Alumni Services
Lifelong email: YaleMail is a service for alumni on the G Suite for Education platform, offering free, fully functional, Yale-branded Gmail accounts.
YSPH career services: The YSPH Office of Career Management is committed to providing continued assistance to alumni of YSPH—for free! This includes CareerBoard, a web-based tool that allows alumni to view an array of public health job postings.
Yale Alumni Association: Avail yourself of myriad alumni benefits and services, including:
- Yale Career Network—a database of all Yale alumni who are interested in networking with fellow alumni and current students. This network will allow you to search for and connect with fellow alumni to discuss career-based topics.
- Yale Online Alumni Directory—a searchable database of Yale alumni across the globe who have registered to be connected.
- Access to JSTOR—a digital archive with more than 1,000 academic journals, alumni rates for Payne Whitney Gym and borrowing privileges from Yale libraries. You can also access a list of Yale clubs.
Distance learning: Yale provides free online courses through Open Yale Courses, the university’s free online education initiative. Over half a million visitors from 187 countries have immersed themselves in this extraordinary experience.
Podcasts by Yale: Yale’s podcast collection has grown to over 2,500 podcasts and over 1,000 high-quality videos. All content is available free through the iTunes U platform.
Socialize, Serve & Support
Alumni are welcomed and encouraged to become an active part of the YSPH community. Below are some of the ways you can get started:
Become a mentor: The YSPH Mentor Program is a great way to give back by contributing to the professional development of the next generation of health care leaders. Recruitment for mentors happens by email each summer.
Attend events and reunions: The alumni office coordinates a series of activities and receptions for alumni including:
- American Council of Healthcare Executives reception (Chicago)
- Alumni Day (New Haven)
- Alumni Speaker Series (New Haven)
- American Public Health Association Reception and Annual Meeting
- New student welcome reception during orientation week (New Haven)
- Pop-up events—coming to a city near you
Post a job or internship online: Our students and your fellow alumni would make great colleagues! Contact the Office of Career Management for more information.
Join the board: The Association of Yale Alumni in Public Health (AYAPH) is governed by a board of directors. Graduates of the M.P.H., M.S. and doctoral programs are eligible to represent the social and professional interests of the alumni. With 30 members and 11 committees, the AYAPH board serves in an advisory capacity to the dean.
Pay it forward and make a gift: Give current and future students the help they need to become public health leaders of tomorrow. Support for scholarships is a concrete way to further the school’s mission and to ensure that the best and brightest are able to attend Yale. To make a gift online, visit:
Stay Informed & Connected
Update your contact information: The single most important thing you can do to remain involved and connected is to ensure that we have your most current contact information. You can update your information at any time on our website,
Join the YSPH alumni LinkedIn group: The YSPH LinkedIn group is over 1,300 members strong and is open to all alumni and current students of YSPH. Reap the professional rewards of your YSPH degree and grow your Yale network!
Connect with the Yale School of Public Health: Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube) is where you’ll find current YSPH news, lectures, tweets and alumni news.
Read the digital edition of Yale Public Health: Missed an edition? Prefer to read online? You can find all of our previous Yale Public Health editions on the school website for easy access email items for Yale Public Health promotions, awards, marriages and new additions—we love to brag about our alumni. We feature alumni in every issue of Yale Public Health. Send items and ideas to
Check out the @YSPH alumni e-newsletter: Published three times a year, the e-newsletter keeps you up to date on your alumni association and provides news and information of interest.
If you have questions on how to access any of these services, contact
Annual Giving Daily Impact
David Baugham, M.P.H. ’20