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CMIPS Seminar: Bo Kim "Matrixed Multiple Case Study (MMCS): A systematic mixed-methods approach to examine contexts and mechanisms of action that influence implementation outcomes"

Many implementation studies seek to understand not only whether implementation strategies work, but also what works, for whom, and how. For instance, when an innovation is implemented at multiple sites, questions of interest include: How are the sites similar or different in their implementation? What factors are associated with implementation success, in what ways, and under what circumstances? To help answer these questions, the Matrixed Multiple Case Study (MMCS) method examines data from multiple sources to comprehensively identify factors that influence the implementation process and understand their impact on implementation outcomes. Grounded in formal case study research methodology, MMCS delineates explicit steps from establishing the research goal to conducting cross-site analyses, arranging data into an array of matrices that can be easily sorted/filtered to test hypothesized patterns and identify less expected patterns regarding factors that influence implementation success. This seminar will discuss (i) examples of MMCS employed in different implementation contexts and (ii) developing applications of MMCS to investigate causal mechanisms and the contexts in which they drive implementation outcomes.


  • U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

    Bo Kim
    Investigator, CHOIR, Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School





Lectures and Seminars


Lunch: Boxed lunches with vegan and vegetarian options
Jan 202522Wednesday