Professor of Biostatistics; Director of Medical Research, School of Public Health
Optimizing Engagement in Discovery of Molecular Evolution of Low-grade Glioma (OPTIMUM)
Our new project name is called OPTIMUM (OPTimIzing engageMent in discovery of molecular evolution of low-grade glioma”). Funding for this project has been received from the National Cancer Institutes (NCI) as part of an initiative called “Patient Engagement and Cancer Genome Sequencing (PE-CGS) Centers. Our group has been named as a PE-CGS Center and includes researchers from Yale University, The Jackson Laboratory, The University of Colorado, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Read more about the network.
The goal of OPTIMUM is to better understand how gliomas evolve over time. We will study genetic and molecular characteristics of glioma tumors to determine whether we can better predict patients’ response to treatment. To do so we will perform genetic sequencing on participant blood/saliva and tumor samples. We will work with patient advocates and brain tumor organizations like the American Brain Tumor Association and the National Brain Tumor Society to engage and enroll 500 participants diagnosed with LGG and who have had two or more surgeries for their glioma.
Who can enter the study?
Any person currently 21 years of age or older (regardless of age at LGG diagnosis) with an initial diagnosis of grade II/III glioma (i.e. oligodendroglioma, astrocytoma) and two or more surgeries for their glioma.
To collect data, we will use our technology platform Hugo. Hugo is able to collect data from multiple sources including your hospital medical record, pharmacy, and any “wearables” such as smartphones and Fitbits and then stores them in your own secure cloud-based account.
We will also develop an app called ARCHETYP to make it easier for glioma patients to learn about clinical trials.
Funded by the National Cancer Institutes (NCI) Patient Engagement and Cancer Genome Sequencing (PE-CGS) Centers Initiative.
Want to participate?
Click to access the questionnaire and consent form on the International Low-grad Glioma Registry site.
Principal Investigators
- Bethany Kwan, PhD, MSPH