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Software for analysis/graphics

  • %glmcurv9: The %GLMCURV9 macro uses SAS PROC GENMOD and restricted cubic splines to test whether there is a nonlinear relation between a continuous exposure and an outcome variable. The macro can automatically select spline variables for a model. It produces a publication quality graph of the relationship.
  • %kmplot9: Makes publication-quality Kaplan-Meier plots of survival data, following JAMA guidelines. Produces numerical output of the censoring summary, as well as of tests among subgroups (e.g., log-rank).
  • %lefttrunc: macro makes publication-quality Kaplan-Meier-type curves using left-truncated data for a whole sample or for subgroups/strata.
  • %lgtphcurv9: Implementing Durrleman and Simon’s restricted cubic spline methodology to fit possibly non-linear exposure response curves in Cox and logistic regression models. Publication quality graphs are provided and a stepwise knot selection procedure is available to enhance the flexibility of the method. Govindarajulu U, Spiegelman D, Thurston SW, Eisen EA. Comparing smoothing techniques for modeling exposure-response curves in Cox models. Statistics in Medicine, 2007; 26:3735-3752
  • %mediate: Calculates the point and interval estimates of the percent of treatment (exposure) effect (PTE) explained by an intermediate variable.
  • %par: Computing full and partial population attributable risks and their confidence intervals, for cohort studies. Cancer Causes Control 2007 Jun;18(5):571-9
  • %relrisk9: Implementing log-binomial and log-Poisson models to get risk, prevalence and rate ratios and risk, prevalence and rate differences. Am J Epidemiol 2005;162:199–200.
  • %robreg9: Robust linear regression empirical standard errors and p-values for when reasonable to use PROC REG. Point and interval estimates of effect on the (unitless) percent change scale.
  • %table1: Produces publication quality MS Word table with a breakdown of study/cohort characteristics, typically by categories of an exposure variable.
  • %yoll: Uses PROC PHREG to compute the time from a specific start time (or age) to an outcome (expected time after the start time to the outcome) or the time from the outcome to a specific time (or age) (expected time lost before the end time.
  • %icc9: Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and their 95 percent confidence intervals. Hankinson SE, Manson JE, Spiegelman D, Willett WC, Longcope C, Speizer FE. Reproducibility of plasma hormone levels in postmenopausal women over a two to three year period. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 1995; 4:649-654.
  • %makespl: Makes restricted cubic spline variables for a continuous variable that allows estimating a possibly non-linear relationship with the outcome.
  • mediateP: An R package for implementing the product method for mediation analysis.