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Leveraging HIV care for human rights-based chronic disease management

NCDs are a significant and growing cause of disability and death in Africa. We have the tools to prevent, screen, and treat many of these conditions, but thus far, they have not been effectively implemented. Rates of heart disease in sub-Saharan Africa, for example, have increased 81% since 1990, and only 7% of hypertensive adults have their blood pressure under control. Meanwhile, only 20% of those with diabetes live in higher-income countries where better quality care is more available. Currently, effective and cost-effective prevention and treatment is feasible but largely unavailable for these conditions and others.

Leveraging HIV care for human rights-based chronic disease management

We will transform how primary health care is delivered in Africa by adapting the multi-sectoral, stakeholder-engaged, evidence-based, human-rights-focused model that revolutionized HIV care and outcomes.

Video by Yale School of Public Health