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Why Biostatistics?

Biostatisticians are the bridge between statistics and the medical and health sciences. They answer critical design and analysis questions that are foundational to scientific research. With the rise of technologies like microarrays, next generation sequencers, magnetic resonance imaging, electronic health records and mass spectrometry, the field of biostatistics and data science is exploding.

Your quantitative skills are in high demand to unravel complex patterns and interplays among biological and social determinants of health.

Due to the rapid pace that this field is growing, biostatisticians have many exciting career opportunities and are in high demand in the job market.

Why Biostatistics at Yale School of Public Health?

The Department of Biostatistics within YSPH is ranked number 13 in the nation by the last US News Ranking. The department consists a growing body of 23 primary faculty, 21 Secondary Faculty, 130 students and more than 100 research and administrative staff members. The department has been at the forefront of research and training in Biostatistics and has an expansion plan for its PhD program. Department faculty have active, well-funded research programs emphasizing development of statistical methods and their application to biomedicine. Many department faculty, have their own NIH/PCORI/AHRQ-funded grants to develop statistical methods, and all are actively involved as statistical collaborators in multiple projects. They will draw upon these projects in research mentoring.

Areas of Focus

Biostatistics Associated Centers and Units