Early, Individualized Recommendations for Hospitalized Patients With Acute Kidney Injury
Aklilu A, Menez S, Baker M, Brown D, Dircksen K, Dunkley K, Gaviria S, Farrokh S, Faulkner S, Jones C, Kadhim B, Le D, Li F, Makhijani A, Martin M, Moledina D, Coronel-Moreno C, O’Connor K, Shelton K, Shvets K, Srialluri N, Tan J, Testani J, Corona-Villalobos C, Yamamoto Y, Parikh C, Wilson F, Sundararajan A, Wang A, Schretlen C, Singel D, Moss E, Aune F, Iantosca G, Zou G, Chernova I, Bitzel J, Hernandez J, Lindsley J, Dane K, Orias M, Mehta P, Zassman-Isner S, Wen Y, Freeman N. Early, Individualized Recommendations for Hospitalized Patients With Acute Kidney Injury. JAMA 2024, 332: 2081-2090. PMID: 39454050, DOI: 10.1001/jama.2024.22718.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchElectronic health recordsUsual careHealth recordsAction teamsClinicians of patientsHospitalized patientsFinal follow-upIntervention groupHealth systemStudy pharmacistsStudy physiciansMain OutcomesAssociated with adverse outcomesAcute kidney injuryRandomized clinical trialsPrimary outcomeIndividualized recommendationsNew HavenAdverse outcomesAKI detectionCareRhode IslandComposite outcomeFollow-upIntervention
A randomized clinical trial assessing the effect of automated medication-targeted alerts on acute kidney injury outcomes
Wilson F, Yamamoto Y, Martin M, Coronel-Moreno C, Li F, Cheng C, Aklilu A, Ghazi L, Greenberg J, Latham S, Melchinger H, Mansour S, Moledina D, Parikh C, Partridge C, Testani J, Ugwuowo U. A randomized clinical trial assessing the effect of automated medication-targeted alerts on acute kidney injury outcomes. Nature Communications 2023, 14: 2826. PMID: 37198160, PMCID: PMC10192367, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-38532-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcute kidney injuryUsual care groupKidney injuryCare groupAcute Kidney Injury OutcomesAlert groupNon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugsComposite of progressionHours of randomizationMedications of interestAldosterone system inhibitorsClasses of medicationsProton pump inhibitorsRandomized clinical trialsAnti-inflammatory drugsClinical decision support systemNephrotoxic medicationsHospitalized adultsDiscontinuation ratesCertain medicationsPrimary outcomeSubstantial morbiditySystem inhibitorsPump inhibitorsParallel group
Methodological challenges in pragmatic trials in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias: Opportunities for improvement
Taljaard M, Li F, Qin B, Cui C, Zhang L, Nicholls SG, Carroll K, Mitchell SL. Methodological challenges in pragmatic trials in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias: Opportunities for improvement. Clinical Trials 2021, 19: 86-96. PMID: 34841910, PMCID: PMC8847324, DOI: 10.1177/17407745211046672.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPragmatic trialAlzheimer's diseasePrimary outcomeSample size calculationGroup treatment trialsPairs of reviewersDementia researchSize calculationCluster Randomized TrialGroup treatment designRandomized trialsTreatment trialsIntracluster correlationMethodological qualityTrial reportsBaseline assessmentDiseaseTrialsDementiaKey methodological characteristicsOutcomesType IMethodological quality indicatorsUnique methodological challengesSame individualSample size and power considerations for cluster randomized trials with count outcomes subject to right truncation
Li F, Tong G. Sample size and power considerations for cluster randomized trials with count outcomes subject to right truncation. Biometrical Journal 2021, 63: 1052-1071. PMID: 33751620, PMCID: PMC9132617, DOI: 10.1002/bimj.202000230.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCluster Randomized TrialPrimary outcomeGroup-based interventionRandomized trialsHealth StudySuch trialsPublic health studiesRight truncationTrialsOutcomesVector-borne diseasesCountSample size formulaAnalysis of CRTsPower calculationPopulation-level effectsSample sizeSize formulaClosed-form sample size formulaMarginal modeling approachMalariaDiseaseElectronic health record alerts for acute kidney injury: multicenter, randomized clinical trial
Wilson FP, Martin M, Yamamoto Y, Partridge C, Moreira E, Arora T, Biswas A, Feldman H, Garg AX, Greenberg JH, Hinchcliff M, Latham S, Li F, Lin H, Mansour SG, Moledina DG, Palevsky PM, Parikh CR, Simonov M, Testani J, Ugwuowo U. Electronic health record alerts for acute kidney injury: multicenter, randomized clinical trial. The BMJ 2021, 372: m4786. PMID: 33461986, PMCID: PMC8034420, DOI: 10.1136/bmj.m4786.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcute kidney injuryElectronic health record alertsKidney injuryPrimary outcomeMedical recordsYale New Haven Health SystemCare practicesGlobal Outcomes creatinine criteriaLarge tertiary care centerComposite of progressionDays of randomizationReceipt of dialysisPrespecified secondary outcomesTertiary care centerPatients' medical recordsSmall community hospitalNon-teaching hospitalsElectronic health recordsCreatinine criteriaUsual careSecondary outcomesAdult inpatientsKidney diseaseClinical centersWorse outcomes
An evidence mapping and analysis of registered COVID-19 clinical trials in China
Lu L, Li F, Wen H, Ge S, Zeng J, Luo W, Wang L, Tang C, Xu N. An evidence mapping and analysis of registered COVID-19 clinical trials in China. BMC Medicine 2020, 18: 167. PMID: 32493331, PMCID: PMC7268588, DOI: 10.1186/s12916-020-01612-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCOVID-19 clinical trialsCurrent Control TrialsClinical Trials RegistryNational Research RegisterTraditional Chinese medicinePrimary outcomeTrials RegistryClinical trialsAntiviral drugsCOVID-19 nucleic acid testInternational Clinical Trials Registry PlatformAustralian Clinical Trials RegistryClinical Trials Registry PlatformChinese Clinical Trial RegistryEvidence mappingPilot studyPhase 4 trialTrials Registry PlatformNucleic acid testCOVID-19 trialsData monitoring committeePublic Health DivisionMedian sample sizeBiological agentsType of intervention