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Past Fellows

  • Abigail Johnson

    Boston University Metropolitan College

    Agency: Farmington Valley Health District

    Abigail will assist with the Community Health Improvement Plan. She will be researching, developing and disseminating surveys to collect primary data in support of the CHIP.

  • Adiba Anzum

    University of Connecticut

    Agency: Waterbury Health Department Rapid Community Assessment of Communicable Diseases

    Adiba will design and conduct a Rapid Community Assessment (RCA) of Waterbury. The RCA will focus on identifying and coordinating future responses to address vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks.

  • Afisa Yahaya

    Southern Connecticut State University

    Agency: Yale New Haven Health, Bridgeport Hospital

    Afisa will be actively involved in work that supports the regional collective impact partnership, Health Improvement Alliance. The mission and vision of HIA is to work together to identify, prioritize, and measurably improve the health of the Bridgeport community through prevention, education, and services.

  • Ashley Sanchez

    Brown University

    Agency: CT Cancer Partnership

    Assessment of Barriers and Facilitators to Cancer Control Services at the Local Health District Level

  • Brianna Feliz

    Eastern Connecticut State University

    Agency: West Hartford Bloomfield Health District

    Brianna will primarily participate in health education programming. She will review data to assess program needs, provide recommendations, propose evidence-based activities and interventions, research existing programs, assist in program development and implementation, and program evaluation.

  • Catherine Rowlins

    University of Vermont

    Agency: Department of Public Health for Immunization and Quality Improvement

    Catherine will be performing data collection and analysis of qualitative data and will be tasked with a literature review. She will be modifying toolkits and procedures and will be creating a deliverable on HPV vaccination with parents as the intended audience.

  • Chelsea Erem

    University of Connecticut

    Agency: Waterbury Health Department

    Chelsea will accompany the sanitarians on housing and blight-related complaint investigations to gain first-hand knowledge of the state of housing in Waterbury and identify some common areas of need.

  • Dee Dupervil

    Southern CT State University

    Agency: Stamford Health Department

    Dee will Develop health promotional materials in the area of youth mental health and develop asthma educational programming for parents.

  • Elizabeth Malone

    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

    Agency: Planned Parenthood of Southern New England

    Elizabeth will be trained to become a Study Coordinator and work on updates for research staff and training

  • Ellery Neiderer

    Yale University

    Agency:Planned Parenthood of Southern New England

    Ellery will assume the role of Study Coordinator on one or more studies in one or more PPSNE Health Centers.

  • Ellie Meredith

    University of Rhode Island

    Agency: Birth Support, Education & Beyond

    Ellie will assist with case review and assessment to identify supportive needs for clients and their children. Recognize child development challenges and differential parenting strategies. Provide input in the development of family plans that support clients’ goals.

  • Emilie Waters

    Hobart & William Smith Colleges

    Agency: DataHaven

    Emilie will provide support for community health needs assessments that DataHaven is creating in partnership with local health and social services agencies in multiple towns throughout the state.

  • Erika Emenyonu

    Southern CT State University

    Agency: Planned Parenthood of Southern New England

    Erika will assume the role of Study Coordinator on one or more studies. She will spend time in Health Centers to become familiar with the clinical work of CAs to facilitate work as a research assistant.

  • Erin Daley

    University of Massachusetts Amherst

    Agency: Department of Public Health, Office of Workforce Development

    Erin will support the activities of the Public Health Workforce Development office. She will support the Training Program Coordinator in her role in the development and expansion of the internship program and other activities related to training and onboarding DPH staff.

  • Evelyn Chacon

    Yale University

    Agency: SalivaDirect

    Evelyn will be responsible for gathering pertinent data from our partner laboratories per FDA reporting requirements for SalivaDirect’s EUA(s). Additionally, she will identify ways to quantify SalivaDirect’s impact for use in business development and social media.

  • Fiona Palmieri

    Southern CT State University

    Agency: East Shore District Health Department

    Fiona will be gathering data on mental health and drug harm reduction, including investigating local resources and partners in the East Shore area.

  • Francesca Testa

    Quinnipiac University

    Agency: CT Department of Public Health, Policy and Regulatory

    Francesca is supporting the legal and policy staff with regulatory and statutory research, conducting cross-state research and comparative analyses.

  • Grace Jaworowski

    Southern CT State University

    Agency: Wallingford Health Department

    Grace will assist with the implementation of emergency preparedness plans and programs for the community and will participate in epidemiological investigations of disease outbreaks.

  • Isabel Chaparro

    American University

    Agency: City of Hartford, Department of Health & Human Services

    Isabel will support an HHS project by conducting a literature review, data management, maintaining files for the project(s), and presenting/communicating data and results.

  • Janaya Laude

    Southern CT State University

    Agency: Samaritan House

    Janaya will be seeking input from local community residents through the development and implementation of surveys and/or focus groups to determine the current landscape and share thoughts on the current understanding of health literacy.

  • John Mucha

    Southern CT State University

    Agency: Naugatuck Valley Health District

    Mental Health Research and Resource Guide Development

  • Julia Clark

    Emory University

    Agency: DataHaven

    Julia will provide support for community health needs assessments that DataHaven is creating in partnership with local health and social services agencies in multiple towns throughout the state.

  • Katelyn Kostakis

    Yale University

    Agency: Central CT Health District, Community Health

    Evaluate the Chronic Disease Prevention Program, a district four-wide walking competition. This program aids to reduce chronic disease through increasing physical activity.

  • Katherine Naulaguari

    Western CT State University

    Agency: City of Danbury, Department of Health and Human Services

    Katherine will be conducting research on the chronic and communicable diseases that are currently affecting the community. She will analyze, interpret, and manage epidemiological data and create visual representations of this information to be shared with local stakeholders, City leadership, department staff, and the community.

  • Kelsi McCarthy

    Fairfield University

    Agency: CT DPH, Community, Family and Health Equity

    Maternal and Child Health Fellowship with WIC program. Support the development and implementation of new pilot intervention, Pacify.

  • Kristen Oleskewicz

    Quinnipiac University

    Agency: Department of Public Health-Policy & Regulatory Affairs

    Kristen is supporting the legal and policy staff with regulatory and statutory research, conducting cross-state research and comparative analyses.

  • Kubi-Ayana Walters

    Quinnipiac University

    Agency-New Haven Health Department

    Develop and promote a peer sex educator program model to include best practices and program designs to become a peer educator.

  • Kush Shanker

    Yale University

    Agency: SalivaDirect

    Kush is working on data collection, compilation, and reporting for understanding regulatory reporting for diagnostic tests.

  • Leslie Bumpus


    Agency: CT DPH, Office of Oral Health

    Develop messaging for statewide media campaign on how oral health inegrates with overall health. Develop presentations and provider hand-outs.

  • Makayla Dawkins


    Agency: CT DPH, Ryan White Part B Program

    Hold focus groups with low income people living with HIV to quantify quality of life.

  • Marissa Pocevic

    Quinnipiac School of Law

    Agency: Milford Health Department

    Conduct a rotation through every division: community health, environmental health, public health nursing, and emergency preparedness working on specific assigned projects.

  • Martin Agbalenyo

    Southern CT State University

    Agency: Greater Bridgeport Area Preventative Program

    Design a social media campaign to promote awareness of COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccination.

  • Mateo Rufo

    Fairfield University

    Agency: Naugatuck Valley Health District

    Design a community vision approach and plan that would increase the Maternal Health Coalition's capacity to advocate, practice and regulate breastfeeding in the workplace law at local employers worksites.

  • Mia Grzywinski

    Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

    Agency-CT Department of Public Health, State Laboratory

    Validate a new test assay that will help to confirm an enteric pathogen for surveillance purposes.
  • Molly-Lynn Farquharson

    Western CT State University

    Agency: City of Danbury, Department of Health and Human Services

    Molly will conduct research on the chronic and communicable diseases that are currently affecting the community. She will also analyze, interpret, and manage epidemiological data and create visual representations of the information.

  • Nabila Salisu

    New York University

    Agency-CT Department of Public Health, Waterborne Disease

    Responsible for epidemiological follow-up on reportable waterborne diseases in Connecticut.
  • Nicholas Cairo-Devlin

    Southern New Hampshire University

    Agency- East Shore District Health Department

    Nicholas will develop and facilitate a health education program and assist with data collection methods and develop health communication materials.

  • Nicholas Hall

    University of Connecticut

    Agency: CT Department of Public Health, Office of Public Health Workforce Development

    Nicholas is researching topics relating to the physician workforce and access to care, drafting presentation materials, and preparing drafts of portions of the final report to be submitted to the General Assembly.

  • Patrick Guerrera

    Southern CT State University

    Agency: Stamford Health Department

    Patrick will develop health promotional materials for youth mental health and asthma educational programming for parents.

  • Sadia Safwi

    Yale University

    Agency: CT DPH, Stroke Registry

    Assist in developing work plan and evaluation plan for the Stroke Registry.

  • Sarah Evans

    Sacred Heart University

    Agency: Stamford Health Department

    Supporting a healthy Stamford through health promotion, education and communication

  • Sarah Esenther

    Brown University

    Agency: East Shore District Health Department, Short Beach Association

    Sarah be assisting in research to determine which species is responsible for water contamination.

  • Shane Lister

    Southern CT State University

    Agency: Planned Parenthood of Southern New England

    Shane will be coordinating IRB submission, developing informed consent documents, collecting specimens, and will be collecting demographic data on clients for ongoing research studies.

  • Sofia Zarmsky

    Columbia University

    Agency: Department of Public Health, Community, Family Health, and Prevention

    Sofia will be creating a poster displaying Healthy Start data showing demographics, and various benchmarks such as partner support and breastfeeding goals of Healthy Start participants.

  • Sulaiman Shaikh

    Western CT State University

    Agency: City of Danbury, Department of Health, and Human Services

    Sulaiman will be conducting research on the chronic and communicable diseases that are currently affecting the community. He will analyze, interpret, and manage epidemiological data and create visual representations of this information to be shared with local stakeholders, City leadership, department staff, and the community.

  • Tania Nasrin

    University of New England

    Agency: Chatham Health District

    Tania will work on a Rapid Community Assessment for the supplemental immunizations grant. Specific activities include the development and administration of a survey, summarizing the survey responses, and collection of qualitative feedback from community members through listening sessions and interviews.

  • Tatyana Simms

    American International College

    Agency: East Hartford Health Department

    Tatyana will work with epidemiologic and biostatistical summaries of public health data to develop statistical summaries based on demographic, underlying conditions, risk factors, and outcomes.

  • Uruj Khan

    Sacred Heart University

    Agency: Fairfield CARES Community Coalition

    Uruj will implement strategies to reduce youth access to alcohol from retailers as well as from the home environment. She will do outreach to community groups to oppose commercial cannabis businesses to the Fairfield Planning & Zoning Commission.

  • Vivian Nguyen

    Emerson College

    Agency: Department of Public Health, Family Wellness Healthy Start

    Vivian will join in the planning and implementation of the Family Wellness Healthy Start conference. She will utilize collected data from evaluations to co-create a poster presentation highlighting FWHS and outcome measures as part of the quality improvement of the program, highlighting areas of focus for the next federal funding cycle.

  • Zoe Bassett

    University of Miami

    Agency: DPH LAB

    Zoe will review Power BI and Microsoft Access resources and the HAI-AR data for CRE, CRAB, and CRPA.