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Software for meta-analysis

  • %metaanal: produces Laird-Der Simonian estimators for fixed and random effects models in meta- and pooled analysis.
  • %metadose: SAS macro for meta-analysis of dose-response. It is used when only limited data are available from research reports studying on the same dose-response relationship with different exposure or treatment levels. It is a two step macro: First, for each study, it uses the Greenland method (AJE, 1992) to get a single pooled estimate and its variance estimate across different exposure or treatment levels; Second, it does meta analysis for all relevant studies using the pooled numbers. Submitted for publication, 2010.
  • tcs: Implementing Takkouche B, Cadarso-Surez C, Spiegelman D. An evaluation of old and new tests for heterogeneity in meta-analysis for epidemiologic research. American Journal of Epidemiology, 1999;150:206-215.