Naltrexone Is Associated With Reduced Drinking by Alcohol Dependent Patients Receiving Antidepressants for Mood and Anxiety Symptoms: Results From VA Cooperative Study No. 425, “Naltrexone in the Treatment of Alcoholism”
Krystal JH, Gueorguieva R, Cramer J, Collins J, Rosenheck R, Team T. Naltrexone Is Associated With Reduced Drinking by Alcohol Dependent Patients Receiving Antidepressants for Mood and Anxiety Symptoms: Results From VA Cooperative Study No. 425, “Naltrexone in the Treatment of Alcoholism”. Alcohol Clinical And Experimental Research 2007, 32: 85-91. PMID: 18070245, DOI: 10.1111/j.1530-0277.2007.00555.x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEfficacy of naltrexoneGroup of patientsAlcohol-dependent patientsAntidepressant medicationDependent patientsMood symptomsDrinking daysPrescription of antidepressantsAnxiety symptomsVA Medical CenterPercent drinking daysSevere mood symptomsTreatment of alcoholismStep Facilitation TherapyDrinking-related outcomesNaltrexone prescriptionStudy medicationSignificant mood symptomsStudy patientsAntidepressant treatmentStudy entryComorbid conditionsComorbid moodMedical CenterNaltrexoneEffect of Memantine on Cue-Induced Alcohol Craving in Recovering Alcohol-Dependent Patients
Krupitsky EM, Neznanova O, Masalov D, Burakov AM, Didenko T, Romanova T, Tsoy M, Bespalov A, Slavina TY, Grinenko AA, Petrakis IL, Pittman B, Gueorguieva R, Zvartau EE, Krystal JH. Effect of Memantine on Cue-Induced Alcohol Craving in Recovering Alcohol-Dependent Patients. American Journal Of Psychiatry 2007, 164: 519-523. PMID: 17329479, DOI: 10.1176/ajp.2007.164.3.519.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNMDA receptor antagonist memantineAlcohol cue-induced cravingEffects of memantineAspartic acid (NMDA) glutamate receptorsDose-related fashionDouble-blind conditionsNMDA receptor functionNMDA receptor antagonistAlcohol-dependent patientsAlcohol cuesCue-induced alcoholTreatment of alcoholismCue-induced cravingEthanol-like effectsReceptor antagonistAlcohol-dependent inpatientsGlutamate receptorsMemantineAlcohol cravingMotivational disturbancesRandomized orderReceptor functionBehavioral effectsSubjective effectsTest day
Potentiation of Low Dose Ketamine Effects by Naltrexone: Potential Implications for the Pharmacotherapy of Alcoholism
Krystal JH, Madonick S, Perry E, Gueorguieva R, Brush L, Wray Y, Belger A, D'Souza DC. Potentiation of Low Dose Ketamine Effects by Naltrexone: Potential Implications for the Pharmacotherapy of Alcoholism. Neuropsychopharmacology 2006, 31: 1793-1800. PMID: 16395307, DOI: 10.1038/sj.npp.1300994.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNMDA glutamate receptorsNMDA receptor antagonismKetamine doseReceptor antagonismGlutamate receptorsKetamine effectsProtective effectPlacebo-controlled human laboratory studyOpiate receptor antagonismEfficacy of naltrexoneDose-related fashionNMDA receptor antagonist effectsReceptor antagonist effectsTotal PANSS scoreHuman laboratory studiesPharmacotherapy of alcoholismTreatment of alcoholismHealthy human subjectsHigher ketamine doseNegative Syndrome ScaleLower ketamine doseSignificant behavioral effectsSubanesthetic dosePANSS scoresEthanol drink