Delineating Urbanicity and Rurality: Impact on Environmental Exposure Assessment
Song Y, Deziel N, Bell M. Delineating Urbanicity and Rurality: Impact on Environmental Exposure Assessment. Environmental Science And Technology 2024, 58: 19178-19188. PMID: 39412270, PMCID: PMC11627196, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.4c06942.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsCitiesEnvironmental ExposureHumansParticulate MatterRural PopulationUrban PopulationWest VirginiaConceptsEnvironmental exposuresEnvironmental exposure assessmentExposure of particulate matterUrban/rural disparitiesDemographic compositionHealth StudyHealth researchPopulation-basedClassification systemExposure assessmentSpatial patternsHealth impactsRural areasHealthRuralParticulate matterLand surface temperatureWest VirginiaUnited StatesSurface temperatureUrbanizationResearch questionsAssessmentDisparitiesExposure
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and thyroid hormone measurements in dried blood spots and neonatal characteristics: a pilot study
Rosen Vollmar A, Lin E, Nason S, Santiago K, Johnson C, Ma X, Godri Pollitt K, Deziel N. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and thyroid hormone measurements in dried blood spots and neonatal characteristics: a pilot study. Journal Of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2023, 33: 737-747. PMID: 37730931, PMCID: PMC10541328, DOI: 10.1038/s41370-023-00603-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAlkanesulfonic AcidsChildEnvironmental ExposureEnvironmental PollutantsFluorocarbonsHumansInfant, NewbornPilot ProjectsThyroid HormonesConceptsThyroid hormone concentrationsNeonatal characteristicsThyroid hormone measurementsHormone concentrationsThyroid hormonesBlood spotsPilot studyNewborn DBSHormone measurementsPopulation-based studyThyroid hormone levelsEnvironmental risk factorsPFAS concentrationsNewborn screening testNon-parametric WilcoxonThyroid diseaseRisk factorsHormone levelsKruskal-Wallis testPFAS exposureThyroid hormone dataScreening testNeonatal DBSEnvironmental exposuresPerformance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
Assessing Exposure to Unconventional Oil and Gas Development: Strengths, Challenges, and Implications for Epidemiologic Research
Deziel NC, Clark CJ, Casey JA, Bell ML, Plata DL, Saiers JE. Assessing Exposure to Unconventional Oil and Gas Development: Strengths, Challenges, and Implications for Epidemiologic Research. Current Environmental Health Reports 2022, 9: 436-450. PMID: 35522388, PMCID: PMC9363472, DOI: 10.1007/s40572-022-00358-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchWhere Is Air Quality Improving, and Who Benefits? A Study of PM2.5 and Ozone Over 15 Years
Bravo MA, Warren JL, Leong MC, Deziel NC, Kimbro RT, Bell ML, Miranda ML. Where Is Air Quality Improving, and Who Benefits? A Study of PM2.5 and Ozone Over 15 Years. American Journal Of Epidemiology 2022, 191: 1258-1269. PMID: 35380633, PMCID: PMC9989362, DOI: 10.1093/aje/kwac059.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAir PollutantsAir PollutionBayes TheoremEnvironmental ExposureHumansOzoneParticulate MatterUnited StatesConceptsNeighborhood deprivation index
Challenging the concept of de novo acute myeloid leukemia: Environmental and occupational leukemogens hiding in our midst
Shallis RM, Weiss JJ, Deziel NC, Gore SD. Challenging the concept of de novo acute myeloid leukemia: Environmental and occupational leukemogens hiding in our midst. Blood Reviews 2020, 47: 100760. PMID: 32988660, DOI: 10.1016/j.blre.2020.100760.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsBone MarrowCarcinogenesisCarcinogensEnvironmental ExposureHumansLeukemia, Myeloid, AcuteOccupational ExposureRisk FactorsTumor MicroenvironmentConceptsAcute myeloid leukemiaDe novo acute myeloid leukemiaNovo acute myeloid leukemiaMyeloid leukemiaRisk of AMLTherapy-related acute myeloid leukemiaParticular chemotherapeutic agentsOccupational exposureIndividual patientsMyeloid neoplasmsGermline predispositionAccidental exposureLeukemogenChemotherapeutic agentsMarrow microenvironmentLeukemiaEnvironmental agentsAcceptable exposure limitsCell acquisitionPatientsExposure limitsExposureInescapable exposureAmbient exposureRiskA clandestine culprit with critical consequences: Benzene and acute myeloid leukemia
Shallis RM, Weiss JJ, Deziel NC, Gore SD. A clandestine culprit with critical consequences: Benzene and acute myeloid leukemia. Blood Reviews 2020, 47: 100736. PMID: 32771228, DOI: 10.1016/j.blre.2020.100736.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultBenzeneEnvironmental ExposureHumansLeukemia, Myeloid, AcuteOccupational ExposureRisk FactorsConceptsAcute myeloid leukemiaMyeloid leukemiaAdult acute myeloid leukemiaTherapy-related leukemiaCytotoxic chemotherapyMost cliniciansHigh riskGermline predispositionLeukemiaEnvironmental benzeneAgricultural workersAvailable literatureAmbient exposureAmbient benzeneExposureSafe levelChemotherapyChronicCliniciansAccounting for urinary dilution in peri-implantation samples: implications for creatinine adjustment and specimen pooling
Rosen Vollmar AK, Johnson CH, Weinberg CR, Deziel NC, Baird DD, Wilcox AJ, Jukic AMZ. Accounting for urinary dilution in peri-implantation samples: implications for creatinine adjustment and specimen pooling. Journal Of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2020, 31: 356-365. PMID: 32424331, PMCID: PMC7671945, DOI: 10.1038/s41370-020-0227-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCreatinine adjustmentCreatinine concentrationUrinary dilutionUrinary estrogen metabolitesEffect of pregnancyUrinary creatinine concentrationCreatinine levelsWeeks' gestationEarly pregnancyCreatinine excretionEstrogen metabolitesCreatinine measuresUrine specimensPooled measureBiomarker measurementsPooled specimensEnvironmental exposuresExposure measuresLinear mixed modelsBiomonitoring resultsPregnancyT-testKappa coefficientMixed modelsPerson sampleUnconventional oil and gas development and health outcomes: A scoping review of the epidemiological research
Deziel NC, Brokovich E, Grotto I, Clark CJ, Barnett-Itzhaki Z, Broday D, Agay-Shay K. Unconventional oil and gas development and health outcomes: A scoping review of the epidemiological research. Environmental Research 2020, 182: 109124. PMID: 32069745, DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.109124.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsEnvironmental ExposureEpidemiologic StudiesFemaleHumansHydraulic FrackingInfant, NewbornNatural GasOil and Gas FieldsPregnancyPregnancy OutcomeConceptsHealth outcomesLow birth weightAdverse birth outcomesAdverse health outcomesFull-text evaluationOutcomes of interestHuman health outcomesAsthma exacerbationsPreterm deliveryPregnancy outcomesBirth outcomesPotential confoundersBirth weightBody of evidenceCancer incidenceEligible studiesExposure assessment methodologyPotential environmental health hazardInclusion criteriaStudy populationEpidemiological studiesExposure assessment approachHealth problemsEnvironmental health hazardsSignificant association
Exposure to Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers and a Polybrominated Biphenyl and Risk of Thyroid Cancer in Women: Single and Multi-Pollutant Approaches
Deziel NC, Alfonso-Garrido J, Warren JL, Huang H, Sjodin A, Zhang Y. Exposure to Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers and a Polybrominated Biphenyl and Risk of Thyroid Cancer in Women: Single and Multi-Pollutant Approaches. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 2019, 28: 1755-1764. PMID: 31387967, PMCID: PMC6774868, DOI: 10.1158/1055-9965.epi-19-0526.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPapillary thyroid cancerThyroid cancerPTC riskLipid-adjusted serum concentrationsPapillary thyroid cancer casesMulti-pollutant approachSerum samplesMulti-pollutant modelingThyroid cancer incidenceInterquartile range increaseThyroid cancer casesMulti-pollutant modelsSingle-pollutant modelsLogistic regression modelsPBB exposureDecreased riskProspective studySerum concentrationsCancer incidenceCancer casesAlcohol consumptionFemale controlsLow categoryConfidence intervalsPBB mixture
An algorithm for quantitatively estimating non-occupational pesticide exposure intensity for spouses in the Agricultural Health Study
Deziel NC, Beane Freeman LE, Hoppin JA, Thomas K, Lerro CC, Jones RR, Hines CJ, Blair A, Graubard BI, Lubin JH, Sandler DP, Chen H, Andreotti G, Alavanja MC, Friesen MC. An algorithm for quantitatively estimating non-occupational pesticide exposure intensity for spouses in the Agricultural Health Study. Journal Of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2018, 29: 344-357. PMID: 30375516, PMCID: PMC6470005, DOI: 10.1038/s41370-018-0088-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEvaluation of potential carcinogenicity of organic chemicals in synthetic turf crumb rubber
Perkins AN, Inayat-Hussain SH, Deziel NC, Johnson CH, Ferguson SS, Garcia-Milian R, Thompson DC, Vasiliou V. Evaluation of potential carcinogenicity of organic chemicals in synthetic turf crumb rubber. Environmental Research 2018, 169: 163-172. PMID: 30458352, PMCID: PMC6396308, DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2018.10.018.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsCarcinogensElastomersEnvironmental ExposureEuropeHumansOrganic ChemicalsRubberUnited StatesConceptsSynthetic turf fieldsCrumb rubber infillEuropean Chemicals AgencyOrganic chemicalsUS EPAADMET PredictorRubber infillUnited States Environmental Protection AgencyFuture exposure studiesChemical constituentsStates Environmental Protection AgencyHazardous chemicalsComputational toxicologyChemical componentsVinyl chlorideChemicalsPriority carcinogensTurf fieldsToxicology assessmentEnvironmental Protection AgencyCarcinogenic chemicalsChemicals AgencyExposure studiesECHA databasePotential carcinogenicityPhthalate Exposure from Drinking Water in Romanian Adolescents
Sulentic RO, Dumitrascu I, Deziel NC, Gurzau AE. Phthalate Exposure from Drinking Water in Romanian Adolescents. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health 2018, 15: 2109. PMID: 30257478, PMCID: PMC6209931, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph15102109.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentDrinking BehaviorDrinking WaterEnvironmental ExposureFemaleHumansMaleNegative ResultsPhthalic AcidsRomaniaConceptsUrinary phthalate metabolite concentrationsPhthalate metabolite concentrationsChronic low-level exposureAdverse health outcomesLow-level exposureDifferent exposure measuresPhthalate exposurePhthalate metabolitesMunicipal drinking waterUrinary metabolitesHealth outcomesSignificant associationHigher maximum concentrationUrine samplesConsumer product usePotential health risksAdolescent groupExposure sourcesExposure measuresDrinking waterExposure determinantsProduct useMetabolite concentrationsA case-control study of exposure to organophosphate flame retardants and risk of thyroid cancer in women
Deziel NC, Yi H, Stapleton HM, Huang H, Zhao N, Zhang Y. A case-control study of exposure to organophosphate flame retardants and risk of thyroid cancer in women. BMC Cancer 2018, 18: 637. PMID: 29871608, PMCID: PMC5989427, DOI: 10.1186/s12885-018-4553-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAgedCase-Control StudiesConnecticutEnvironmental ExposureFemaleFlame RetardantsHumansMiddle AgedOrganophosphatesThyroid Cancer, PapillaryConceptsCase-control studyThyroid cancer riskPFR exposureThyroid cancerPFR metabolitesOdds ratioCancer riskPapillary thyroid cancer casesUrinary biomarker measurementsTime of diagnosisLarger tumor sizeCancer case-control studySpot urine samplesThyroid cancer casesPapillary thyroid cancer riskTumor sizePotential confoundersThyroid hormone regulationUrinary concentrationsCancer casesMultiple linear regression analysisFemale controlsLinear regression analysisBackgroundGrowing evidenceBiomarker measurementsPrioritization of reproductive toxicants in unconventional oil and gas operations using a multi-country regulatory data-driven hazard assessment
Inayat-Hussain SH, Fukumura M, Aziz A, Jin CM, Jin LW, Garcia-Milian R, Vasiliou V, Deziel NC. Prioritization of reproductive toxicants in unconventional oil and gas operations using a multi-country regulatory data-driven hazard assessment. Environment International 2018, 117: 348-358. PMID: 29793188, DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2018.05.010.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsEnvironmental ExposureGasolineHazardous SubstancesHumansMutagensOil and Gas IndustryRisk AssessmentConceptsReproductive toxicantsUOG chemicalsReproductive toxicityStringent classificationAdverse birth outcomesPotential etiologic agentsGerm cell mutagenicityMultiple adverse effectsPotential public health riskBirth outcomesRegulatory agency databasesEpidemiologic studiesEtiologic agentReproductive healthScoring systemPublic health riskSafe alternativeAdverse effectsHazard identificationDevelopmental toxicantsHazard scoreCytoscape analysisExposure assessmentCancerHealth risksBeyond genomics: understanding exposotypes through metabolomics
Rattray NJW, Deziel NC, Wallach JD, Khan SA, Vasiliou V, Ioannidis JPA, Johnson CH. Beyond genomics: understanding exposotypes through metabolomics. Human Genomics 2018, 12: 4. PMID: 29373992, PMCID: PMC5787293, DOI: 10.1186/s40246-018-0134-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGene-environment interactionsChallenges of metabolomicsIntegration of genomicsHuman genomeMultiple genetic variantsGenetic variationGenomic technologiesAssociation studiesMetabolic traitsMetabolite productionMetabolic processesIndividual phenotypesMetabolome-wide association studyProtein synthesisHuman population levelGenetic variantsBiological impactGenomicsDisease mechanismsMetabolomic informationWealth of informationPopulation levelSmall moleculesMetabolomicsTraits
Relative Contributions of Agricultural Drift, Para-Occupational, and Residential Use Exposure Pathways to House Dust Pesticide Concentrations: Meta-Regression of Published Data
Deziel NC, Freeman LE, Graubard BI, Jones RR, Hoppin JA, Thomas K, Hines CJ, Blair A, Sandler DP, Chen H, Lubin JH, Andreotti G, Alavanja MC, Friesen MC. Relative Contributions of Agricultural Drift, Para-Occupational, and Residential Use Exposure Pathways to House Dust Pesticide Concentrations: Meta-Regression of Published Data. Environmental Health Perspectives 2016, 125: 296-305. PMID: 27458779, PMCID: PMC5332194, DOI: 10.1289/ehp426.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Feasibility and informative value of environmental sample collection in the National Children's Vanguard Study
Boyle EB, Deziel NC, Specker BL, Collingwood S, Weisel CP, Wright DJ, Dellarco M. Feasibility and informative value of environmental sample collection in the National Children's Vanguard Study. Environmental Research 2015, 140: 345-353. PMID: 25913153, DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2015.04.006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAssociations between self-reported pest treatments and pesticide concentrations in carpet dust
Deziel NC, Colt JS, Kent EE, Gunier RB, Reynolds P, Booth B, Metayer C, Ward MH. Associations between self-reported pest treatments and pesticide concentrations in carpet dust. Environmental Health 2015, 14: 27. PMID: 25889489, PMCID: PMC4374193, DOI: 10.1186/s12940-015-0015-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsWeed treatmentsPest treatmentsPesticide concentrationsCarpet dust samplesPesticide active ingredientsAgricultural pesticide applicationsSelf-reported treatmentPesticide useResidential pesticide useTick treatmentPest typesPesticide applicationCypermethrin levelsHerbicide concentrationsPesticide categoriesGarden productsProfessional applicatorsA Review of Nonoccupational Pathways for Pesticide Exposure in Women Living in Agricultural Areas
Deziel NC, Friesen MC, Hoppin JA, Hines CJ, Thomas K, Freeman LE. A Review of Nonoccupational Pathways for Pesticide Exposure in Women Living in Agricultural Areas. Environmental Health Perspectives 2015, 123: 515-524. PMID: 25636067, PMCID: PMC4455586, DOI: 10.1289/ehp.1408273.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAgricultureEnvironmental ExposureEnvironmental PollutantsFemaleHumansNorth AmericaPesticides
Residential Levels of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers and Risk of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in California
Ward MH, Colt JS, Deziel NC, Whitehead TP, Reynolds P, Gunier RB, Nishioka M, Dahl GV, Rappaport SM, Buffler PA, Metayer C. Residential Levels of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers and Risk of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in California. Environmental Health Perspectives 2014, 122: 1110-1116. PMID: 24911217, PMCID: PMC4181922, DOI: 10.1289/ehp.1307602.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOdds ratioChildhood acute lymphoblastic leukemiaBirth certificate controlsNorthern California Childhood Leukemia StudyAcute lymphoblastic leukemiaCalifornia Childhood Leukemia StudyYears of ageChildhood Leukemia StudyRace/ethnicityDate of birthLymphoblastic leukemiaLogistic regressionLeukemia StudyAdditional studiesHigh volume small surface samplerBDE-203House dustCommon PBDEsPositive associationBDE-207AssociationBiological measuresRiskBDE-99BDE-196