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Lightning Talk Tsetse Flies and their associated microorganisms by Brian Weiss

March 21, 2024
  • 00:00All right. So thank you seminar committee for
  • 00:04giving me this opportunity to talk, right.
  • 00:07I'm a senior research
  • 00:09scientist in the department.
  • 00:10I also Co teach the vector biology
  • 00:13course with Doctor Axoy.
  • 00:15My interests are arthropod disease
  • 00:17vectors and they're microorganisms and
  • 00:20I work specifically with TETSI fly.
  • 00:22So this is a TETSI fly down here.
  • 00:25Many of you may not have seen one before.
  • 00:27From from a size perspective,
  • 00:29they're about the size of a large house
  • 00:31fly and they're found exclusively in
  • 00:33tropical and parts of subtropical Africa.
  • 00:36In the wild,
  • 00:37I should point out now we have a
  • 00:39colony of these flies right in this
  • 00:41building on the 6th floor here.
  • 00:44It's the only self-sustaining taxi
  • 00:46colony in the Western Hemisphere.
  • 00:48You're a vector biology nerd like myself,
  • 00:51that's pretty cool.
  • 00:53So this is what we used to do
  • 00:54all of our work.
  • 00:55And then we also go into the field in
  • 00:57Africa and work with these flies as well.
  • 01:00All right,
  • 01:01so Tetsi flies are most well known as the
  • 01:04vectors of pathogenic African turpanosomes.
  • 01:07These are some here circulating
  • 01:09with some red blood cells,
  • 01:11and these parasites are the
  • 01:13causative agents of human and
  • 01:16animal African Turpanosomyces.
  • 01:18Some of the more epidemiologically
  • 01:21important species are here.
  • 01:23They're very interesting creatures.
  • 01:24I'm not going to talk about them at all,
  • 01:26but if you're interested in parasites,
  • 01:29they're they're the most
  • 01:30interesting ones in my opinion,
  • 01:33right? So if you go out into
  • 01:35the field and you sample,
  • 01:36let's say in Africa, you sample 100 flies,
  • 01:39you might find a couple,
  • 01:41you know, maybe 20 at the most,
  • 01:44that are infected with trepanosomes.
  • 01:46But every single Tetsi fly that you
  • 01:49collect and that you find houses a
  • 01:52consortium of endosymbiotic bacteria
  • 01:54that reside exclusively within it.
  • 01:57And there's four of them
  • 01:58that we know about so far.
  • 01:59There could be more, and they're listed here.
  • 02:03So every single Tetsi fly has the
  • 02:05bacterium from the genus Wigglesworthia,
  • 02:08and that's an obligate symbiosis.
  • 02:10So neither Organism can live
  • 02:11in the absence of the other.
  • 02:13And then depending on environmental cues and,
  • 02:17you know, temperature, humidity,
  • 02:19so on, there might be some combination
  • 02:22of the other three endosymbiotes.
  • 02:24And these organisms,
  • 02:25this fly and these microbes are
  • 02:28very intimately associated with
  • 02:30one another from a physiological
  • 02:33and biological perspective.
  • 02:35So touchy flies are also very
  • 02:37unique because unlike basically
  • 02:38every other insect they give,
  • 02:40they give birth to live young and these,
  • 02:43these endosymbiotic bacteria
  • 02:45are maternally transmitted from
  • 02:47the mom to these offspring.
  • 02:49That's a larval,
  • 02:51A larval tessie fly right there while
  • 02:53it's developing within the mom.
  • 02:55So that's how they're transmitted and
  • 02:58if you interrupt that transmission,
  • 03:01this offspring and it develops without them,
  • 03:04it's biologically compromised
  • 03:07in many ways and that's what we
  • 03:09look at in in our group.
  • 03:11So the ultimate goal of the research
  • 03:13that we do in our in our group is
  • 03:15to kind of decipher just the basic
  • 03:17molecular mechanisms that underlie
  • 03:19Tetsy fly endosymbiont interactions,
  • 03:21because it's just very
  • 03:23interesting biologically.
  • 03:24And then also of course we want to
  • 03:27try and use this knowledge that we
  • 03:29learn to develop novel ways to control
  • 03:32the spread of Tetsy borne diseases.
  • 03:36All right.
  • 03:37So over the years we have come up
  • 03:40with ways to eliminate either all
  • 03:43of these symbionts or you know,
  • 03:46different ones, different combinations.
  • 03:47And then we can by doing that,
  • 03:49we can look at the phenotypes of
  • 03:52these flies and determine, you know,
  • 03:55you know, the nature of these interactions.
  • 03:57And to make a very long story very short,
  • 04:00these are some of the main things we found.
  • 04:02We found that when flies are dysbiotic,
  • 04:05so when they're symbiotes are,
  • 04:08you know, altered by us experimentally,
  • 04:10they can't find hosts and they they,
  • 04:13they don't find mates as well.
  • 04:15They become reproductively sterile
  • 04:17because the symbiotes provide
  • 04:19nutrients if they need.
  • 04:21They're they're immunocompromised.
  • 04:22And also depending on which one's missing,
  • 04:25they're either more or less
  • 04:28susceptible to trepanosomes.
  • 04:29And the more we learn about this,
  • 04:31you know, the more we,
  • 04:32again,
  • 04:32we can apply this information to developing
  • 04:34these novel Disease Control strategies.
  • 04:37So for example,
  • 04:38you could,
  • 04:39you know,
  • 04:40you could figure out how to inhibit
  • 04:43the the symbionts ability to
  • 04:45produce vitamins and you would lower
  • 04:47fecundity of the fly and fewer flies,
  • 04:49less disease transmission.
  • 04:51That's just one example.
  • 04:52So I like to just conclude with this,
  • 04:55this is just a really interesting
  • 04:58diagram of physiological similarities
  • 05:00between humans and fruit flies.
  • 05:03And I cheated and added Tetsy
  • 05:05fly because it's the same also,
  • 05:07but they're very similar actually,
  • 05:09you know, they they share similar
  • 05:11organ systems and similar cell types.
  • 05:13And what we can learn from these flies,
  • 05:15you know, it's conspicuously
  • 05:18applicable to developing hypothesis
  • 05:20for more advanced systems.
  • 05:23And case in point is the 2011 Nobel
  • 05:26Prize in Physiology and Medicine was
  • 05:28awarded to a group that deciphered the
  • 05:30innate immune system of a fruit fly.
  • 05:33And as it turns out,
  • 05:34it's highly conserved in all animals.
  • 05:36And what we know about human innate
  • 05:38immunity kind of came from that work.
  • 05:40All right. So I thank you for listening.
  • 05:42This is my wonderful group of colleagues.
  • 05:45That's how you can reach me if you want
  • 05:47to talk or see the flies or anything.
  • 05:50Thank you.