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CIRA Qualitative Research Discussion Group (QRDG): "How are qualitative methods used in implementation science research? Findings from a systematic scoping review"

Ashley Hagaman, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Yale School of Public Health:

Ashley Hagaman, PhD is an Assistant Professor of Public Health in the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Yale School of Public Health. She is also a qualitative methodologist with the Center for Methods in Implementation and Prevention Science and holds a secondary appointment in the Department of Anthropology. Her research examines the complex collection of factors that influence depression and suicide in varying cultural contexts, particularly among vulnerable populations. She collaborates with several interdisciplinary teams around the world to develop and test innovative strategies to alleviate depression and enhance maternal health systems, with field sites in Nepal, Pakistan, and Ethiopia. She also contributes to the development of innovative qualitative and mixed-methods to improve the study and implementation of evidence-based health practices, incorporating and testing new passive data collection strategies and rapid analytic techniques.

QRDG Overview:

The goal of the Qualitative Research Discussion Group (QRDG) is to provide opportunities for individuals involved in qualitative or mixed-methods research to meet regularly to discuss the qualitative research process and potentially problem-solve issues that may arise when engaged in qualitative research. Discussion topics include, but are not limited to: logistics, data management, analysis, dissemination, role of the researcher, and ethics. It is intended as a venue for discussing research in progress and new or relevant literature on qualitative methods and practice as well as to create networking opportunities and foster research collaborations. CIRA's Interdisciplinary Research Methods (IRM) Core Core member, Lauretta Grau, PhD, is coordinating the meetings. She can be reached at




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