Monica Brackney, MS
Epidemiologist 3, ManagerCards
U.S. Women with Invasive Cervical Cancer: Characteristics and Potential Barriers to Prevention
Rosenblum H, Gargano J, Cleveland A, Dahl R, Park I, Whitney E, Castilho J, Sackey E, Niccolai L, Brackney M, Debess E, Ehlers S, Bennett N, Kurtz R, Unger E, Markowitz L. U.S. Women with Invasive Cervical Cancer: Characteristics and Potential Barriers to Prevention. Journal Of Women's Health 2024, 33: 594-603. PMID: 38608239, DOI: 10.1089/jwh.2023.0462.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInvasive cervical cancerEvaluate characteristics of womenPopulation-based descriptive studyInvasive cervical cancer diagnosisCervical cancer screeningReduce cervical cancer ratesPopulation-based surveillance sitesCervical cancer ratesIdentified potential barriersNon-white womenAdvent of screeningPotential barriersCharacteristics of womenIncident invasive cervical cancerCancer screeningPreventive careCancer ratesCervical cancerMental illnessSubstance use disordersChi-square testDescriptive frequenciesDescriptive studyMultiple barriersSurveillance sites
HPV type‐specific trends in cervical precancers in the United States, 2008 to 2016
Gargano JW, McClung N, Lewis RM, Park IU, Whitney E, Castilho JL, Pemmaraju M, Niccolai LM, Brackney M, DeBess E, Ehlers S, Bennett NM, Scahill M, Cleveland AA, Querec TD, Unger ER, Markowitz LE, Group H. HPV type‐specific trends in cervical precancers in the United States, 2008 to 2016. International Journal Of Cancer 2022, 152: 137-150. PMID: 35904861, DOI: 10.1002/ijc.34231.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHR-HPV typesAverage annual percent changeCross-sectional population-based dataCases of CIN2Individual HPV typesHuman papillomavirus vaccinationCervical intraepithelial neoplasiaIncidence rate ratiosPopulation-based dataConfidence intervalsAnnual percent changeOlder age groupsSignificant declineHPV vaccinationNonvaccine typesPapillomavirus vaccinationHPV typesVaccine impactIntraepithelial neoplasiaIncidence rateCervical precancerCIN2Percent changeAge groupsType replacement
Trends in Precancerous Cervical Lesions by Area-Based Measures of Poverty, Race, and Ethnicity, Connecticut, 2008-2018
Brackney MM, Weinberger DM, Higgins K, Meek J, Niccolai LM. Trends in Precancerous Cervical Lesions by Area-Based Measures of Poverty, Race, and Ethnicity, Connecticut, 2008-2018. Public Health Reports 2021, 137: 1146-1152. PMID: 34727517, PMCID: PMC9574305, DOI: 10.1177/00333549211056300.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPrecancerous cervical lesionsAverage annual percentage changeCervical lesionsArea-based measuresPublic Health Disparities Geocoding ProjectAge groupsHuman papillomavirus vaccinationJoinpoint regression softwareAnnual percentage changeActive surveillance systemHPV vaccinationPapillomavirus vaccinationBody of evidenceIncidence rateSociodemographic characteristicsLesionsYoung womenAnnual declineIncidence dataPercentage changeCut pointsWomenVaccinationCensus tract levelSurveillance systemIncreases in Human Papillomavirus Testing Preceding Diagnosis of Cervical Precancer in 5 US States, 2008–2016
Cleveland AA, Gargano JW, Griffin MR, Park IU, Niccolai LM, Bennett NM, Pemmaraju M, Fink D, Brackney M, Scahill M, Ehlers SJ, Unger ER, Markowitz LE, Group T. Increases in Human Papillomavirus Testing Preceding Diagnosis of Cervical Precancer in 5 US States, 2008–2016. Journal Of Lower Genital Tract Disease 2021, 25: 192-198. PMID: 33797511, DOI: 10.1097/lgt.0000000000000606.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHPV testProportion of womenCervical precancerCytology resultsAge groupsHuman papillomavirus testingAtypical squamous cellsAtypical glandular cellsCervical intraepithelial neoplasiaWomen 30 yearsCross-sectional analysisHPV testingCervical diseaseIntraepithelial lesionsIntraepithelial neoplasiaSquamous cellsLaboratory surveillanceMost womenUnknown significanceGlandular cellsDiagnosisPrecancerWomenCIN2Years
Human Papillomavirus 16/18–Associated Cervical Lesions: Differences by Area-Based Measures of Race and Poverty
Brackney MM, Gargano JW, Hannagan SE, Meek J, Querec TD, Niccolai LM. Human Papillomavirus 16/18–Associated Cervical Lesions: Differences by Area-Based Measures of Race and Poverty. American Journal Of Preventive Medicine 2020, 58: e149-e157. PMID: 32001053, DOI: 10.1016/j.amepre.2019.12.003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHuman papillomavirus 16/18Area-based measuresProportion of lesionsCervical lesionsMultivariable logistic regression modelingHuman papillomavirus vaccineLogistic regression modelingPapillomavirus vaccineHuman papillomavirusInsurance statusNew Haven CountyHealth outcomesCensus tract characteristicsSociodemographic characteristicsLesionsIndependent effectsRegression modelingWomenEarly declineSignificant declineEthnicity
962. Trends in Cervical Pre-cancers by Race and Ethnicity During the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Era, HPV Vaccine Impact Monitoring Project (HPV-IMPACT), United States, 2008–2016
Gargano J, Lewis R, Hunt H, McClung N, Bennett N, Griffin M, Niccolai L, Park I, Powell M, Brackney M, Scahill M, Pemmaraju M, Fink D, Ehlers S, Cleveland A, Unger E, Markowitz L. 962. Trends in Cervical Pre-cancers by Race and Ethnicity During the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Era, HPV Vaccine Impact Monitoring Project (HPV-IMPACT), United States, 2008–2016. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2019, 6: s29-s29. PMCID: PMC6809029, DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofz359.064.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAverage annual percentage changeCervical intraepithelial neoplasiaRace/ethnicityVaccine eraYear oldsNH blacksNH whitesHuman papillomavirus vaccine introductionActive population-based surveillanceHPV vaccine eraPopulation-based surveillanceConfidence intervalsAnnual percentage changeSignificant declineScreened womenVaccine impactRace/ethnicity dataCervical cancerIntraepithelial neoplasiaVaccine introductionCIN2Hispanic womenJoinpoint softwareSitu casesAge groupsMissed Opportunities for HPV Vaccination Among Vaccine-Eligible Women with High Grade Cervical Lesions
Russ SM, Brackney M, Meek J, Niccolai LM. Missed Opportunities for HPV Vaccination Among Vaccine-Eligible Women with High Grade Cervical Lesions. Vaccine 2019, 37: 4262-4267. PMID: 31248688, DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2019.06.061.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHigh-grade cervical lesionsVaccine-eligible womenHPV vaccinationHPV diagnosisProvider recommendationCervical lesionsLog-binomial analysisHuman papillomavirus vaccineCervical intraepithelial neoplasiaStatewide surveillance systemCochran-Armitage trend testSelf-reported barriersArmitage trend testEligible patientsChart reviewHPV vaccinePapillomavirus vaccineVaccination statusCIN 2Intraepithelial neoplasiaVaccine eligibilityPatient interviewsVaccine historyNew Haven CountyVaccination
Trends in High-grade Cervical Lesions and Cervical Cancer Screening in 5 States, 2008–2015
Gargano JW, Park IU, Griffin MR, Niccolai LM, Powell M, Bennett NM, Jones ML, Whitney E, Pemmaraju M, Brackney M, Abdullah N, Scahill M, Dahl RM, Cleveland AA, Unger ER, Markowitz LE, Blankenship S, Allen S, Meek J, Higgins K, Hadler J, Sosa L, Saadeh K, Williamson A, Fink D, Silverberg M, Laing R, Schafer S, Oktapodas M, Felsen C. Trends in High-grade Cervical Lesions and Cervical Cancer Screening in 5 States, 2008–2015. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2018, 68: 1282-1291. PMID: 30137283, PMCID: PMC6783904, DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciy707.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCervical cancer screeningIncidence rate ratiosCancer screeningCervical cancer screening recommendationsPopulation-based laboratory surveillanceAge groupsHigh-grade cervical lesionsHuman papillomavirus vaccine uptakeCancer screening recommendationsCervical intraepithelial neoplasiaPercent of womenHPV vaccinationScreening recommendationsIntraepithelial neoplasiaVaccine uptakeCervical lesionsLaboratory surveillanceCIN2Population-level impactWomenRate ratioSignificant decreaseYearsScreeningAdenocarcinoma
Declines in Human Papillomavirus (HPV)–Associated High-Grade Cervical Lesions After Introduction of HPV Vaccines in Connecticut, United States, 2008–2015
Niccolai LM, Meek JI, Brackney M, Hadler JL, Sosa LE, Weinberger DM. Declines in Human Papillomavirus (HPV)–Associated High-Grade Cervical Lesions After Introduction of HPV Vaccines in Connecticut, United States, 2008–2015. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2017, 65: 884-889. PMID: 28520854, DOI: 10.1093/cid/cix455.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCervical cancer screeningCervical lesionsRisk behaviorsHPV vaccinationVaccination coverageHuman papillomavirusCancer screeningBirth cohortHigh-grade cervical lesionsHPV vaccination coverageRates of CIN2Cervical intraepithelial neoplasiaHigh-grade lesionsSexual risk behaviorsSignificant declineHPV vaccineVaccine impactIntraepithelial neoplasiaCervical cancerRisk factorsSurveillance periodSimilar epidemiologyChlamydia trachomatisCohort patternsNegative binomial regression
Epidemiology of Colorado Tick Fever in Montana, Utah, and Wyoming, 1995–2003
Brackney M, Marfin A, Staples J, Stallones L, Keefe T, Black W, Campbell G. Epidemiology of Colorado Tick Fever in Montana, Utah, and Wyoming, 1995–2003. Vector-Borne And Zoonotic Diseases 2010, 10: 381-385. PMID: 19725767, DOI: 10.1089/vbz.2009.0065.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsColorado tick feverFebrile illnessAnnual incidenceEndemic areasOverall annual incidenceMedical record abstractionLaboratory-confirmed casesDescriptive epidemiologic dataHealth department recordsIntensity of surveillanceTick feverDiagnostic laboratory recordsPublic health measuresAcute onsetCase patientsRecord abstractionCommon symptomsIllness onsetEpidemiologic dataLaboratory recordsTick exposureHigh incidenceDetailed historyPrevention messagesIncidence of disease
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