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Advanced Professional MPH in Global Health

The Yale School of Public Health is a leader in Yale University’s commitment to improve health across the globe through research, education and community engagement. The School uses science to foster health, promote innovation, train leaders and make a difference in the world. Faculty research spans a variety of fields including chronic and infectious diseases, implementation science, environmental health, behavioral determinants of health, policy and administration.

The Advanced Professional MPH Global Health track builds on all these experiences and emphasizes an integrative problem–solving approach to global health issues and to diseases and conditions that afflict developing and developed countries. Students are able to define their focus and tailor their elective selections to develop skills for careers in leadership, research and practice.

Requirements for the MPH AP Global Health Track

2024-25 Matriculation
The Advanced Professional MPH degree requires a total of 16 course units. The Advanced Professional MPH in Global Health requires the student to complete or acquire an exemption from the following courses. If a course is waived, a substitute course must be identified.

MPH Core Courses (7 course units)

  • BIS 515 Accelerated Biostatistics - 2 units
  • SBS 505 Accelerated Social Foundations of Health - 1 unit
  • CDE 515 Accelerated Epidemiology - 1 unit
  • EPH 510 Health Policy and Health Care Systems - 1 unit
  • EPH 513 Major Health Threats - 1 unit

One of the following (public health practice requirement):

  • EPH 500 Public Health Practicum- 1 unit
  • HPM 555 Health Policy or Health Care Management Practicum- 1 unit
  • HPM 556 Advanced Health Policy Practicum - 1 unit
  • EPH 555 Practicum in Climate Change, Sustainability, and Public Health- 1 unit
  • EMD/SBS 584 Advanced Global Health Justice Practicum: Fieldwork - 1 unit
  • EMD/SBS 588 Health Justice Practicum - 1 unit
Integrated Learning Experience

Global Health Track Courses (6 course units)

  • EPH 591 Global Health Seminar - 0 units
  • EPH 595 Global Health Foundations: Principles and Applications - 1 unit

One of the following capstone courses:

  • EPH 557 Evidence-Based Decision Making in Global Health - 1 unit
  • HPM 575 Evaluation of Global Health Policies & Programs - 1 unit

One of the following:

  • CDE 534 Applied Analytic Methods in Epidemiology - 1 unit
  • HPM 583 Methods in Health Services Research - 1 unit

Three global health courses from at least two of the five perspectives on public health (list of courses published each fall) - 3 units

Elective Courses (3 course units)

Competencies of the MPH Core Curriculum

Building foundational public health skills and knowledge

When you graduate from YSPH, you have options! Our curriculum is closely mapped to the core and departmental competencies so that you will have a foundation in the skills you need for a successful career in public health. See our Career Management Center pages to see where our alumni live and work after completing their MPH studies.

The core curriculum of the MPH program focuses on competencies in evidence-based approaches to public health (1–4), public health and health care systems (5–6), planning and management to promote health (7–11), policy in public health (12–15), leadership (16–17), communication (18–20), interprofessional practice (21), and systems thinking (22).

Upon completing the core curriculum, the student will be able to:

  1. Apply epidemiological methods to the breadth of settings and situations in public health practice.
  2. Select quantitative and qualitative data collection methods appropriate for a given public health context.
  3. Analyze quantitative and qualitative data using biostatistics, informatics, computer-based programming and software, as appropriate.
  4. Interpret results of data analysis for public health research, policy, or practice.
  5. Compare the organization, structure, and function of health care, public health, and regulatory systems across national and international settings.
  6. Discuss the means by which structural bias, social inequities, and racism undermine health and create challenges to achieving health equity at organizational, community, and societal levels.
  7. Assess population needs, assets, and capacities that affect communities’ health.
  8. Apply awareness of cultural values and practices to the design or implementation of public health policies or programs.
  9. Design a population-based policy, program, project, or intervention.
  10. Explain the basic principles and tools of budget and resource management.
  11. Select methods to evaluate public health programs.
  12. Discuss multiple dimensions of the policy-making process, including the roles of ethics and evidence.
  13. Propose strategies to identify stakeholders and build coalitions and partnerships for influencing public health outcomes.
  14. Advocate for political, social, or economic policies and programs that will improve health in diverse populations.
  15. Evaluate policies for their impact on public health and health equity.
  16. Apply principles of leadership, governance, and management, which include creating a vision, empowering others, fostering collaboration, and guiding decision-making.
  17. Apply negotiation and mediation skills to address organizational or community challenges.
  18. Select communication strategies for different audiences and sectors.
  19. Communicate audience-appropriate public health content, both in writing and through oral presentation.
  20. Describe the importance of cultural competence in communicating public health content.
  21. Perform effectively on interprofessional teams.
  22. Apply systems-thinking tools to a public health issue.


    for the Global Health Concentration and the Advanced Professional MPH Global Health Track

    Each student in the Global Health Concentration will master the core curriculum competencies and the competencies for the student’s department or program. In addition, upon receiving an MPH degree in the Global Health Concentration, the student will be able to:

    • Describe global burden of disease patterns across world regions and population characteristics
    • Analyze the roles, relationships and resources influencing the United States role in global heath governance and infrastructure
    • Propose sustainable, evidence-based solutions to address key global health challenges
    • Apply ethical approaches in global health research and practice
    • Apply monitoring and evaluation techniques to global health programs, policies or outcomes
    • Display skills in applying research to global health policy and practice