Smartband-Based Automatic Smoking Detection and Real-time Mindfulness Intervention: Protocol for a Feasibility Trial
Horvath M, Grutman A, O'Malley SS, Gueorguieva R, Khan N, Brewer JA, Garrison KA. Smartband-Based Automatic Smoking Detection and Real-time Mindfulness Intervention: Protocol for a Feasibility Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2021, 10: e32521. PMID: 34783663, PMCID: PMC8663689, DOI: 10.2196/32521.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBrief mindfulness interventionMindfulness interventionSmoking eventsINTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIERBrief mindfulness exerciseQuit dateSmartphone appMindfulness exercisesTreatment fidelitySmoking cessationDaily smokersUnique potential advantagesAvailable smartphone appsThree-step interventionCessation interventionsEnd of treatmentFeasibility measuresParticipantsFeasibility trialInterventionSecondary outcomesPrimary outcomeSmoking detectionPreventable deathsPilot trial
Longitudinal Findings from a Randomized Clinical Trial of Varenicline for Alcohol Use Disorder with Comorbid Cigarette Smoking
Bold KW, Zweben A, Fucito LM, Piepmeier ME, Muvvala S, Wu R, Gueorguieva R, O'Malley SS. Longitudinal Findings from a Randomized Clinical Trial of Varenicline for Alcohol Use Disorder with Comorbid Cigarette Smoking. Alcohol Clinical And Experimental Research 2019, 43: 937-944. PMID: 30817018, PMCID: PMC7039307, DOI: 10.1111/acer.13994.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEnd of treatmentAlcohol use disorderHeavy drinking daysMedical managementCigarette smokingComorbid cigarette smokingUse disordersDrinking daysCo-occurring alcohol use disorderHigh ratePlacebo-controlled trialBetter clinical outcomesAssessment of alcoholPercent of participantsVarenicline treatmentClinical outcomesSmoking abstinenceParallel groupClinical trialsTimeline FollowVareniclineSmoking behaviorAlcohol treatmentPosttreatment outcomesMultisite trial