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Yale SOM Colloquium: A Conversation with Laurene Powell Jobs

Please join us to hear social impact investor and entrepreneur, Laurene Powell Jobs, in dialogue with Dean Kerwin Charles, Yale SOM

*Ms. Powell Jobs is open to questions from the audience so this will be an in-person opportunity only!

About the Speaker:

Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Apple founder, Steve Jobs, is the founder and president of Emerson Collective. Dean Kerwin Charles and Ms. Powell Jobs will discuss Laurene and Emerson’s work in education, immigration, and climate justice, using a variety of tools including philanthropy and targeted investments. In 1997, Laurene founded College Track, a program that equips students confronting systemic barriers to earn a bachelor’s degree in pursuit of a life of opportunity. She remains board chair at College Track.She is also cofounder and board chair of The XQ Institute, the nation’s leading organization dedicated to transforming the American high school. In keeping with her belief in supporting journalism as a vital civic institution, Laurene is owner and board chair of The Atlantic.


  • Laurene Powell Jobs
    widow of Steve Jobs and founder of Emerson Collective


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