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Latest News from Environmental Health Sciences

  • Massive Potential Lithium Source Found in Pennsylvania

    Reusing the lithium found in fracking wastewater as a component of longer-lasting batteries sounds like a worthy goal. However, it is important to ensure that the extraction process is done in a way that minimizes impact on the environment and public health, YSPH Associate Professor Nicole Deziel says in this news report.

    Source: Chemical & Engineering News
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  • Gas Stoves and Public Health

    Kitchen stoves are mundane appliances, although cooking is often part of our most nostalgic memories. Growing up, my grandfather would pick me up from school. When I arrived at our Bronx apartment, I would find my grandmother at the stove making me a snack. My “favorite,” as I called it, was a plate of cut up hot dogs, French fries, and scrambled eggs.

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  • States Address Climate Change

    In a time defined by climate hazards and their profound impact on community health, the role of state governments in addressing these challenges has never been more crucial. This essay spotlights the measures taken by three health departments to address and lessen the impacts from extreme weather induced by climate change, and foster resilience within their communities.

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