SBS Seminar: “Disclosure Processes Among People in Recovery from Substance Use Disorders”
March 17, 2021Valerie Earnshaw, Ph.D
Associate Professor, University of Delaware,
CEHD Faculty Scholar in the Department of Human Development and Family Sciences
March 16, 2021
- ID
- 6295
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- 00:04- Hello everybody welcome,
- 00:05we're gonna give it just a second for everyone to get set up
- 00:08and then we will get started here today.
- 00:18Right, it looks like most are connected to the audio,
- 00:20so I welcome you all thank you for joining us,
- 00:23my name is Becca Melnick.
- 00:26I'm the associate director of admissions,
- 00:27here at the Yale School of Public Health.
- 00:28I recognize many names, I've seen you all
- 00:31on events earlier this week,
- 00:32and I've conversed with a lot of you throughout the process
- 00:35so, thank you for joining us today,
- 00:37this session for our Executive MPH Virtual Open House,
- 00:41is focused on the Environmental Health Sciences Track,
- 00:44as hopefully many of you have seen,
- 00:46we've had other events throughout this week,
- 00:48a general program overview,
- 00:51sessions for other tracks specifically,
- 00:54and we'll be having other events for financial aid careers,
- 00:57and the intensives leader in the week.
- 00:59So with that, I will turn it over to Yong Zhou,
- 01:03who's the track coordinator,
- 01:05to talk a little bit more about our EHS Track.
- 01:07And we'll just say that,
- 01:08we want this to be interactive and helpful for you,
- 01:10so please feel free to ask questions that you have as we go.
- 01:12- Thank you, Becca and everyone joining us today,
- 01:27so this is a brief overview
- 01:30about Environmental Health Sciences Track.
- 01:32That's the first from page.
- 01:33So just a little bit about myself,
- 01:35My name, Yong Zhou, I've PhD in Molecular Biology,
- 01:39currently I'm Associate Professor of Epidemiology,
- 01:42in the Department of Environmental Health Sciences,
- 01:46So my research area is in the field of
- 01:50molecular cancer epidemiology.
- 01:54Basically dealing with biomarker,
- 01:55or social weights, environmental exposures
- 01:59and the disease progression disease, CLPD outage,
- 02:02so from molecular perspective,
- 02:04and Almeida based the perspective.
- 02:05This is my research area.
- 02:07And research disease focused on cancer,
- 02:10so this is my email, and cellular phone number,
- 02:14we have another slide,
- 02:16talking about my my role in this program,
- 02:25this is my contacting for
- 02:27so you want me to fail sciences that become one
- 02:30of the dominant themes of the 21st century
- 02:31this century because of the growing global population
- 02:36and our limited resources and the strain ecosystem
- 02:41monetary challenges require aware
- 02:44train workforce and possessed the scientific skills.
- 02:48And then I think the tours to come from the emerging stress.
- 02:51So we need to learn something, but again
- 02:53that's the purpose of the cost we design to
- 02:55to fit the requirement off of these challenges
- 03:02because through important the national Institute
- 03:05of environmental health sciences, and yet
- 03:10as one of the major Institute
- 03:11NIH and also world health organization WHO
- 03:15have launched collaborating center
- 03:18to investigate many environmental health science,
- 03:23concerns, for example
- 03:26on our children's environmental health science
- 03:27that could be impacted
- 03:30by environmental exposures and the Columbia changes and the
- 03:32and the human health and the indoor air pollutions
- 03:36including other productions from the water
- 03:38or the pollution is also so that's the important
- 03:43off the mountain fail sciences, probably.
- 03:45That's the one for the reason you, you take the front
- 03:48of the house to check, but this is the three calls us.
- 03:52We put together.
- 03:54It's very unique accurately for 12 calls.
- 03:58So we combine to our professors
- 04:02their expertise to enhance the content
- 04:07and health of these calls us, we them with the first one
- 04:09we first caused you to support your assessment.
- 04:12So we all exposed to different chemical, biological,
- 04:18physiological, environmental agents doing our daily life.
- 04:23But these calls were provided tours
- 04:25to assess environmental stressor
- 04:28in conquer the indoor or outdoor
- 04:30and occupational environment.
- 04:32And there's review masters for evaluating the quantitative
- 04:36of the exposure data for you.
- 04:39Then pull the air pollution, the water contamination.
- 04:42So what's the best way to assess them
- 04:45and how to collect the quality data for research purpose.
- 04:49I think these are the first the costs
- 04:52that's given the concept is that a lot
- 04:56of diseases associated with you can support you
- 05:00but this is the pure epidemiological approach.
- 05:02We've tried to find association
- 05:05between exposure and the disease or other Phil's outcomes
- 05:07making a connection
- 05:10by the water tours available for exposure assessment
- 05:15but still then we can say the how to apply the
- 05:19latest epidemiological and toxicological research
- 05:21to their own work and the project.
- 05:23So after this course, that's the initial part.
- 05:27So we have two professors teaching.
- 05:31These costs, professor Nico diesel.
- 05:34She is a pro, especially the professor I would department.
- 05:37So her expertise is in the field
- 05:40of risk assessment and the methodology methodology.
- 05:43And also we have professor crystal plate.
- 05:47Her expertise is in the chemical and environmental engineer
- 05:53and she developed aware wearable Ben Reese
- 05:58the ban to collect the environmental exposures
- 06:03then analyze this.
- 06:04I mean the deaf people could carry this again
- 06:06individualize the exposure data.
- 06:08So they provide both of them were providing expertise
- 06:13for the methodology and the four data connecting real data
- 06:19to environmental exposures.
- 06:23That's the first, first cost we put together.
- 06:26But if we consider the association
- 06:30between exposure and the disease
- 06:33so what's in the middle, that's the black box.
- 06:35So the second the cost will help us to
- 06:39break this black box to see what specific hazard
- 06:41or exposure agents in this black box that could
- 06:45help us explain the observed association
- 06:53between exposure and entities.
- 06:56So I learned the foundation for understanding our role
- 07:00of toxic cottage in public health protection was a focus
- 07:04on 21st century techniques
- 07:08and the challenges that the new technology students learn
- 07:11for hazard identification, but simply why be introduced
- 07:15to basic principles of toxicology.
- 07:18If we can have a dose response mechanisms of toxicity
- 07:22and the standard of defense instead of a response
- 07:24but these all in this black box
- 07:28between exposure and the human diseases
- 07:31and then they move on to advanced topics
- 07:34then how we use these tours for study early life
- 07:38or one a bit at a low level exposure
- 07:40to mixtures and the system biology approaches
- 07:43and the green chemistry solutions
- 07:45and the problem presented by chemicals that are common
- 07:49in consumer products and the building environment.
- 07:54So Wells together to offer our professors
- 07:57the teachers cost professional part.
- 08:00And that's another thing.
- 08:04Yes, Hey, here's the final off green chemistry
- 08:07but probably you all know what's green chemistry.
- 08:09Lastly, we build our product to use in one little friend
- 08:12that chemical, then you run with a friend today.
- 08:14Then now it's just with our environment.
- 08:17We also have our profile.
- 08:19I will department here, professor I met his name was Ella.
- 08:29He's the senior toxicologist.
- 08:31I mean with expertise in this field
- 08:34the leading toxicologist in the field.
- 08:35So both of them will provide the fundamental principles
- 08:41of the different tours that students can use.
- 08:44People can use for hazard identification, but these
- 08:48the second and cost be able to
- 08:51upon the first one of the exposure and the disease Carnation
- 08:54and the water towards can use to identify specific hazard
- 08:59between exposure and the disease.
- 09:07So the third cost we put together that risk assessment
- 09:10and the policy, these calls were introduced the
- 09:15methodology interpretation application
- 09:17on the communication surrounding the use
- 09:19of visit assessment in poppy house.
- 09:22So students were gaining an understanding
- 09:24of how toxicology information
- 09:25on hotter than a dose response is incorporated.
- 09:28We exposing information to predict the house risk
- 09:31for why the variety of populations and also students
- 09:35the bathroom visit assessment
- 09:37for real world exposure issues.
- 09:42So after we know about specific exposures
- 09:45and the know about some detailed chemical
- 09:48a hazard or Asian that could then could expose you and
- 09:54and the human population and the disease outcome.
- 09:58So the next job we should do is that what's
- 10:00the policy we should put together
- 10:04for policy decision making, but again, risk management
- 10:09also the policy maker to make decisions.
- 10:13So this work gave us some idea
- 10:16about what information we should have put together
- 10:18to present to the policy maker
- 10:20and the involved with the English risk of management and
- 10:25and the policy and public health policy.
- 10:27So we have professor Gary Ginsburg.
- 10:31So he's also the director of the center
- 10:34for environment health in New York state department
- 10:39of health, who he has tons of experience
- 10:41with policy environmental policy, and also how
- 10:44to interpret the data collected the farm research
- 10:47from different research.
- 10:50But most of the time we have to conduct a multiple
- 10:54research project to confirm exposure
- 10:56and the disease relationship, the what information they
- 11:00what are important for the fullest policy makers.
- 11:03So these are these sweet calls us give a different
- 11:07perspective of how we approach environmental related
- 11:10to the issue.
- 11:14Okay I think firstly, these days.
- 11:23Okay in addition to these three courses
- 11:27but students can also get access to all our faculty members.
- 11:32I know that they also go to site visit.
- 11:35You can have in-person meeting.
- 11:38We saw were a faculty member, but you can always check
- 11:42out our website to identify the faculty with research issues
- 11:48or with resource areas that fit your interests, you fit.
- 11:52We are, you you're very welcome to contact them.
- 11:55The research expertise of our EHS faculty.
- 11:57It covers a number of few if we can, some off of them.
- 12:00And we are then at the end
- 12:02we already talked about that's the resource area
- 12:06of the course instructor framework.
- 12:08But in addition to those
- 12:10we have climate and energy impact on sales
- 12:13where people working on climate change and human health.
- 12:18We also have faculty member
- 12:20we expertise in developmental orange of human diseases.
- 12:23So for early life exposures are so important
- 12:25that as a risk predictor for later life diseases
- 12:29and the green chemistry, we already talk about understanding
- 12:35and overcoming environmental health disparities.
- 12:38We have also people work on novel approaches
- 12:43to assessing environmental exposures and early biomarker
- 12:47of effect the systematic system biology approaches.
- 12:50That's why they use among seven welfare.
- 12:54So we're all following faculty groups.
- 12:57And also we use this tours to apply these tours
- 13:00in the major human diseases
- 13:03including cancer, heart disease
- 13:06and also these days than the Corona virus COVID-19.
- 13:15Okay, so during the pandemic, we have a lot of experience
- 13:18with online teaching, but also online research
- 13:22but you're well, very welcome to contact our faculty member
- 13:25to see whether you want to participate in their
- 13:28or know more about the research, a specific topic
- 13:32or get involved in their research.
- 13:36Probably we can, we can develop something for you too.
- 13:37This would be working with it, gained some experience
- 13:40involved in a real research setting.
- 13:46So as a track quality, neither.
- 13:48So my though is to help support attract development
- 13:52and review, get feedback.
- 13:54Pharma student investigator, Rob, as a bridge
- 13:56between a student and teaching faculty and we've
- 14:02cost evaluation, supporting instructors to improve
- 14:05with their counselors or the cover something you really need
- 14:08in also, I can provide a student academic
- 14:12and career mentoring for them.
- 14:15If you want to know more about the specific research
- 14:21topic can help you to connect to a wildfire faculty member.
- 14:25And it's upon identification of capstone project
- 14:30before the research all fails Easters or
- 14:36for any project you are interested, I think we can help to
- 14:44to make the connections.
- 14:47So that very brief being sure that I'm sharing
- 14:48about you mom know how science says
- 14:50about the three courses we'll put together
- 14:52About other results.
- 14:55Tonight is also our whole department is open to all for you
- 15:00and about my role as the coordinator.
- 15:04Thank you.
- 15:04And any questions
- 15:31- Are there?
- 15:32No, no questions at all.
- 15:33This is, you know, for you all, any questions you have
- 15:35about the courses, the track, the kind of combination
- 15:39of courses with other tracks, anything that'll be helpful.
- 15:41And thank you, Reynolds are freezing the chat
- 15:44feel free to use the chat or raise hand
- 15:46or just to kind of turn your camera or your mic on
- 15:50- This, off the slides so we could see each other.
- 15:56- So the question is
- 15:58are there tours provided to labs where work is performed?
- 16:02Not, I mean, from an emissions perspective, not really.
- 16:09We have a campus tour that will be posted online
- 16:12within the next probably two weeks.
- 16:15That does show a little bit
- 16:17of the inside of some of our labs, but there are hundreds
- 16:20of faculty research projects and labs on campus.
- 16:24It's hard to kind of capture them all in one sort of tour.
- 16:28And unfortunately at this point, campus is not open
- 16:31to external visitors, so we can't have kind of live tours
- 16:34but I don't know if there's kind of another
- 16:37anything else you can think of that would be helpful
- 16:39for kind of tours of labs where work is performed.
- 16:42- Well, I know this, our professor Paul,
- 16:44another test is here.
- 16:45I think Paul, do you have anything to add
- 16:49- Or a pleasing?
- 16:51Some of my apologies
- 16:52I had a little trouble linking onto the zoom link.
- 16:56My, but I, I just wanted to say one thing specifically
- 17:00about the, the tours that as, as we transition
- 17:06to increasingly opening up our, our labs, I'd be more
- 17:11than happy to engage people and, and coming through our
- 17:16our labs and, and trying to even do it virtually if you
- 17:21if you wish to contact me directly
- 17:25or through or through yarn or, or, or admissions.
- 17:31So I'm always happy to do whatever we can to
- 17:34give you a glimpse into the, the
- 17:37the real world, real world of, of our laboratories.
- 17:43There's something that I just wanted to add.
- 17:45If I, if I may professor Zhou, I just wanted to say
- 17:53I thought that the description of the
- 17:54of the program was, was really wonderful.
- 17:57And the only thing I'd add
- 17:59to it was that the way that this program was, was built
- 18:03the way that it thought through was thought
- 18:08through was to identify the essence of what a
- 18:12a student would want to know would need to
- 18:15know the essentials of exposure, hazard risk
- 18:19those things that are yeah, the, the, the distillation
- 18:25of those key principles, those key fundamentals
- 18:29so that they can be applied.
- 18:31And then as we said, opening
- 18:33up those other opportunities to interact
- 18:35with the wide range of faculties and resources at Yale.
- 18:38So that's what it is.
- 18:41It's, it's the essence
- 18:43of what you would want to know on this topic.
- 18:55- Okay. Thank you for that kind of continue to
- 18:57or additional information
- 19:00about the track that's really helpful
- 19:02and I'm glad you could join us as well
- 19:04so that students can meet as many faculty members
- 19:07and program team members as possible.
- 19:09Are there any other questions at this point?
- 19:13- Hi.
- 19:17- Hi.
- 19:18- Can you see me?
- 19:22Thank you so much for this wonderful presentation.
- 19:26I have a question about the first course in the track
- 19:32and I wanted to see if it's built
- 19:35on the elementary introductory epidemiology course.
- 19:44- I think there'll be some overlap
- 19:46some better concept of stay the same, right?
- 19:49I mean, I think epi designed a pre-approach
- 19:52EPU protocols where the similar
- 19:55but the work to focused on your mental perspective.
- 19:59So how we use these tours for this assessment
- 20:02is going to be lying different epi design.
- 20:06I think that they do the overlap, but again
- 20:09the focus will be a little different.
- 20:15- Thank you so much.
- 20:34- Do you have any, I can.
- 20:35So there's another question to chat, Dr.
- 20:36can you speak more about your work on green chemistry?
- 20:41- Sure. I'm always happy to, I, you know, I talk so much
- 20:45about green chemistry that people are usually
- 20:47asking not to talk so much on green chemistry.
- 20:50So I'm always happy to accept that invitation.
- 20:53So for those of you who don't know what green chemistry is
- 20:58it basically takes this concept of the substances that make
- 21:03up our society and our economy, everything that we see touch
- 21:06and feel pretty much as a chemical.
- 21:08So when we think about, Oh, a chemical is something special
- 21:14or specific and produced by the chemical industry.
- 21:16Now we're surrounded by chemicals and we know
- 21:20that chemicals have given us a tremendous amount
- 21:23of function, but we also know
- 21:26that they've brought about a tremendous amount
- 21:30of hazard and risk and a negative consequences.
- 21:32And so what green chemistry is all about
- 21:34in its essence is how do you maintain all of the function
- 21:39all of the performance, all
- 21:41of the near technological miracles that chemicals
- 21:45and chemistry has given us
- 21:47while eliminating those adverse consequences.
- 21:50So carcinogens and neurotoxins
- 21:52endocrine disruption, environmental pollutants.
- 21:57And so it's all about the design
- 21:59of the next generation products and processes.
- 22:02And so we have a center for green chemistry
- 22:05green engineering here touches on a wide range
- 22:08of different applications of green chemistry
- 22:10and everything from energy to consumer products, cosmetics
- 22:16building materials, and architecture, and on and on.
- 22:20So as I, as you can tell, I could go on for a, well
- 22:25at least a whole semester about this, if, if you'd let me
- 22:28but I probably ought to stop there.
- 22:43- Any other questions
- 22:49- You know, as much as I said, I was going to stop
- 22:51I'm going to add one or two more sentences.
- 22:54So I get to co-teach the, the course on hazard.
- 22:58And we think about hazard perhaps too often
- 23:03as just the way things are.
- 23:05It's just the nature of things, but we dive into hazard
- 23:08not just understanding that things are hazardous
- 23:12but why they are hazardous the underlying physical
- 23:15chemical properties of what makes us substance hazardous
- 23:19what makes it allowed to get into our body.
- 23:22It would be in the adjusted cross
- 23:24membranes caused those kinds of problems.
- 23:27And we want to get that deep level understanding
- 23:29so we can design new things to be different.
- 23:33So that's why understanding hazard is so rather
- 23:36than just simply protecting ourselves with masks
- 23:40and respirators and personal protective gear and, and
- 23:43and saying always use in a well area.
- 23:46Instead, we can design things
- 23:49so that they are intrinsically less hazardous.
- 23:52And so that's, that's the perspective that we bring to
- 23:55to that course and throughout the program.
- 23:58- I think that your work is a great example
- 24:00of really the interdisciplinary perspectives you get
- 24:06across the program here.
- 24:09I think, you know, that the EHS track and your work
- 24:12in green chemistry really highlights how
- 24:16the different schools and programs at Yale crossover a lot.
- 24:20And you're able to kind of bring
- 24:22in expertise from different areas across university and
- 24:25and how that isn't, you know, really, I guess, evident
- 24:29in our on-campus program, but still a great opportunity
- 24:33within the executive MPH online, that you're still able
- 24:35as a student in the program to engage
- 24:38with experts and scholars in these really, you know
- 24:44interdisciplinary areas of public health work.
- 24:47So we're glad that you are a part of the track
- 24:49and I'm part of the program and really highlighting that
- 24:53that true benefit of our MPH and the executive program.
- 24:56- Yeah, go ahead.
- 24:58Go ahead.
- 24:59- I was just going to say, thanks for bringing that up
- 25:02because that interdisciplinarity is key
- 25:03because the way that the school
- 25:07of public health, you know, coordinates, collaborates
- 25:10and builds with whether it be the school of engineering
- 25:13the school of architecture, the school of environment
- 25:15especially there's so many interconnections
- 25:18in order to bring about all
- 25:20of those positive consequences for public health.
- 25:23And that's what this, this program really emphasizes.
- 25:29- Yeah. Just add to Paul's point that the, the hardest
- 25:34identification involve some basic mechanistic studies
- 25:37but you can look at it, exposure assessment.
- 25:41They only give us association
- 25:43but we do not know whether these are causal association
- 25:47or just association with all the causal effect.
- 25:52So the sec that's a, but again
- 25:55we shouldn't need a good technology.
- 25:58You mean high quality data to conclude those
- 25:59but the second the cost, how do the identification
- 26:02like the doctor and ask the surgeons that we
- 26:04some biological mechanistic study
- 26:07we can pinpoint what chemicals to Pacific chemical evolved
- 26:12in these exposure disease association
- 26:14then concreter some call.
- 26:16So you fact, now we can bring this information
- 26:20to policy maker, for example
- 26:23one good example, the freedom there
- 26:26some contamination in the water, a certain area.
- 26:29Then we find some seeing this.
- 26:30Then just some policy maker can ask all the people
- 26:34leaving that area.
- 26:36They have to get some filter to clean up their water.
- 26:38So I think that's the sway different perspective
- 26:42put together can help us better address
- 26:45any environmental related issues with all this.
- 26:49So this hallway we design
- 26:52I think the reason I put these three cultures together
- 26:57- That's a great way to, to put it in.
- 26:58I would just add to that, that the philosophy of the
- 27:02of the program of the school
- 27:05of all of the professors that you'll interact
- 27:08with is that yes, we seek to
- 27:12to deeply understand these problems deeply, rigorously
- 27:15scientifically understand these problems, but
- 27:17the only reason to deeply understand a problem is to inform
- 27:22and empower it solution.
- 27:25And so how we take that deep level understanding
- 27:28and that's what we're teaching you is the essence
- 27:32of how to understand those problems
- 27:33in order to inform and empower public health solution.
- 27:36So I think that that's, that's really key
- 27:39and that's the real power of how this program was designed.
- 27:48- Well, I'm not seeing any other questions
- 27:52so I wanna thank everyone for joining us today.
- 27:55Thank you to our faculty members and program team for being
- 27:58on with us to talk a little bit more about the program.
- 28:00As I mentioned
- 28:02we have other open house events throughout the week.
- 28:05Definitely join us.
- 28:07Hi. Do you have a question to them?
- 28:12Go ahead.
- 28:13Hi, I'm Tom Hayden, really excited.
- 28:16Just, I get excited hearing you talk
- 28:18about environmental health science.
- 28:20So it's, it's a good thing.
- 28:22I'm curious.
- 28:23I, so I'm struggling with, I, I really was focused
- 28:26on environmental health, sciences and informatics, and
- 28:29but then there are so many other classes too, and I
- 28:34I'm having a hard time
- 28:36with trying to figure out how to work, you know
- 28:40to get the most out of the experience as well as, and I'm
- 28:43I'm curious for the different
- 28:45in the environmental health sciences track
- 28:47are you able to take diff
- 28:50I know that some, like with informatics, it's kind of you
- 28:54each one builds upon the previous one.
- 28:57And so it'd be weird to jump.
- 29:00You can't jump into necessarily the third course
- 29:04because you didn't get the prior to
- 29:07or it might not be as easy to follow along
- 29:11with the third course as if you weren't in the previous.
- 29:13And so I'm curious with the EHS pro track
- 29:14is it possible to actually, you know, if I did the first
- 29:17and maybe the third or the second and the third
- 29:19or if I did, you know, or is it that they each, you know
- 29:21you need to take each one relate to get two, to do each one.
- 29:25I mean, if I wanted to do the third class
- 29:27do I need to take the previous two?
- 29:33- But again, my quick response is
- 29:34that these are three separate courses.
- 29:38The only independent is not just build upon another one.
- 29:42For example, all the tours, talk
- 29:45about the one us not to rely on the knowledge, but again
- 29:48the reason we talk about the
- 29:51why we putting all this together, we have scientific link
- 29:53the address, the question from different angle
- 29:56but the artists start with independent.
- 29:59The so you can take from one of us or the one
- 30:01cause we used to get management and policy
- 30:04but then you kept some question.
- 30:07You mind the, how we get this data.
- 30:10But again, that answer by first of course, right
- 30:13how we do this first design.
- 30:15But if we want to know
- 30:17about what is the specific chemical compound
- 30:19what tools people use to ping pong specific aging
- 30:22in these exposure is this association
- 30:25but that's the second cause of what a cover.
- 30:27So I think you can take, take this in different orders
- 30:34in random order, but based on your schedule, but again
- 30:37the underlying knowledge underlying link between this.
- 30:42But again, that's the hallway.
- 30:44They adjust the crushing from different perspective
- 30:48but again, you can take the sort of the one first to match.
- 30:51They're all second, I'm gonna take the second one.
- 30:52I don't think it doesn't any, any requirement.
- 30:55You have to take these
- 30:55in this order, but Paul, you, you, you
- 30:57you have any, any other suggestions?
- 30:59- Well, let me just say there there is
- 31:01and it's actually to be determined
- 31:04for environmental health sciences.
- 31:05There will be a specific order of the courses
- 31:09but I think your question Tom has to do with the
- 31:12the knowledge and skills that one would need
- 31:16as a prerequisite to take a course.
- 31:19So in the case of VHS
- 31:21I think it's fair to say as professors
- 31:23you said that, you know, you can take the third course
- 31:27in the sequence and benefit fully
- 31:29without taking the first two for this track.
- 31:32If you're interested in epidemiology, I would say, you know
- 31:35if you're going to be taking the third course
- 31:39in that sequence, advanced analytic methods and epi
- 31:41if you didn't have a very, very strong foundation
- 31:44in epidemiology and basic analytic methods
- 31:46it would be a very challenging experience for you.
- 31:49So the question of what you need as a prerequisite
- 31:53you know, as has been said, EHS, wouldn't be one of those
- 31:57in terms of physically, when you would take a course
- 32:01there will be a predefined sequencing
- 32:03of when you will be taking the courses.
- 32:06Now, one of the interesting things that I need to think
- 32:08about is that say you're interested
- 32:11in another course not to take it for credit or even audited
- 32:14but just to sort of sort of peek in and view some
- 32:17of the lectures just as sort of a one-off experience.
- 32:20You know, I think that's a good question
- 32:23that you didn't ask, but that one that I need to answer.
- 32:25So I will actually think
- 32:28about that and consult with my colleagues
- 32:30because I think there would be a benefit to sort of
- 32:33you know, having a key that you can unlock
- 32:36and you just watch a random video
- 32:38for your own interest in edification, not necessarily for
- 32:41credit or for the program sequencing.
- 32:45- Thank you.
- 32:46That sounds great.
- 32:47That's the question that I wish I asked that was, yeah
- 32:49thank you.
- 32:57- I don't necessarily have a question.
- 33:00I just wanted to say a few things
- 33:02things I wanted to thank you for this presentation.
- 33:04I was coming in, definitely
- 33:05with applying with settled on epidemiology track
- 33:10and I was having a hard time being overwhelmed
- 33:13with all these amazing options
- 33:15within the other three tracks.
- 33:23And I think now visiting these sort
- 33:26of informational sessions gave me a lot of clarity
- 33:29on the sup on how I want to supplement my education
- 33:32and my chosen track and epidemiology.
- 33:36And when it comes to new environmental health
- 33:40and the effects of environmental pollution pollutants
- 33:43on human health is rings very close to me
- 33:47because I was born slightly a few years
- 33:50before Chernobyl explosion in
- 33:56on the border of Ukraine and Belarus.
- 33:59I grew up in poster novel environment and it was, I mean
- 34:03everything was awful lives were governed
- 34:06by the often mass of the Chernobyl catastrophe.
- 34:10My family had resources to move away temporarily
- 34:14but we still had to come back
- 34:15because not all my family could move away.
- 34:18So, and I could, I kept coming
- 34:20back year after year and seeing sort of the damages.
- 34:25And even though it's almost been 40 years
- 34:29I think many substances have different half-life.
- 34:32So the scary part is
- 34:35that even 50 years there will be another
- 34:38some other element will be radioactive.
- 34:41And many of my friends, even
- 34:45though they Mo many of them moved away
- 34:48a relocated thyroid cancer followed down
- 34:52some got diagnosed here, you know
- 34:54years and years, decades after exposure.
- 34:57And I think it will be a huge loss
- 35:00for me not to take a class, you know
- 35:03in this track and to get a better understanding
- 35:11on the molecular level potentially.
- 35:14And, and yeah, I guess, to work with
- 35:24with all of you or to, to, to, to work with all of you.
- 35:29And I learned from you and
- 35:33and learn from your expertise in this field.
- 35:39- Well, if I could just say
- 35:41thank you so much for sharing that
- 35:42because one of the things that I just mentioned is
- 35:45that in classes that I, that I teach
- 35:50I also teach undergraduates
- 35:52the teaching about Chernobyl teaching, about Bhopal teaching
- 35:57about these things to them is it is a history lesson
- 36:01and that they have gotten so many
- 36:03of the lessons that we need to know, and we need to build
- 36:07into what we do that it's really important to use these
- 36:14these events, to understand
- 36:15you know, hazard risk, environmental exposures.
- 36:19I, I happen to have done a time
- 36:21in the government with president Obama and was in charge
- 36:24of the response to focus Shima the focus Shima meltdown.
- 36:27And so these things are very much high in our
- 36:33in our consciousness when we discuss these
- 36:36important environmental health issues.
- 36:45So thank you.
- 36:47- Thank you.
- 36:49It's amazing how it, I mean, how it
- 36:51how it is a history lesson, but it's, it's
- 36:54it's still a reality for the populations
- 37:00even though it's just not on our minds anymore.
- 37:05Yeah. I mean, I think the initially early
- 37:09in early years we had radiation safety class where
- 37:13we had to put gas masks on.
- 37:17And, but even then sort of for a really free really
- 37:23really young students as we were really young students
- 37:26it was already a laughing matter, you know
- 37:29because we were all laughing about, you know
- 37:32just basically how we
- 37:36how we look funny in this gas masks, right.
- 37:38More than what is protecting us from.
- 37:46- And, and let's, let's be, let's be honest about it
- 37:50the young generation of environmentalist.
- 37:52So, so, so concerned about how we respond to climate change
- 37:55that there'll be happy to say, well
- 37:57nuclear is the solution, and let's just go full into nuclear
- 37:59and just say, let's be thoughtful about these things.
- 38:03So having to provide that product context and
- 38:08and letting people know those, those important issues
- 38:11I'm so glad that you raised
- 38:14that because it's important to be thoughtful.
- 38:18- And I think, I mean
- 38:20in terms of Chernobyl is definitely could have been
- 38:23we could have learned a lot more
- 38:25than we are learning from it now.
- 38:28If the government was transparent, because
- 38:30I think the reason why people were forced to forget as soon
- 38:36as possible by not providing by
- 38:40by hiding the records, medical records, wow.
- 38:43Hundreds of thousands of medical records disappearing.
- 38:47And so that not, not so that the, that couldn't be being
- 38:53between a clear link between the environmental exposure
- 38:59and certain cancers, for instance
- 39:02or a certain birth defects.
- 39:04Definitely. I mean, even, I think it took a few days to
- 39:08even tell people we were playing outside.
- 39:11It rained in many places
- 39:15depending on where winds got went, and then the, they
- 39:20it was not the catastrophe wasn't announced for a few days.
- 39:35- Any other last questions, comments, topics of discussion.
- 39:44All right, thank you again to everyone.
- 39:46So much.
- 39:47We hope to connect with you
- 39:49in the coming weeks as always, we're here to help.
- 39:54So don't hesitate at all to reach
- 39:56out if you have questions, comments, concerns
- 39:57really anything you want to talk
- 39:58about in regards to the program.
- 40:01We are always here.
- 40:03I know almost all of you already, I've communicated
- 40:05with you have my contact information, but our office
- 40:07of admissions general contact is a great place to go
- 40:10and we can help direct you anywhere as needed.
- 40:14So thank you all again so much for your time
- 40:15and we hope you have a great rest of the afternoon.
- 40:16- Thank everyone
- 40:18- Thank you.