Medical Cosmopolitanism in Moral Worlds
Inhorn M. Medical Cosmopolitanism in Moral Worlds. 2023, 187-209. DOI: 10.1215/9781478024378-009.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
The Feminist Ethnography of Untested Assumptions: Traveling with Assisted Reproductive Technologies Across the Muslim Middle East
Inhorn M. The Feminist Ethnography of Untested Assumptions: Traveling with Assisted Reproductive Technologies Across the Muslim Middle East. Genders And Sexualities In The Social Sciences 2020, 297-332. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-48501-6_13.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMuslim Middle EastFirst test-tube babyWorld’s first test-tube babyFeminist ethnographyFeminist anthropologyFeminist ethnographersMiddle EastTest-tube babyEthnographic approachWatershed momentAnthropologyGenderEthnographyEthnographersEastMythLouise BrownReadersReproductive technologiesArtMisunderstandingUnwarranted assumptionsCommon questionsWorldUntested assumptions
Male Infertility, Masculinity, and New Reproductive Technologies in the Arab World
Inhorn M. Male Infertility, Masculinity, and New Reproductive Technologies in the Arab World. Al-Raida Journal 2016, 38-45. DOI: 10.32380/alrj.v0i0.373.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Islam and Assisted Reproduction in the Middle East: Comparing the Sunni Arab World, Shia Iran and Secular Turkey
Gürtin Z, Inhorn M, Tremayne S. Islam and Assisted Reproduction in the Middle East: Comparing the Sunni Arab World, Shia Iran and Secular Turkey. 2014, 3137-3153. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-9376-6_165.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSecular TurkeyArab worldThird-party reproductive assistanceMuslim Middle EastAssisted reproductionMiddle EastIslamic approachBioethical principlesShia clericsReproductive assistanceContemporary challengesIslamReligionArt practiceReproductive technologiesUse of donationWorldSocial dilemmasGlobal problemFertility clinicsFatwaClericsRegional similaritiesDonationGlobal considerations
Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Culture Change
Inhorn M, Birenbaum-Carmeli D. Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Culture Change. Annual Review Of Anthropology 2008, 37: 177-196. DOI: 10.1146/annurev.anthro.37.081407.085230.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Making muslim babies: Ivf and gamete donation in sunni versus shi’a islam
Inhorn M. Making muslim babies: Ivf and gamete donation in sunni versus shi’a islam. Culture, Medicine, And Psychiatry 2006, 30: 427-450. PMID: 17051430, PMCID: PMC1705533, DOI: 10.1007/s11013-006-9027-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLocal moral worldsThird-party donationGamete donationMoral worldPractice of IVFReligious discourseShi’a IslamMuslim marriagesMuslim worldAl-Azhar UniversityCountry of LebanonMedical anthropological researchHuman lifeAnthropological researchDifficult decisionsMuslimsFatwaSunniGender implicationsEthnographic researchFertilization clinicsWorldProfound implicationsDonationLate 1990s“He Won't Be My Son”
Inhorn M. “He Won't Be My Son”. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 2006, 20: 94-120. PMID: 16612995, DOI: 10.1525/maq.2006.20.1.94.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMuslim menGamete donationSunni Muslim worldMuslim worldReligious dictatesReligious mandateReligious sectsMuslim populationFatherhood desiresArticle IBasis of fieldworkComplicated intersectionsMiddle Eastern countriesMarriageWorldDonationEastern countriesReligionSonSectAftermathScienceDictatesLebanonDesire