Does Primary Care Fill the Gap in Access to Specialty Mental Health Care? A Mixed Methods Study
Kyanko KA, A. Curry L, E. Keene D, Sutherland R, Naik K, Busch SH. Does Primary Care Fill the Gap in Access to Specialty Mental Health Care? A Mixed Methods Study. Journal Of General Internal Medicine 2022, 37: 1641-1647. PMID: 34993864, PMCID: PMC8734538, DOI: 10.1007/s11606-021-07260-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSpecialty mental health carePrimary care providersMental health carePrimary careMental health treatmentMental health providersHealth careHealth treatmentHealth providersOutpatient mental health providersPatient-reported barriersSerious psychological distressAddress unmet needsAdults ages 18PCP rolePCP careSpecialty careKey ResultsOfPCP engagementCare providersClinician trainingSpecialty consultantsSpecialty servicesPatient experienceUnmet need
Assessment of Perceptions of Mental Health vs Medical Health Plan Networks Among US Adults With Private Insurance
Busch SH, Kyanko K. Assessment of Perceptions of Mental Health vs Medical Health Plan Networks Among US Adults With Private Insurance. JAMA Network Open 2021, 4: e2130770. PMID: 34677592, PMCID: PMC8536951, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.30770.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMental health treatmentPrimary care practitionersMental health careHealth treatmentMental healthMental health practitionersUS adultsCare practitionersHealth provider networksPrivate insuranceHealth practitionersSpecialty mental healthNon-Hispanic white individualsHealth carePrimary care practicesAddiction Equity ActInsurance-related barriersMental Health ParitySerious psychological distressMental health networkHealth plan's networkOnline research panelStudy criteriaPatients' perceptionsHealth ParityInsurance Status and Continuity for Young Adults With First-Episode Psychosis
Golberstein E, Busch SH, Sint K, Rosenheck RA. Insurance Status and Continuity for Young Adults With First-Episode Psychosis. Psychiatric Services 2021, 72: 1160-1167. PMID: 33971726, PMCID: PMC8488003, DOI: 10.1176/appi.ps.201900571.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFirst-episode psychosisInsurance statusPeriods of uninsurancePublic insuranceMedical Expenditure Panel StudyCoordinated care interventionQuality of careSimilar age groupLevels of uninsuranceRAISE-ETPMedication adherenceTreatment continuityCare interventionsEpisode psychosisGeneral populationAge groupsStudy participantsBivariate comparisonsYoung adultsExperimental interventionSimilar ageUninsuranceLongitudinal dataAdultsInsurance changes
Emergency Department–Initiated Buprenorphine/Naloxone Treatment for Opioid Dependence: A Randomized Clinical Trial
D’Onofrio G, O’Connor P, Pantalon MV, Chawarski MC, Busch SH, Owens PH, Bernstein SL, Fiellin DA. Emergency Department–Initiated Buprenorphine/Naloxone Treatment for Opioid Dependence: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA 2015, 313: 1636-1644. PMID: 25919527, PMCID: PMC4527523, DOI: 10.1001/jama.2015.3474.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBrief intervention groupOpioid-dependent patientsIllicit opioid useAddiction treatment servicesPercent of patientsBuprenorphine groupEmergency departmentIntervention groupReferral groupOpioid useTreatment servicesBrief interventionOpioid dependenceClinical trialsHIV riskUrban teaching hospital emergency departmentBuprenorphine/naloxone treatmentHuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV) riskTeaching hospital emergency departmentAddiction treatmentBuprenorphine treatment groupUrine samplesBuprenorphine/naloxoneRandomized clinical trialsCommunity-based treatment services
ACA Dependent Coverage Provision Reduced High Out-Of-Pocket Health Care Spending For Young Adults
Busch SH, Golberstein E, Meara E. ACA Dependent Coverage Provision Reduced High Out-Of-Pocket Health Care Spending For Young Adults. Health Affairs 2014, 33: 1361-1366. PMID: 25092837, DOI: 10.1377/hlthaff.2014.0155.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDependent coverage provisionAffordable Care ActPrivate insurance plansYoung adultsACA dependent coverage provisionCoverage provisionPocket health care spendingHealth care spendingPocket expensesPocket expenditureCare spendingInsurance plansCare ActAdultsSignificant reductionFinancial protectionCoverage rateAge twentyNet differenceOlder peersUse of Hospital-Based Services Among Young Adults With Behavioral Health Diagnoses Before and After Health Insurance Expansions
Meara E, Golberstein E, Zaha R, Greenfield SF, Beardslee WR, Busch SH. Use of Hospital-Based Services Among Young Adults With Behavioral Health Diagnoses Before and After Health Insurance Expansions. JAMA Psychiatry 2014, 71: 404-411. PMID: 24554245, PMCID: PMC4140186, DOI: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2013.3972.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBehavioral health diagnosesHospital-based careInpatient admission ratesBehavioral health disordersEmergency departmentYoung adultsHealth diagnosisPrimary diagnosisAdmission ratesHealth disordersEmergency department visit ratesInsurance coverageEmergency department useHospital discharge dataUse of hospitalPopulation-based sampleMassachusetts' 2006 health reformSubstance use disordersInsurance coverage expansionBehavioral health needsHealth insurance coverageHealth reformHealth insurance expansionsHospital dischargeInpatient admissions
Characteristics of Adults With Substance Use Disorders Expected to Be Eligible for Medicaid Under the ACA
Busch SH, Meara E, Huskamp HA, Barry CL. Characteristics of Adults With Substance Use Disorders Expected to Be Eligible for Medicaid Under the ACA. Psychiatric Services 2013, 64: 520-526. PMID: 23450343, PMCID: PMC3672321, DOI: 10.1176/appi.ps.201200011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSubstance use disorder treatmentUse disorder treatmentAffordable Care ActSubstance use disordersDisorder treatmentMedicaid enrolleesUse disordersUnmet needTreatment ratesSignificant unmet needFederal poverty levelCharacteristics of adultsTreatment needsMedicaid coverageDrug useHealth statusUninsured individualsInsurance expansionDemographic characteristicsCare ActDisordersTreatmentNational surveyLow-income individualsInformal care