapies in Ukraine. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2023, 131: 107248. PMID: 37263492, PMCID: PMC10527419, DOI: 10.1016/j.cct.2023.107248.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid agonist therapyMajor depressive disorderCo-occurring disordersAgonist therapyDepressive disorderSpecialty clinicPsychiatric disordersPatient-level outcomesPrevalent psychiatric disordersCluster-randomized trialPoor health outcomesProvider-level dataMDD treatmentTreatment algorithmExperimental armHigh prevalenceDelivery outcomesHealth outcomesSerial surveysClinicPatientsProject ECHOSubstance useMonthsDisorders
Impact of prerelease methadone on mortality among people with HIV and opioid use disorder after prison release: results from a randomized and participant choice open-label trial in Malaysia
Bazazi A, Culbert G, Wegman M, Heimer R, Kamarulzaman A, Altice F. Impact of prerelease methadone on mortality among people with HIV and opioid use disorder after prison release: results from a randomized and participant choice open-label trial in Malaysia. BMC Infectious Diseases 2022, 22: 837. PMID: 36368939, PMCID: PMC9652918, DOI: 10.1186/s12879-022-07804-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid use disorderOpioid agonist therapyInfectious etiologyMost deathsUse disordersSample of menPrison releaseOpen-label trialT-lymphocyte countsPredictors of mortalityNational death recordsCrude mortality rateProportional hazards modelCovariate-adjusted modelsLow CD4Methadone initiationModified intentionAgonist therapySurvival benefitTreat analysisMethodsThis studyHIVHazards modelMortality rateMethadonePreliminary analysis of self-reported quality health indicators of patients on opioid agonist therapy at specialty and primary care clinics in Ukraine: A randomized control trial
Pashchenko O, Bromberg D, Dumchev K, LaMonaca K, Pykalo I, Filippovych M, Esserman D, Polonsky M, de Leon S, Morozova O, Dvoriak S, Altice F. Preliminary analysis of self-reported quality health indicators of patients on opioid agonist therapy at specialty and primary care clinics in Ukraine: A randomized control trial. PLOS Global Public Health 2022, 2: e0000344. PMID: 36962514, PMCID: PMC10021202, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0000344.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPrimary care clinicsOpioid use disorderOpioid agonist therapyPrimary careComplete self-reported dataPatient medical record dataMedical record dataComprehensive health outcomesAddiction treatment clinicsAdult PWIDAgonist therapySecondary outcomesParent trialPrimary outcomeRandomized participantsCare clinicsTreatment clinicsIntervention sitesUse disordersHealth outcomesAddiction treatmentRecord dataSelf-reported dataHealth indicatorsClinicReinfection and Risk Behaviors After Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Persons Receiving Opioid Agonist Therapy : A Cohort Study.
Grebely J, Dore GJ, Altice FL, Conway B, Litwin AH, Norton BL, Dalgard O, Gane EJ, Shibolet O, Nahass R, Luetkemeyer AF, Peng CY, Iser D, Gendrano IN, Kelly MM, Hwang P, Asante-Appiah E, Haber BA, Barr E, Robertson MN, Platt H. Reinfection and Risk Behaviors After Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Persons Receiving Opioid Agonist Therapy : A Cohort Study. Annals Of Internal Medicine 2022, 175: 1221-1229. PMID: 35939812, DOI: 10.7326/m21-4119.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid agonist therapyLong-term extension studyHCV reinfectionDrug useExtension studyAgonist therapySuccessful treatmentHepatitis C virus (HCV) reinfectionHepatitis C virus infectionBenefits of cureC virus infectionChronic HCV infectionRate of reinfectionUrine drug screeningOngoing drug useClinical trial sitesSubsidiary of MerckHCV infectionCohort studyVirus reinfectionDohme Corp.Treatment completionGenotype 1Virus infectionHigh riskHealth-related quality of life in people receiving opioid agonist treatment and treatment for hepatitis C virus infection
Dalgard O, Litwin AH, Shibolet O, Grebely J, Nahass R, Altice FL, Conway B, Gane EJ, Luetkemeyer AF, Peng CY, Iser D, Gendrano IN, Kelly MM, Haber BA, Platt H, Puenpatom A. Health-related quality of life in people receiving opioid agonist treatment and treatment for hepatitis C virus infection. Journal Of Addictive Diseases 2022, 41: 213-224. PMID: 35920743, DOI: 10.1080/10550887.2022.2088978.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsElbasvir/grazoprevirHepatitis C virus infectionC virus infectionOpioid agonist therapyHealth-related qualityEnd of treatmentHCV infectionAgonist therapyVirus infectionChronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infectionImproved health-related qualityMental component summary scoresTreatment week 4Placebo-controlled studyOpioid agonist treatmentMedical Outcomes StudyComponent summary scoresSF-36v2 scoresTreatment differencesImproved HRQOLViral eradicationActing antiviralsOpioid dependenceAgonist treatmentGeneral health
Costs and impact on HIV transmission of a switch from a criminalisation to a public health approach to injecting drug use in eastern Europe and central Asia: a modelling analysis
Ward Z, Stone J, Bishop C, Ivakin V, Eritsyan K, Deryabina A, Low A, Cepeda J, Kelly SL, Heimer R, Cook R, Altice FL, Litz T, Terlikbayeva A, El-Bassel N, Havarkov D, Fisenka A, Boshnakova A, Klepikov A, Saliuk T, Deshko T, Vickerman P. Costs and impact on HIV transmission of a switch from a criminalisation to a public health approach to injecting drug use in eastern Europe and central Asia: a modelling analysis. The Lancet HIV 2021, 9: e42-e53. PMID: 34895484, PMCID: PMC8762142, DOI: 10.1016/s2352-3018(21)00274-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid agonist therapyAgonist therapyAntiretroviral therapyPublic health approachHIV transmissionDrug useDynamic HIV transmission modelHealth approachIncremental cost-effectiveness ratioHIV transmission modelNational InstituteCost-effectiveness ratioCountry-specific costsHIV incidenceUNAIDS 90US National InstitutesART coverageWHO targetPWIDTherapyPay thresholdsInfectious diseasesCost savingsDrug abuseIncremental costSuccessful transfer of stable patients on opioid agonist therapies from specialty addiction treatment to primary care settings in Ukraine: A pilot study
Meteliuk A, Galvez S, Fomenko T, Kalandiia H, Iaryi V, Farnum SO, Islam Z, Altice FL, Madden LM. Successful transfer of stable patients on opioid agonist therapies from specialty addiction treatment to primary care settings in Ukraine: A pilot study. Journal Of Substance Use And Addiction Treatment 2021, 134: 108619. PMID: 34579978, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsat.2021.108619.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid agonist therapyPrimary care clinicsPrimary care settingOAT coverageAgonist therapyStable patientsCare clinicsSubstance useCare settingsNegative urine drug testsSpecialty addictions treatmentUrine drug testsSymptom Identification ScaleMental health symptomsAddiction treatment clinicsHIV transmissionPrimary careTreatment clinicsOAT patientsBASIS-24PatientsHealth symptomsEmotional labilityAddiction treatmentPilot study
Rapid transitional response to the COVID-19 pandemic by opioid agonist treatment programs in Ukraine
Meteliuk A, Galvez de Leon SJ, Madden LM, Pykalo I, Fomenko T, Filippovych M, Farnum SO, Dvoryak S, Islam ZM, Altice FL. Rapid transitional response to the COVID-19 pandemic by opioid agonist treatment programs in Ukraine. Journal Of Substance Use And Addiction Treatment 2020, 121: 108164. PMID: 33191004, PMCID: PMC7769928, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsat.2020.108164.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid agonist therapyTake-home dosingInterim guidanceShort-term overall mortalityOpioid agonist treatment programPerson clinical encountersOAT deliveryAgonist therapyOverall mortalityCOVID-19 transmissionPatient dropoutOAT patientsNaloxone distributionOverdose educationClinical practiceClinic interactionsTreatment programClinical encountersPatientsCliniciansCOVID-19COVID-19 pandemicOverdosesDosingPrevious yearThe real‐world impact of dosing of methadone and buprenorphine in retention on opioid agonist therapies in Ukraine
Farnum SO, Makarenko I, Madden L, Mazhnaya A, Marcus R, Prokhorova T, Bojko MJ, Rozanova J, Dvoriak S, Islam Z, Altice FL. The real‐world impact of dosing of methadone and buprenorphine in retention on opioid agonist therapies in Ukraine. Addiction 2020, 116: 83-93. PMID: 32428276, PMCID: PMC7674222, DOI: 10.1111/add.15115.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid agonist therapyOAT discontinuationAgonist therapyTreatment retentionIndependent predictorsHIV epidemicCost-effective HIV prevention strategyMethadone maintenance treatment patientsObservational longitudinal cohort studySpecialty addictions treatmentBuprenorphine maintenance treatmentHigh dosageHIV prevention strategiesLongitudinal cohort studyOpioid-dependent peopleTreatment discontinuationCohort studyMaintenance treatmentMale sexTreatment patientsPrevention strategiesDiscontinuationYounger ageCenter settingAddiction treatmentTHU436 Patient-reported outcomes among people receiving opioid agonist therapy and treatment for hepatitis C virus infection: results from CO-STAR
Dalgard O, Litwin A, Dore G, Shibolet O, Grebely J, Nahass R, Altice F, Conway B, Gane E, Luetkemeyer A, Peng C, Iser D, Gendrano I, Kelly M, Haber B, Platt H, Puenpatom A. THU436 Patient-reported outcomes among people receiving opioid agonist therapy and treatment for hepatitis C virus infection: results from CO-STAR. Journal Of Hepatology 2020, 73: s356. DOI: 10.1016/s0168-8278(20)31208-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchModeling Combination Hepatitis C Virus Treatment and Prevention Strategies in a Network of People Who Inject Drugs in the United States
Zelenev A, Li J, Shea P, Hecht R, Altice FL. Modeling Combination Hepatitis C Virus Treatment and Prevention Strategies in a Network of People Who Inject Drugs in the United States. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2020, 72: 755-763. PMID: 32060534, PMCID: PMC7935393, DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciaa142.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid agonist therapySyringe services programHepatitis C virus (HCV) treatmentC virus treatmentHCV prevalenceHCV microeliminationHCV TasPHCV treatmentPrevention strategiesVirus treatmentTasP strategyHigh HCV prevalenceMicroelimination of HCVHuman immunodeficiency virusHCV treatment coverageOAT coverageAgonist therapyImmunodeficiency virusTreatment coverageMicroeliminationPrevention impactPrevalenceComplimentary interventionsHCVPWID