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Nikole Allen, MPH

Program Director, CT DPH Public Health Workforce Initiative
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Lecturer, Health Policy and Management

Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health



Program Director, CT DPH Public Health Workforce Initiative

Lecturer, Health Policy and Management; Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health


Nikole Allen is a lecturer of health policy and management at the Yale School of Public Health and Program Director for the CT Public Health Workforce Initiative with the Office of Public Health Practice. Previously, Ms. Allen directed the health and hospital management and preclinical education projects under the Yale-Liberia Health Workforce Program. In this role, Ms. Allen oversaw project design, implementation, and evaluation. Ms. Allen previously managed the Health and Social Care Strategic Leadership Program with the National Health Service in England, the Hospital Management and Leadership Program for public hospitals in China. She oversaw the implementation of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Leadership, Management and Governance Project’s Senior Leadership Programs in Africa and Southeast Asia. Ms. Allen has worked with teams and individuals from numerous countries and backgrounds addressing complex problems using strategic problem-solving methods. Before joining Yale University, Ms. Allen worked with the Ethiopian Hospital Management Initiative at the Clinton Health Access Initiative. Her work focused on improving key performance indicator reporting among hospitals, including measuring patient and staff satisfaction, the uptake of patient satisfaction best practices, and the implementation of the World Health Organization Surgical Safety Checklist.

Ms. Allen has a B.A. and Leadership Certificate from Western Oregon University and an M.P.H. from the University of Washington Department of Global Health.

Departments & Organizations

Education & Training

University of Washington, Department of Global Health
Western Oregon University, International Studies and Health



Public Health Interests

Health Systems Strengthening; Global Health

Research at a Glance

Yale Co-Authors

Frequent collaborators of Nikole Allen's published research.
