Profilin1 is required to prevent mitotic catastrophe in murine and human glomerular diseases
Tian X, Pedigo C, Li K, Ma X, Bunda P, Pell J, Lek A, Gu J, Zhang Y, Rangel P, Li W, Schwartze E, Nagata S, Lerner G, Perincheri S, Priyadarshini A, Zhao H, Lek M, Menon M, Fu R, Ishibe S. Profilin1 is required to prevent mitotic catastrophe in murine and human glomerular diseases. Journal Of Clinical Investigation 2023, 133: e171237. PMID: 37847555, PMCID: PMC10721156, DOI: 10.1172/jci171237.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsProteinuric kidney diseaseKidney diseasePodocyte lossHuman glomerular diseasesMitotic catastrophePodocyte cell cycleSevere proteinuriaCell cycle reentryKidney failureGlomerular diseaseCell cycleKidney tissueG1/S checkpointUnsuccessful repairCyclin D1Glomerular integrityIrregular nucleiTissue-specific lossMouse podocytesPodocytesAltered expressionDiseaseCyclin B1Ribosome affinity purificationMultinucleated cellsHBV-infected hepatocellular carcinoma can be robustly classified into three clinically relevant subgroups by a novel analytical protocol
Cheng Z, Li L, Zhang Y, Ren Y, Gu J, Wang X, Zhao H, Lu H. HBV-infected hepatocellular carcinoma can be robustly classified into three clinically relevant subgroups by a novel analytical protocol. Briefings In Bioinformatics 2023, 24: bbac601. PMID: 36736372, DOI: 10.1093/bib/bbac601.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHepatocellular carcinomaClinical stageImmune microenvironmentTumor sizeHepatitis B virus infectionLow alpha-fetoprotein levelsMetabolism-related proteinsRelevant subgroupsB virus infectionSevere liver dysfunctionGood liver functionHigh AFP levelsAlpha-fetoprotein levelsPrimary liver malignancySmaller tumor sizeLarger tumor sizeLower clinical stageHigher clinical stageCancer-related deathProliferation activityPrevention of HBVNear-normal levelsLow proliferation activityLiver dysfunctionHigh proliferation activity
MIF is a common genetic determinant of COVID-19 symptomatic infection and severity
Shin JJ, Fan W, Par-Young J, Piecychna M, Leng L, Israni-Winger K, Qing H, Gu J, Zhao H, Schulz WL, Unlu S, Kuster J, Young G, Liu J, Ko AI, Garcia A, Sauler M, Wisnewski AV, Young L, Orduña A, Wang A, Klementina O, Garcia AB, Hegyi P, Armstrong ME, Mitchell P, Ordiz DB, Garami A, Kang I, Bucala R. MIF is a common genetic determinant of COVID-19 symptomatic infection and severity. QJM 2022, 116: 205-212. PMID: 36222594, PMCID: PMC9620729, DOI: 10.1093/qjmed/hcac234.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMacrophage migration inhibitory factorLow-expression MIF alleleCOVID-19 infectionMIF allelesCATT7 alleleHealthy controlsCOVID-19Serum macrophage migration inhibitory factorSymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infectionHigher serum MIF levelsHigh-expression MIF allelesRetrospective case-control studySARS-CoV-2 infectionFunctional polymorphismsAvailable clinical characteristicsMultinational retrospective studySerum MIF levelsUninfected healthy controlsSymptomatic COVID-19Tertiary medical centerHealthy control subjectsCase-control studyMigration inhibitory factorCoronavirus disease 2019Common functional polymorphismsTET3 epigenetically controls feeding and stress response behaviors via AGRP neurons
Xie D, Stutz B, Li F, Chen F, Lv H, Sestan-Pesa M, Catarino J, Gu J, Zhao H, Stoddard CE, Carmichael GG, Shanabrough M, Taylor HS, Liu ZW, Gao XB, Horvath TL, Huang Y. TET3 epigenetically controls feeding and stress response behaviors via AGRP neurons. Journal Of Clinical Investigation 2022, 132: e162365. PMID: 36189793, PMCID: PMC9525119, DOI: 10.1172/jci162365.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAgRP neuronsNeuropeptide YExpression of AgRPControl of feedingHypothalamic agoutiAnxiolytic effectsNeurotransmitter GABAMouse modelLeptin signalingStress-like behaviorsGenetic ablationNeuronsAgRPCritical central regulatorsEnergy expenditureGABAEnergy metabolismAppetiteFeedingCentral regulatorMetabolismCentral controlHuman cellsTET3ObesityHemodynamic differences between women and men with elevated blood pressure in China: A non-invasive assessment of 45,082 adults using impedance cardiography
Caraballo C, Mahajan S, Gu J, Lu Y, Spatz ES, Dreyer RP, Zhang M, Sun N, Ren Y, Zheng X, Zhao H, Lu H, J. Z, Krumholz HM. Hemodynamic differences between women and men with elevated blood pressure in China: A non-invasive assessment of 45,082 adults using impedance cardiography. PLOS ONE 2022, 17: e0269777. PMID: 35700163, PMCID: PMC9197037, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0269777.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsElevated blood pressureSystemic vascular resistance indexVascular resistance indexBlood pressureCardiac indexResistance indexHigh systemic vascular resistance indexLower systemic vascular resistance indexHigher mean systolic blood pressureMean diastolic blood pressureMean systolic blood pressureImpedance cardiographyLow cardiac indexHigher cardiac indexDiastolic blood pressureSystolic blood pressureBody mass indexYear old womanPersonalization of treatmentSame age groupNon-invasive assessmentSex differencesHemodynamic profileMass indexHemodynamic differencesComprehensive Analysis of Ubiquitously Expressed Genes in Humans from a Data-Driven Perspective
Gu J, Dai J, Lu H, Zhao H. Comprehensive Analysis of Ubiquitously Expressed Genes in Humans from a Data-Driven Perspective. Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatics 2022, 21: 164-176. PMID: 35569803, PMCID: PMC10373092, DOI: 10.1016/j.gpb.2021.08.017.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGlobal expression patternsHuman transcriptomeExpression patternsHuman genesTemporal gene expression patternsVaried expression patternsGene expression patternsInternal reference genesHuman genomeTranscriptomeRegulatory codeGene clusteringMolecular mechanismsReference genesStable expressionIslet beta cellsHuman diseasesGenesExpression measurementsBeta cellsUbiquitouslyPhysiological conditionsValuable resourceComprehensive characterizationExtensive collection
Effectiveness of an impedance cardiography guided treatment strategy to improve blood pressure control in a real-world setting: results from a pragmatic clinical trial
Wang L, Lu Y, Wang H, Gu J, J Z, Lian Z, Zhang Z, Krumholz H, Sun N. Effectiveness of an impedance cardiography guided treatment strategy to improve blood pressure control in a real-world setting: results from a pragmatic clinical trial. Open Heart 2021, 8: e001719. PMID: 34580169, PMCID: PMC8477318, DOI: 10.1136/openhrt-2021-001719.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAdultAgedAged, 80 and overAntihypertensive AgentsBlood PressureCardiography, ImpedanceChinaClinical Decision-MakingFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansHypertensionIncidenceMaleMiddle AgedPractice Guidelines as TopicRetrospective StudiesTherapy, Computer-AssistedTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeYoung AdultConceptsBody mass indexPeking University People's HospitalStandard care groupBlood pressure controlSystolic BPHaemodynamic groupsTreatment strategiesImpedance cardiographyBaseline BPBP goalHypertension clinicHaemodynamic profileBP levelsCare groupPeople's HospitalMean baseline systolic BPPressure controlReal-world clinical practiceBaseline systolic BPMean systolic BPDiastolic BP levelsProportion of patientsPragmatic clinical trialsReal-world populationBaseline DBP
The role of the gut microbiome in cancer-related fatigue: pilot study on epigenetic mechanisms
Xiao C, Fedirko V, Beitler J, Bai J, Peng G, Zhou C, Gu J, Zhao H, Lin IH, Chico CE, Jeon S, Knobf TM, Conneely KN, Higgins K, Shin DM, Saba N, Miller A, Bruner D. The role of the gut microbiome in cancer-related fatigue: pilot study on epigenetic mechanisms. Supportive Care In Cancer 2020, 29: 3173-3182. PMID: 33078326, PMCID: PMC8055716, DOI: 10.1007/s00520-020-05820-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCancer-related fatigueGut microbiomePilot studyHigh-fatigue groupLow-fatigue groupsGut-brain axisMultidimensional Fatigue InventoryGut microbiota patternBrain healthCancer patientsFatigue InventoryNeck cancerPurposeRecent evidenceStool samplesImmune responseMicrobiota patternsGut microbiotaInflammationOne monthBrain functionPatientsConclusionsOur resultsFatty acid synthesisEPIC BeadChipDNA methylation changesElevated serum interleukin-8 is associated with enhanced intratumor neutrophils and reduced clinical benefit of immune-checkpoint inhibitors
Schalper KA, Carleton M, Zhou M, Chen T, Feng Y, Huang SP, Walsh AM, Baxi V, Pandya D, Baradet T, Locke D, Wu Q, Reilly TP, Phillips P, Nagineni V, Gianino N, Gu J, Zhao H, Perez-Gracia JL, Sanmamed MF, Melero I. Elevated serum interleukin-8 is associated with enhanced intratumor neutrophils and reduced clinical benefit of immune-checkpoint inhibitors. Nature Medicine 2020, 26: 688-692. PMID: 32405062, PMCID: PMC8127102, DOI: 10.1038/s41591-020-0856-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAntibodies, MonoclonalAntineoplastic Agents, ImmunologicalBiomarkers, PharmacologicalBiomarkers, TumorCell Cycle CheckpointsCohort StudiesFemaleHumansInterleukin-8MaleNeoplasmsNeutrophil InfiltrationNeutrophilsPrognosisProtein Kinase InhibitorsRetrospective StudiesSurvival AnalysisTreatment FailureTumor MicroenvironmentUp-RegulationConceptsSerum IL-8 levelsImmune checkpoint inhibitorsIL-8 levelsAdvanced cancerSerum interleukin-8 levelsPhase 3 clinical trialsSerum interleukin-8Interleukin-8 levelsLarge-scale retrospective analysisNeutrophil infiltrationWorse prognosisClinical benefitPoor outcomeIndependent biomarkerTumor immunobiologyClinical trialsInterleukin-8Retrospective analysisPatientsCancerInhibitorsIpilimumabNivolumabEverolimusPrognosisRelationship of Age With the Hemodynamic Parameters in Individuals With Elevated Blood Pressure
Mahajan S, Gu J, Caraballo C, Lu Y, Spatz ES, Zhao H, Zhang M, Sun N, Zheng X, Lu H, Yuan H, J. Z, Krumholz HM. Relationship of Age With the Hemodynamic Parameters in Individuals With Elevated Blood Pressure. Journal Of The American Geriatrics Society 2020, 68: 1520-1528. PMID: 32212398, DOI: 10.1111/jgs.16411.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsElevated blood pressureBlood pressureCardiac indexHemodynamic profileHemodynamic parametersHealth checkup centerFinal study populationPathophysiology of hypertensionSelection of therapyCross-sectional studyMin/Relationship of ageDifferent age groupsHemodynamic assessmentMean ageStudy populationMAIN OUTCOMEAge strataAge groupsLarger studyImpedance cardiographyAgeSVRIWomenMen
Genomic analysis of a spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) discordant family identifies a novel mutation in TLL2, an activator of growth differentiation factor 8 (myostatin): a case report
Jiang J, Huang J, Gu J, Cai X, Zhao H, Lu H. Genomic analysis of a spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) discordant family identifies a novel mutation in TLL2, an activator of growth differentiation factor 8 (myostatin): a case report. BMC Medical Genomics 2019, 20: 204. PMID: 31888525, PMCID: PMC6938020, DOI: 10.1186/s12881-019-0935-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSMA casesHeterozygous mutationsInternational SMA ConsortiumBackgroundSpinal muscular atrophyDifferent clinical typesRare neuromuscular disorderCopies of SMN2Compound heterozygous mutationsWhole-exome sequencingSeverity of SMAGenomic analysisFemale patientsMale patientsClinical typesCase reportAccurate counselingRare caseMouse modelDiagnostic criteriaMuscular functionPatientsGrowth differentiation factor 8Neuromuscular disordersSMA patientsMuscular atrophyHemodynamic Phenotypes of Hypertension Based on Cardiac Output and Systemic Vascular Resistance
Mahajan S, Gu J, Lu Y, Khera R, Spatz ES, Zhang M, Sun N, Zheng X, Zhao H, Lu H, Ma ZJ, Krumholz HM. Hemodynamic Phenotypes of Hypertension Based on Cardiac Output and Systemic Vascular Resistance. The American Journal Of Medicine 2019, 133: e127-e139. PMID: 31525336, DOI: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2019.08.042.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSystemic vascular resistance indexVascular resistance indexSystemic vascular resistanceCardiac indexBlood pressure categoriesResistance index ratioResistance indexVascular resistanceCardiac outputBlood pressureHemodynamic phenotypesPressure categoriesHigh systemic vascular resistance indexNormal systemic vascular resistance indexSystolic blood pressure 140Systolic blood pressure categoriesBlood pressure 140Health checkup centerNormal cardiac indexLow cardiac indexStroke volume indexHigher cardiac indexSystolic blood pressureBody mass indexSubtypes of hypertensionExpression of the type 3 InsP3 receptor is a final common event in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma
Guerra MT, Florentino RM, Franca A, Lima Filho AC, Dos Santos ML, Fonseca RC, Lemos FO, Fonseca MC, Kruglov E, Mennone A, Njei B, Gibson J, Guan F, Cheng YC, Ananthanarayanan M, Gu J, Jiang J, Zhao H, Lima CX, Vidigal PT, Oliveira AG, Nathanson MH, Leite MF. Expression of the type 3 InsP3 receptor is a final common event in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma. Gut 2019, 68: 1676-1687. PMID: 31315892, PMCID: PMC7087395, DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2018-317811.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAnimalsApoptosisCalcium SignalingCarcinogenesisCarcinoma, HepatocellularCell ProliferationCells, CulturedDNA MethylationFemaleGene Expression Regulation, NeoplasticHepatocytesHumansInositol 1,4,5-Trisphosphate ReceptorsLiverLiver NeoplasmsLiver RegenerationMaleMice, KnockoutMiddle AgedSurvival AnalysisConceptsChronic liver diseaseITPR3 expressionLiver cancer cellsLiver diseaseMouse modelFinal common eventCancer cellsSpecimens of patientsIndependent patient cohortsControl liver specimensHuman HCC cellsType 3 InsP3 receptorHuman liver samplesIncreased expression levelCancer deathPatient cohortCommon molecular eventPoor survivalHepatocellular carcinomaLiver specimensNormal liverHCC cellsAbstractTextHCCType 3 isoformVCF‐Server: A web‐based visualization tool for high‐throughput variant data mining and management
Jiang J, Gu J, Zhao T, Lu H. VCF‐Server: A web‐based visualization tool for high‐throughput variant data mining and management. Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine 2019, 7: e00641. PMID: 31127704, PMCID: PMC6625089, DOI: 10.1002/mgg3.641.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsWeb-based visualization toolGraphical interfaceCentralized wayVisualization toolsVCF filesVariant call format filesInteractive graphical interfaceUse graphical interfaceLittle bioinformatics backgroundVariant dataData miningWeb-based analysisFile systemGenetic variant dataProgramming skillsFiltering rulesBioinformatics backgroundFormat fileLocal deploymentProgramming codeInteractive analysisUsersVariant informationFilesVariant annotationA statistical framework for cross-tissue transcriptome-wide association analysis
Hu Y, Li M, Lu Q, Weng H, Wang J, Zekavat SM, Yu Z, Li B, Gu J, Muchnik S, Shi Y, Kunkle BW, Mukherjee S, Natarajan P, Naj A, Kuzma A, Zhao Y, Crane PK, Lu H, Zhao H. A statistical framework for cross-tissue transcriptome-wide association analysis. Nature Genetics 2019, 51: 568-576. PMID: 30804563, PMCID: PMC6788740, DOI: 10.1038/s41588-019-0345-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTranscriptome-wide association analysisAssociation analysisGene-trait associationsGene expression dataGene expression levelsGenetic architectureComplex traitsMore genesGene expressionSingle tissueExpression dataAssociation resultsExpression levelsPowerful approachImputation modelHuman tissuesImputation accuracyGenotypesStatistical frameworkTissueGenesKey componentTraitsPowerful metricExpression
RNA‐seq Based Transcription Characterization of Fusion Breakpoints as a Potential Estimator for Its Oncogenic Potential
Gu J, Chukhman M, Lu Y, Liu C, Liu S, Lu H. RNA‐seq Based Transcription Characterization of Fusion Breakpoints as a Potential Estimator for Its Oncogenic Potential. BioMed Research International 2017, 2017: 9829175. PMID: 29181411, PMCID: PMC5664375, DOI: 10.1155/2017/9829175.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOncogenic potentialFusion mutationsFusion geneHigh-throughput sequencing technologyClonal evolution theoryTranscriptome sequencing datasetsLarger clonal sizeSequencing technologiesSequencing datasetsGene fusionsClone ratioGenesFusion breakpointsGenomic alterationsMutationsFunctional featuresNeoplastic cellsTMPRSS2-ERGNormal samplesClonal sizeTumor samplesRecent studiesCellsEvolution theoryBreakpoints16S rDNA Gene Sequencing Analysis in Functional Dyspepsia Treated With Fecal Microbiota Transplantation
Wang J, Gu J, Wang Y, Lin K, Liu S, Lu H, Zhang T, Yu G. 16S rDNA Gene Sequencing Analysis in Functional Dyspepsia Treated With Fecal Microbiota Transplantation. Journal Of Pediatric Gastroenterology And Nutrition 2017, 64: e80-e82. PMID: 28230610, DOI: 10.1097/mpg.0000000000001476.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Classification of Benign and Malignant Thyroid Nodules Using a Combined Clinical Information and Gene Expression Signatures
Zheng B, Liu J, Gu J, Du J, Wang L, Gu S, Cheng J, Yang J, Lu H. Classification of Benign and Malignant Thyroid Nodules Using a Combined Clinical Information and Gene Expression Signatures. PLOS ONE 2016, 11: e0164570. PMID: 27776138, PMCID: PMC5077123, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0164570.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsClinical dataGene expression signaturesClinical informationMalignant thyroid nodulesThyroid nodulesExpression signaturesNovel diagnostic testsClinical characteristicsClinical featuresPreoperative diagnosisThyroid carcinomaThyroid tumorsPredictive sensitivityDifferent hospitalsDiagnostic testsThyroid samplesPatientsRegulation of CBL and ESR1 expression by microRNA-22-3p, 513a-5p and 625-5p may impact the pathogenesis of dust mite-induced pediatric asthma
Dong X, Xu M, Ren Z, Gu J, Lu M, Lu Q, Zhong N. Regulation of CBL and ESR1 expression by microRNA-22-3p, 513a-5p and 625-5p may impact the pathogenesis of dust mite-induced pediatric asthma. International Journal Of Molecular Medicine 2016, 38: 446-456. PMID: 27277384, PMCID: PMC4935459, DOI: 10.3892/ijmm.2016.2634.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsAsthmaCase-Control StudiesChildCytokinesDemographyDown-RegulationErbB ReceptorsEstrogen Receptor alphaFemaleGene Expression ProfilingGene Expression RegulationGene Regulatory NetworksHumansInflammation MediatorsMaleMicroRNAsNF-kappa BPhosphatidylinositol 3-KinasesProto-Oncogene MasProto-Oncogene Proteins c-aktProto-Oncogene Proteins c-cblPyroglyphidaeReal-Time Polymerase Chain ReactionRNA, MessengerSyk KinaseUp-RegulationConceptsPediatric asthmaPlasma concentrationsGender-matched healthy controlsCbl proto-oncogeneMite-induced asthmaPeroxisome proliferator-activated receptorInflammatory cytokine pathwaysMicroRNA-22-3pTumor necrosis factorProliferator-activated receptorEnzyme-linked immunosorbentRegulation of CblMiR-22-3pAsthma groupIL-10Asthma attacksHealthy controlsCytokine pathwaysNecrosis factorEstrogen receptorImmune responseESR1 expressionAsthmaControl groupInvolvement of microRNAs
Identification of cancer‐related genes and motifs in the human gene regulatory network
Carson M, Gu J, Yu G, Lu H. Identification of cancer‐related genes and motifs in the human gene regulatory network. IET Systems Biology 2015, 9: 128-134. PMID: 26243828, PMCID: PMC8687282, DOI: 10.1049/iet-syb.2014.0058.Peer-Reviewed Original Research