8:30 AM12:30 PMEveryoneKieran O'Donnell, PhD - Derrick M Gordon, PhD - Helena Rutherford, PhD - Teresa TwomeyYale-NAMI Conference on Neuroscience, Mental Health, and SocietyThe Anlyan CenterAdd event to Calendar
School Only12:00 PM12:50 PMYSPH-SBS 526 Seminar: Thesis vs. Capstone DiscussionYale School of Public Health (LEPH)Add event to Calendar
School Only12:00 PM2:00 PMSAS/R/PYTHON Tutor Office Hourshttps://yale.zoom.us/j/95770208892Add event to Calendar
Yale Only4:00 PM5:00 PMJeannette Ickovics, PhDOBGYN Grand Rounds: Threats to Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health: Ethical Considerations for Our TimePresented by Jeannette R. Ickovics, PhDBrady Memorial Laboratoryhttps://yale.zoom.us/j/95488075222Add event to Calendar
School Only12:00 PM2:00 PMSAS/R/PYTHON Tutor Office Hourshttps://yale.zoom.us/j/95770208892Add event to Calendar
Yale Only12:00 PM12:50 PMDr. OmiSoore H. DrydenYSPH-SBS 526 Seminar: Dr. OmiSoore H. Dryden, Dalhousie University, Faculty of Medicine"It's In You to Give? Entangled tales and Corrupted Blood Protocols" Yale School of Public Health (LEPH)Add event to Calendar
Everyone2:00 PM3:00 PMYusuf Ransome, MPH, DrPH - Debbie Humphries, PhD, MPH, MA - James Frater - Sandra Ann Springer, MD - Tashuna Albritton - Yihan Shi - S. Raquel Ramos - Henry LuanCIRA's DISM Core & R3EDI Hub Webinar: "NIH Ending the HIV epidemic in the US initiative awards: experiences from Yale’s HIV implementation science projects"https://yale.zoom.us/j/96978968736Add event to Calendar
School Only12:00 PM2:00 PMSAS/R/PYTHON Tutor Office Hourshttps://yale.zoom.us/j/95770208892Add event to Calendar
Yale Only12:00 PM12:50 PMChristine B. Cha, PhDYSPH-SBS 526 Seminar: Dr. Christine B. Cha, Yale School of Medicine (co-sponsored with the YSPH-CDE Department)Yale School of Public Health (LEPH)Add event to Calendar
School Only12:00 PM2:00 PMSAS/R/PYTHON Tutor Office Hourshttps://yale.zoom.us/j/95770208892Add event to Calendar
Yale Only12:00 PM12:50 PMDr. Tene LewisYSPH-SBS 526 Seminar: Dr. Tene Lewis, Emory University (co-sponsored with the Department of Psychology)Add event to Calendar
Organization Only10:30 AM11:30 AMTrace Kershaw, PhDYale Interdisciplinary Stress Seminar Series Spring 2025Dr. Trace Kershaw, Public HealthAdd event to Calendar
School Only12:00 PM2:00 PMSAS/R/PYTHON Tutor Office Hourshttps://yale.zoom.us/j/95770208892Add event to Calendar
School Only12:00 PM2:00 PMSAS/R/PYTHON Tutor Office Hourshttps://yale.zoom.us/j/95770208892Add event to Calendar
Organization Only10:30 AM11:30 AMYusuf Ransome, MPH, DrPHYale Interdisciplinary Stress Seminar Series Spring 2025Dr. Yusuf Ransome, Public HealthAdd event to Calendar