YSPH/CDE 526 Seminar in Chronic Disease Epidemiology: "Using Participatory Systems Science to Improve Health Equity"
All others are requested to attend via ZOOM
Dr. Roy will describe a collaborative, community-engaged process to designing complex systems models that can inform the development of interventions to solve intractable public health issues. Specifically, this study used a systematic, participatory approach to develop a system dynamics model that simulates the interrelationship between multiple community factors and how they, together, influence rates of people affected by gun violence.
CDE 526 students are required to attend in person.
CDE primary faculty may attend in person.
47 College St., Rm 106B
All others are requested to attend via ZOOM: https://yale.zoom.us/j/98210025168?pwd=dFlqSld5cUFWK0hOdjk2bDZsSmVxUT09
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