HBV-infected hepatocellular carcinoma can be robustly classified into three clinically relevant subgroups by a novel analytical protocol
Cheng Z, Li L, Zhang Y, Ren Y, Gu J, Wang X, Zhao H, Lu H. HBV-infected hepatocellular carcinoma can be robustly classified into three clinically relevant subgroups by a novel analytical protocol. Briefings In Bioinformatics 2023, 24: bbac601. PMID: 36736372, DOI: 10.1093/bib/bbac601.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywordsalpha-FetoproteinsCarcinoma, HepatocellularHepatitis BHepatitis B virusHumansLiver NeoplasmsTumor MicroenvironmentConceptsHepatocellular carcinomaClinical stageImmune microenvironmentTumor sizeHepatitis B virus infectionLow alpha-fetoprotein levelsMetabolism-related proteinsRelevant subgroupsB virus infectionSevere liver dysfunctionGood liver functionHigh AFP levelsAlpha-fetoprotein levelsPrimary liver malignancySmaller tumor sizeLarger tumor sizeLower clinical stageHigher clinical stageCancer-related deathProliferation activityPrevention of HBVNear-normal levelsLow proliferation activityLiver dysfunctionHigh proliferation activity
Elevated serum interleukin-8 is associated with enhanced intratumor neutrophils and reduced clinical benefit of immune-checkpoint inhibitors
Schalper KA, Carleton M, Zhou M, Chen T, Feng Y, Huang SP, Walsh AM, Baxi V, Pandya D, Baradet T, Locke D, Wu Q, Reilly TP, Phillips P, Nagineni V, Gianino N, Gu J, Zhao H, Perez-Gracia JL, Sanmamed MF, Melero I. Elevated serum interleukin-8 is associated with enhanced intratumor neutrophils and reduced clinical benefit of immune-checkpoint inhibitors. Nature Medicine 2020, 26: 688-692. PMID: 32405062, PMCID: PMC8127102, DOI: 10.1038/s41591-020-0856-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAntibodies, MonoclonalAntineoplastic Agents, ImmunologicalBiomarkers, PharmacologicalBiomarkers, TumorCell Cycle CheckpointsCohort StudiesFemaleHumansInterleukin-8MaleNeoplasmsNeutrophil InfiltrationNeutrophilsPrognosisProtein Kinase InhibitorsRetrospective StudiesSurvival AnalysisTreatment FailureTumor MicroenvironmentUp-RegulationConceptsSerum IL-8 levelsImmune checkpoint inhibitorsIL-8 levelsAdvanced cancerSerum interleukin-8 levelsPhase 3 clinical trialsSerum interleukin-8Interleukin-8 levelsLarge-scale retrospective analysisNeutrophil infiltrationWorse prognosisClinical benefitPoor outcomeIndependent biomarkerTumor immunobiologyClinical trialsInterleukin-8Retrospective analysisPatientsCancerInhibitorsIpilimumabNivolumabEverolimusPrognosis