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Joanna G Katzman

Professor Adjunct of Epidemiology (Environmental Health Sciences)
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Professor Adjunct of Epidemiology (Environmental Health Sciences)


Joanna G. Katzman, MD, MSPH is a physician and public health educator. She graduated from Yale School of Medicine and UCLA School of Public Health before completing her neurology residency at UCLA. Dr. Katzman directed the University of New Mexico Pain Center for 14 years. Currently, she is Director of Public Health Programs at Project ECHO, a global telementoring initiative. Dr. Katzman's primary academic interest is to understand how to best educate health professionals regarding public health crises in their local communities to improve lives for patients across the globe. In particular, Dr. Katzman is interested in climate change and human heath, violence prevention as well as chronic pain and opioid management.

Departments & Organizations

Education & Training

Non Degree Program
UCLA School of Medicine Neurology Residency, Department of Neurology (1995)
Non Degree Program
Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Medical Internship (1991)
Yale University , Medicine (1990)
UCLA School of Public Health, Nutritional Sciences (1986)
Stanford University, Human Biology (1984)



In addition to Dr. Katzman's telementoring research, she has also spent time studying the chronic pain and opioid crisis. With collaborators at the University of New Mexico, Dr. Katzman has studied the use of naloxone given freely both in pain and substance use clinics- and has found significant benefits of this procedure particularly at addiction clinics in terms of social connectedness.

Public Health Interests

Capacity Building; Chronic Diseases; Climate Change; Community Health; COVID-19; Environmental Health; Firearm Injury Prevention; Health Equity, Disparities, Social Determinants and Justice; Mental Health; Stigma and Discrimination; Substance Use, Addiction

Research at a Glance

Publications Timeline

A big-picture view of Joanna G Katzman's research output by year.





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