I am a PhD candidate in the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, working under the mentorship of Professor Becca R. Levy. I am interested in aging and mental health topics. Specifically, I am involved in projects related to 1) understanding the effect of social determinants of health in cognitive aging and treatments outcomes in older adults, and 2) the design and evaluation of treatments to improve healthy longevity outcomes in people with dementia and mental health conditions, with an emphasis on non-pharmacological interventions.
Current PhD Students
(This is an opt-in listing and does not include all students in the department)
PhD Candidates
- I am a fifth year doctoral student (degree expected in 2024) in the Dept of Social and Behavioral Sciences and am being advised by Dr. Yusuf Ransome. I am passionate about addressing the commercial determinants of health (i.e., private sector activities that influence health) in a range of industries but especially the food & beverage industry. My dissertation research focuses on understanding how we can measure corporate activities that influence population health and how we can use the investment sector to nudge companies towards health-promoting practices. In the past, I have conducted research in the areas of health communication, global health, and medical education. I completed my MSc in Global Health and BSc in Kinesiology at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada. I then worked as a Research Assistant for the Dept of Family Medicine and Undergraduate Medical Education program at McMaster, where I conducted research on the medical admissions process. I am trained in both qualitative and quantitative methods, including in advanced methods such as policy modelling, scale construction, spatial analysis, and causal inference. I am passionate about ensuring that my research can inform public health policy and practice. I enjoy writing and have previously worked as a Strategic Communications Fellow with the Yale Jackson School and as a freelance journalist with the Arts Paper in New Haven, CT.
- Whitney (she/her/hers) is a third-year Ph.D. candidate in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Department. She is training to be a mixed-methods social epidemiologist, conducting policy-relevant research on housing and health equality through the lens of two growing concerns: climate change and income inequalities. She has conducted research with the Housing and Health Equity Lab since 2020, working on multiple projects in the lab, including Project ReSIDe, a mixed-methods, longitudinal R01 investigating the impacts of rental assistance and diabetes, and the COVID Eviction Project, a series of interviews investigating the impacts of rental moratoria during the pandemic. She is committed to understanding how housing can impact mental and physical health equity. Her dissertation aims to identify how housing displacement due to extreme climate events and eviction impacts individual and community health.
- Joy Lindsay is a Ph.D. student in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Department at the Yale School of Public Health. She is focused on using interdisciplinary community-based participatory research (CBPR) to achieve health equity for Black girls and promote mental and behavioral health in high-poverty U.S. school districts. Joy is also the Founder and CEO of Butterfly Dreamz, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that equips girls to be confident leaders and supports them in achieving their dreams through mentorship, holistic leadership development, and intergenerational community action. Learn more about Joy and her work at joylindsay.com/my-bio.
- Tony Maiolatesi is a combined-degree PhD student in the Departments of Psychology and Public Health. As an experimental psychologist, his research addresses questions about the role of prior experience and learning in shaping how people reason about others’ emotions. At Yale, he is a member of the Implicit Social Cognition lab and mentored by Dr. Melissa Ferguson.
- Ashley is a first year Doctoral Student at YSPH in the Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS) Department. She has a background in Medical Anthropology and her current research examines the intersections between racial & gender ideologies, knowledge production and Black maternal mortality within the United States. Prior to arriving at Yale, she worked as a Clinical Research Assistant at Boston Children’s Hospital Brazelton Touchpoints Center, where she collaborated with external partners to develop resources for underserved families.
- Gul Saeed is a second-year PhD student in the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the Yale School of Public Health. She is also a Research Assistant at the Center for Methods in Implementation and Prevention Science, where she conducts suicide prevention research in low-resource settings in South Asia. Gul’s research primarily focuses on global mental health, perinatal mental health, and implementation science. She also conducts research in the areas of health systems strengthening, global access to medicines, as well as anti-corruption. Before coming to Yale, Gul worked with the World Health Organization on multiple research projects focused on promoting good governance and anti-corruption in health and pharmaceutical systems. Gul completed her MPH in Social and Behavioral Health Sciences with a specialization in Global Health from the University of Toronto. She also holds a Bachelor's degree from McGill University, where she pursued psychology and double minored in behavioral sciences and social studies of medicine.
- I am Bryce Puesta Takenaka, a queer, second-generation Filipino and Japanese writer, PhD student in the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the Yale School of Public Health, and a T32 Research Fellow at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS. Born on the Mokupuni of O'ahu, Hawai'i, and raised in the Liliha-Kapalama and Ewa Beach neighborhoods, both of which continue to undergo momentous urban neighborhood changes. Moving through an occupied Hawai'i formed my research interests in grappling with the afterlives of settler colonialism, imperialism, racial capitalism, U.S. militarism, tourism, urbanism, and environmental injustice on queer and transgender health. I am constantly drawn to questions and debates that contend how Black and Pasifika Indigenous queer and transgender geographies are created, represented, occupied, shared, transformed, and imagined as they coalesce alongside movements toward anti-racist, anti-colonial, de-militarized, and abolitionist futures and possibilities that serve our lāhui (Nation to the Hawaiian Kingdom). 'A‘ohe pau ke ‘ike ka hālau ho‘okahi (all knowledge is not learned in a single place). I lean into transnational epistemologies to usher creative participatory and radical spatial practices to illuminate the contours and the ways colonial and racial violence constantly recalibrate through the built environment and how these modes of spatial production have progressed into skewed health inequities and environmental injustices. I earned a Master of Arts (MA) in History of Science and Medicine from Yale University, a Master of Public Health (MPH) in Epidemiology from the College for Public Health and Social Justice at Saint Louis University and a Bachelor of Science in Public Health from Lindenwood University.
- Thi Vu is a PhD student in the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Yale University. Prior to coming to Yale, she led various projects at the UNC Center for AIDS Research, Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases, and the UNC School of Nursing. She has experience in qualitative methods and community-engaged research in the areas of PrEP, HIV/AIDS, safety in assisted-living, and transitional care for persons with dementia. She is interested in psychosocial aspects of aging and caregiving among older adults with HIV/AIDS and older adults with dementia, and is currently working with Professor Joan Monin at the Social Gerontology Health Lab.