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CDE 525 Seminar with Dr. Tracy Layne: “Vitamin D and Cancer: The Importance of Race-Specific Evaluations”

Tracy Layne is a cancer epidemiologist focused on understanding the individual and collective impact of well-established and less explored risk factors on uterine and prostate cancers in populations of African descent. Her work aims to go beyond documenting long-standing Black-White differences to identify the interrelated factors that likely create and sustain them. She is an Assistant Professor in the department of Population Health Science and Policy in the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. She received her MPH in epidemiology from Boston University School of Public Health and her PhD in chronic disease epidemiology through a Yale University - NCI Cooperative Training Program in Cancer Epidemiology.

CDE 525 students are required to attend in person.


  • Blavatnik Family Women’s Health Research Institute

    Tracy Layne
    Assistant Professor, Departments of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Science, and Population Heath Science and Policy





Lectures and Seminars


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