- February 24, 2025
Dementia as a Public Health Issue
- January 31, 2025Source: Inc.
A Plastic Surgeon Says This Is the No. 1 Most Overlooked Way to Look (and Feel) Younger.
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Study finds no differences between dementia care approaches on patient behavioral symptoms or caregiver strain
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Study Looks at Association Between School Segregation and Late-life Dementia
Yale School of Public Health faculty are engaged in interdisciplinary approaches to promote healthier aging. Our research includes:
- Influence of social psychological factors, including age stereotypes and ageism, on health outcomes
- Improving emotional health of older adults and reducing stress for the caregivers
- Identifying how home environments and finances affect the health of older adults
- Prevention of chronic diseases such as stroke and cardiovascular diseases
- Cognitive health (Alzheimer's disease and dementia)
- Improving HIV/AIDS outcomes for aging populations
- Improving health care access for older people
- Techniques for reducing the risk of falls and minimizing physical disability among older persons
- Access to care, insurance markets and public policy
- Quality of preventive, acute, long-term and end-of-life health care
- Novel integrative analysis using imaging and genetics to determine risk for Alzheimer's disease and its progression
Methodologies include:
- Etiology and treatment of disease
- Disease surveillance
- Genetics, pathology, epidemiology and neuroimaging
- Methods and qualitative and quantitative analyses for clinical trials
- Interventions, longitudinal studies and community-based field studies
Learn more about this work in the Departments of Chronic Disease Epidemiology and Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Recent Publications
Centers and other resources
- Center for Methods in Implementation and Prevention Science (CMIPS)CMIPS develops and disseminates innovative methodologic approaches to address implementation gaps and improve public health worldwide.
- Center for Neuroepidemiology and Clinical Neurological Research (CNE2)CNE2 is comprised of researchers across Yale schools who have common and complementary research and methodological interests in clinical neurological research.
- Social Gerontology and Health LabThe lab is researching how partner disability and suffering affect older adult caregivers' health and seeks ways to minimize the negative consequences of caregiving.
- Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center (PRC)The PRC works with community partners to develop and implement community-based approaches to prevent and control chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
- Yale Institute for Global Health (YIGH)YIGH serves as the focal point for research, education, and engagement with global partners to improve the health of individuals and populations worldwide.