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Postgraduate Associate in Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases (Aksoy Lab)

Introduction to the Department of Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases (EMD):

EMD engages in cutting-edge research addressing infectious diseases that are among the leading causes of illness and death worldwide, thereby contributing to public health solutions. EMD benefits from close connections with other Yale schools; state, federal, and global health agencies; and community organizations, enhancing your educational experience through real-world engagement. EMD’s interdisciplinary and highly collaborative environment will provide an exceptional environment for the postgraduate trainee.

The Aksoy Lab:

60 College St, LEPH 607 and adjacent rooms. Our lab works on the tsetse fly model system. Tsetse are the obligate vectors of pathogenic African trypanosomes, which cause the socioeconomically devastating diseases human and animal African trypanosomiases. Tsetse also house endosymbiotic bacteria that mediate numerous critical fly physiologies, including reproduction and vector competence. We employ state-of-the-art molecular and genetic technologies to study the interface between tsetse, African trypanosomes, and endosymbiotic bacteria, with ultimate goal being to develop novel strategies that can be applied to tsetse control and reducing tsetse-borne disease.

Overview of position:

  • Education: This position offers the opportunity to acquire technical skills and knowledge that will benefit individuals whose career plans include graduate or medical school or employment with a public health agency or in the biotechnology industry. Through employment in our immersive lab and departmental environments, the trainee will learn a variety of wet-bench technical skills and gain valuable theoretical experience to facilitate them becoming fruitful, independent scientists.
  • Training: The trainee will learn valuable skills, including (but not limited to) how to: critically analyze scientific literature, engage in a project by addressing proper scientific method, rear tsetse flies, culture bacteria and African trypanosomes, perform a variety of molecular genetics techniques (e.g., DNA/RNA extraction and purification, regular and quantitative PCR, RNAi, genetic modification of microorganisms), develop and test a vaccine, express recombinant proteins, perform immunological assays, utilize bioinformatics, analyze data and prepare scientific manuscripts for publication.
  • Mentoring: The trainee will be mentored by Drs. Aksoy and Weiss as well as post-doctoral scientists that work in the lab. The trainee will attend weekly lab meetings (in which they will be expected to present their work) and meetings with Drs. Aksoy and Weiss to monitor project progression.

Ideally the applicant will commit 2 years to this position, although we will also consider a 1-year position.


The minimum qualification for this position is bachelor’s degree in a related life sciences field (e.g., biology, microbiology, molecular biology). We will also consider recent YSPH MPH graduates. Prior wet bench research experience is required. Preference will be given to candidates that have an interest in advancing their careers in vector biology, microbiology or immunology.

Process to Apply:

To apply for this position please send via email to either Dr. Aksoy or Dr. Weiss with:

  1. a brief cover letter describing your research interests, your motivations for applying for the position, and any relevant experience/qualifications you may already have, and,
  2. your resume/CV.

Review of applications will commence immediately and continue on a rolling basis until a suitable candidate is found.

Department and School: Department of Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases, Yale School of Public Health

Anticipated Appointment Date: As soon as a qualified candidate is identified.

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