A paradigm to investigate the regulation of cocaine self-administration in human cocaine users: a randomized trial
Lynch WJ, Sughondhabirom A, Pittman B, Gueorguieva R, Kalayasiri R, Joshua D, Morgan P, Coric V, Malison RT. A paradigm to investigate the regulation of cocaine self-administration in human cocaine users: a randomized trial. Psychopharmacology 2006, 185: 306-314. PMID: 16521032, DOI: 10.1007/s00213-006-0323-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTest-retest reliabilityCocaine administrationSelf-administered cocaine infusionsCocaine intakeTest-retest componentRegulation of cocaineTiming of infusionAbuse/dependenceDose-dependent fashionFixed ratio 1Non-treatment seeking volunteersDose-dependent wayCocaine abuse/dependenceCurrent studyHuman laboratory modelDrug-induced euphoriaCocaine-taking behaviorHuman cocaine usersCardiovascular responsesHuman laboratory paradigmCocaine infusionsConsecutive daysSubjective effectsPilot studyCocaine users
A paradigm to investigate the self-regulation of cocaine administration in humans
Sughondhabirom A, Jain D, Gueorguieva R, Coric V, Berman R, Lynch WJ, Self D, Jatlow P, Malison RT. A paradigm to investigate the self-regulation of cocaine administration in humans. Psychopharmacology 2005, 180: 436-446. PMID: 15726333, DOI: 10.1007/s00213-005-2192-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCocaine administrationCocaine infusionsEscalating-dose regimenSignificant adverse eventsEffective pharmacological treatmentFixed ratio 1Dose-response relationshipCocaine-taking behaviorAnalgesia methodsAdverse eventsMeasures of cocainePharmacological treatmentNarcotic analgesicsCocaine doseIntravenous cocaineCocaine addictionLess cocaineDrug accessCocaineCocaine usersTest daySignificant main effectInfusionAdministrationSession duration