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This package is for calculating the estimates for the logistic
regression coefficients in the models presented in the paper

   Estimation And Inference For Logistic Regression With Covariate
   Misclassification And Measurement Error, In Main Study/Validation
   Study Designs.

   Donna Spiegelman, Harvard School Of Public Health,
                     Departments Of Epidemiology And Biostatistics.

   Bernard Rosner, The Channing Laboratory, 
                   Brigham and Women's  Hospital.

   Roger Logan, Harvard School of Public Health, 
                Department of  Epidemiology.

More information on the program is contained in the file betacomp.f. 

This package should include the files:


betacomp.f    : Main program for calculating estimates of the betas.
likroutines.f : Subroutines involving the likelihood and derivatives.
logit2.f      : Logistic regression subroutine.
blin.f        : Regression Calibration subroutine.
mvlm2.f       : multivariate linear regression subroutine.
matrix.f      : Linear algegra routines needed by program.
optimize.f    : Subroutines needed for dmnhb optimizer.
misc.f        : Subroutines needed for outputing of results.
Makefile      : Makefile for building executable: betacomp.
mainstudy.dat : Sample main study data file.
validstudy.dat: Sample validation study data file.
sample.out    : Sample output.
manifest      : list of included files
To create the executable use the command

make betacomp

This will create the main program called betacomp. For further information on 
this program contact Donna Spiegelman at

The optimizer is dmnhb which was obtained from Netlib. There is some 
documentation included in the file optimize.f. Additional documentation
can be obtained off the web from  Netlib in the file

It is not difficult to change the optimizer to use routine provided by IMSL. The 
subroutines liglik24, score24a, and hess24a are set up for IMSL routines.