Critical research gaps in treating growth faltering in infants under 6 months: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Tomori C, O’Connor D, Ververs M, Orta-Aleman D, Paone K, Budhathoki C, Pérez-Escamilla R. Critical research gaps in treating growth faltering in infants under 6 months: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLOS Global Public Health 2024, 4: e0001860. PMID: 38190356, PMCID: PMC10773941, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0001860.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchWeight gainHigh riskSystematic reviewInfant formulaChild health outcomesFull-text eligibilityGrowth falteringInclusion criteriaLactation supportModerate heterogeneityHealth outcomesInfantsSmall sample sizeStatistical differenceBangladeshi studyMonthsSupplemental milkSignificant differencesCOVID-19 pandemicInterventionHigh rateHigh attritionTrialsDF-100Eligibility
Breastfeeding is associated with the intelligence of school‐age children in Mexico
Peña‐Ruiz L, Unar‐Munguía M, Colchero M, Alarid‐Escudero F, Pérez‐Escamilla R. Breastfeeding is associated with the intelligence of school‐age children in Mexico. Maternal And Child Nutrition 2023, 19: e13534. PMID: 37218453, PMCID: PMC10483941, DOI: 10.1111/mcn.13534.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsZ-scoreBreastfeeding durationSchool-aged childrenSelection biasHigh socioeconomic status childrenPredominant breastfeedingStatus childrenBreastfeeding practicesChildren 0SD increasePotential selection biasBreastfeedingSocioeconomic statusMonthsLow socioeconomic status childrenChildrenLinear regression modelsLife SurveyDurationChildhood intelligenceMultiple linear regression modelRegression modelsAssociationFamily Life Survey
Barriers and facilitators to exclusive breastfeeding among Black mothers: A qualitative study utilizing a modified Barrier Analysis approach
Tran V, Masterson A, Frieson T, Douglass F, Pérez‐Escamilla R, Duffany K. Barriers and facilitators to exclusive breastfeeding among Black mothers: A qualitative study utilizing a modified Barrier Analysis approach. Maternal And Child Nutrition 2022, 19: e13428. PMID: 36098279, PMCID: PMC9749593, DOI: 10.1111/mcn.13428.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLactation supportBlack mothersExclusive breastfeeding outcomesPerceptions of breastfeedingBlack womenSupport of mothersExclusive breastfeedingBreastfeeding outcomesSocioecological modelBreastfeeding intentionMulticomponent interventionBreastfeedingUnique barriersHealth benefitsMonthsMothersWomenInfantsLack of accessFocus group discussionsImpact of baby behaviour on caregiver's infant feeding decisions during the first 6 months of life: A systematic review
Vilar‐Compte M, Pérez‐Escamilla R, Orta‐Aleman D, Cruz‐Villalba V, Segura‐Pérez S, Nyhan K, Richter LM. Impact of baby behaviour on caregiver's infant feeding decisions during the first 6 months of life: A systematic review. Maternal And Child Nutrition 2022, 18: e13345. PMID: 35363420, PMCID: PMC9113474, DOI: 10.1111/mcn.13345.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInfant feeding decisionsMonths of lifeBaby's behaviorFeeding decisionsSystematic reviewMaternal breastfeeding confidenceIntroduction of formulaRisk of biasTitles/abstractsCritical Appraisal ChecklistMilk insufficiencyLactation problemsAdequate counsellingInfant feedingHigh-income countriesDate restrictionsAnticipatory guidanceHealth providersQuasi-experimental studyAppraisal ChecklistCaregiversMonthsMedical librariansCounsellingReviewFollow‐up and growing‐up formula promotion among Mexican pregnant women and mothers of children under 18 months old
Vilar‐Compte M, Cordero S, Castañeda‐Márquez A, Rollins N, Kingston G, Pérez‐Escamilla R. Follow‐up and growing‐up formula promotion among Mexican pregnant women and mothers of children under 18 months old. Maternal And Child Nutrition 2022, 18: e13337. PMID: 35293129, PMCID: PMC9113472, DOI: 10.1111/mcn.13337.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMexican pregnant womenPregnant womenHealth professionalsOlder infantsBreast-milk substitutesCross-sectional surveyMothers of childrenMothers/mothersMaternal awarenessChildren 0Mexican womenCaregivers' decisionsWomenFeeding choicesYoung childrenInfantsMothersOne-thirdFUFMonthsChildrenDoctorsImportant contributorDescriptive analysisMajority
Sri Lanka; The First Ever Only “Green Nation” in the World for Breastfeeding; Yet Lessons to Learn Through Exploring Maternal Perspectives
Agampodi T, Dharmasoma N, Dissanayaka T, Koralagedara I, Warnasekara J, Agampodi S, Pérez-Escamilla R. Sri Lanka; The First Ever Only “Green Nation” in the World for Breastfeeding; Yet Lessons to Learn Through Exploring Maternal Perspectives. Current Developments In Nutrition 2020, 4: nzaa054_001. PMCID: PMC7257544, DOI: 10.1093/cdn/nzaa054_001.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchExclusive breast feedingWorld Breastfeeding Trends InitiativeCesarean sectionInfant formulaDemand feedingChild welfare clinicsBreast feedingHealthy infantsEBF practiceBreast milkWeeks postpartumInadequate milkHealth staffWard environmentMaternal stressMaternal perceptionChild birthMaternal worryMonthsMothers' perceptionsPoor positioningMothersSecond occasionBreastfeedingPain
Delivery mode and breastfeeding outcomes among new mothers in Nicaragua
Kiani SN, Rich KM, Herkert D, Safon C, Pérez‐Escamilla R. Delivery mode and breastfeeding outcomes among new mothers in Nicaragua. Maternal And Child Nutrition 2017, 14 PMID: 28621054, PMCID: PMC6866214, DOI: 10.1111/mcn.12474.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultBirth WeightBottle FeedingBreast FeedingCesarean SectionCross-Sectional StudiesDiagnostic Self EvaluationFeeding MethodsFemaleHealth Knowledge, Attitudes, PracticeHumansInfant Nutritional Physiological PhenomenaInfant, NewbornLactation DisordersMaleMothersNicaraguaNutrition SurveysPregnancyPrimary Health CareQualitative ResearchRetrospective StudiesUrban HealthConceptsMode of deliveryExclusive breastfeedingEarly initiationPrelacteal feedingInitiation of breastfeedingAssociation of modeImportance of breastfeedingHr of birthLogistic regression analysisCaesarean deliveryLarger infantsVaginal deliveryRisk factorsPublic clinicsBreastfeedingMaternal perceptionBirth experienceNew mothersC-sectionInfantsMonthsMothersDelivery modeRegression analysisBirthFood insecurity, food coping strategies, and child health among Ghanaians and long term Liberian refugees living in Ghana
Hromi‐Fiedler A, Lartey A, Gallego‐Perez D, Sandow A, Perez‐Escamilla R. Food insecurity, food coping strategies, and child health among Ghanaians and long term Liberian refugees living in Ghana. The FASEB Journal 2017, 31 DOI: 10.1096/fasebj.31.1_supplement.639.35.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchChild healthHousehold food insecurityChild health statusFood insecurePreventive health careCross-sectional surveyHousehold Food Security ScaleFamily/friendsSevere food insecurityFood insecurityChildren 6Household membersDiagnosis confirmationFood Security ScaleGhanaian childrenSectional surveyHealth problemsHealth statusGhanaian womenAdditive scoreLiberian childrenCoping strategiesHealth careMonthsHealth
Impact of a Community Health Workers–Led Structured Program on Blood Glucose Control Among Latinos With Type 2 Diabetes: The DIALBEST Trial
Pérez-Escamilla R, Damio G, Chhabra J, Fernandez ML, Segura-Pérez S, Vega-López S, Kollannor-Samuel G, Calle M, Shebl FM, D’Agostino D. Impact of a Community Health Workers–Led Structured Program on Blood Glucose Control Among Latinos With Type 2 Diabetes: The DIALBEST Trial. Diabetes Care 2014, 38: 197-205. PMID: 25125508, PMCID: PMC4302259, DOI: 10.2337/dc14-0327.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultBlood GlucoseBlood Glucose Self-MonitoringCommunity Health WorkersDelivery of Health CareDiabetes ComplicationsDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2FemaleGlycated HemoglobinHealthcare DisparitiesHispanic or LatinoHumansHypertensionLife StyleLipidsMaleMedication AdherenceMiddle AgedPatient Care TeamPatient Education as TopicPatient-Centered CareSelf CareTreatment OutcomeYoung AdultConceptsBlood glucose controlGlucose controlBlood lipid levelsCommunity health workersType 2 diabetesHealthy food choicesT2D complicationsCHW interventionGlycemic controlMedication adherenceBlood glucoseCHW groupLipid levelsHealth workersControl groupType 2Management disparitiesAdult LatinosHealthcare accessHealthy lifestyleDiabetesEffective interventionsStructured interventionMonthsStandard of healthcare
Exclusive breastfeeding in the first 24 hours postpartum associated with improved breastfeeding outcomes of low‐income, overweight and obese women
Chapman D, Pérez‐Escamilla R. Exclusive breastfeeding in the first 24 hours postpartum associated with improved breastfeeding outcomes of low‐income, overweight and obese women. The FASEB Journal 2013, 27: 122.3-122.3. DOI: 10.1096/fasebj.27.1_supplement.122.3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchExclusive breastfeedingCox survival analysisObese womenBreastfeeding outcomesHours postpartumSurvival analysisOverweight/obese womenImproved breastfeeding outcomesPeer counseling interventionInfant feeding dataMaternity care practicesMedical Research FoundationBF outcomesEBF ratesMonths 1Baseline differencesStudy groupPuerto RicansCare practicesRelevant covariatesCounseling interventionMonthsWomenBreastfeedingFeeding data
Maternal HIV is associated with reduced growth in the first year of life among infants in the Eastern region of Ghana
Lartey A, Marquis G, Perez‐Escamilla R, Mazur R, Brakohiapa L, Ampofo W, Sellen D. Maternal HIV is associated with reduced growth in the first year of life among infants in the Eastern region of Ghana. The FASEB Journal 2011, 25: 216.2-216.2. DOI: 10.1096/fasebj.25.1_supplement.216.2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMonths of ageInfants of HIVHIV statusMaternal HIV infectionLength z-scoreMaternal HIV statusGrowth of infantsPrevalence of stuntingLongitudinal study designMean LAZMaternal HIVHIV infectionHIV-positiveVoluntary counselingThird trimesterPregnant womenGhanaian infantsInfant nutritionAnthropometric measurementsHIVInfantsZ-scoreStudy designMonthsMeasures analysisPersistent Food Insecurity (PFI), HIV, and Maternal Stress Levels in Peri‐Urban Ghana
Garcia J, Hromi‐Fiedler A, Mazur R, Marquis G, Sellen D, Lartey A, Pérez‐Escamilla R. Persistent Food Insecurity (PFI), HIV, and Maternal Stress Levels in Peri‐Urban Ghana. The FASEB Journal 2011, 25: 216.6-216.6. DOI: 10.1096/fasebj.25.1_supplement.216.6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPersistent food insecurityMaternal stress levelsHIV-positiveHIV-positive womenUS Household Food Security Survey ModuleHousehold Food Security Survey ModuleFood Security Survey ModuleHIV statusVoluntary counselingMonths postpartumMaternal stressIntervention studiesHIVStress scoresTime pointsCohen scaleWomenSurvey ModuleFood insecurePeri-urban GhanaFood insecurityHospitalPostpartumMonthsStress levels
Short and long term impacts of diabetes peer counseling on HbA1c among Latinos: Preliminary results
Perez‐Escamilla R, Vega‐López S, Damio G, Segura‐Pérez S, Fernandez M, Calle M, Samuel G, Chhabra J, D'Agostino D. Short and long term impacts of diabetes peer counseling on HbA1c among Latinos: Preliminary results. The FASEB Journal 2009, 23: 336.8-336.8. DOI: 10.1096/fasebj.23.1_supplement.336.8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIntervention groupType 2 diabetesIntervention group participantsOngoing diabetesGlycemic controlMonth 2Clinical careHome visitsControl groupWeekly visitsFirst monthPeer counselingMonthsPeer counselorsGroup differencesGroup participantsDiabetesGreater improvementPractice trialsVisitsLong-term impactGroupLong termStatistical powerTerm impactMaternal HIV status and motor milestone acquisition among Ghanaian infants
Lartey A, Marquis G, Perez‐Escamilla R, Mazur R, Sellen D. Maternal HIV status and motor milestone acquisition among Ghanaian infants. The FASEB Journal 2009, 23: 918.1-918.1. DOI: 10.1096/fasebj.23.1_supplement.918.1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSevere household food insecurity is associated with childhood malaria in rural South Haiti
Perez‐Escamilla R, Dessalines M, Finnigan M, Hromi‐Fiedler A, Pachón H, Gupta N. Severe household food insecurity is associated with childhood malaria in rural South Haiti. The FASEB Journal 2009, 23: 918.6-918.6. DOI: 10.1096/fasebj.23.1_supplement.918.6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRisk factorsHousehold food insecuritySevere household food insecurityAdditional risk factorsPoor child healthChildhood malariaFood insecuritySevere food insecurityChild BMIHigh riskChild healthMultivariate analysisMaternal educationMalariaConvenience sampleChildrenMonthsWomenBMIReference time periodColostrumMaternal HIV status is associated with food insecurity at 12 months post‐partum in Ghana
Perez‐Escamilla R, Lartey A, Mazur R, Sellen D, Hromi‐Fiedler A, Marquis G. Maternal HIV status is associated with food insecurity at 12 months post‐partum in Ghana. The FASEB Journal 2009, 23: 918.5-918.5. DOI: 10.1096/fasebj.23.1_supplement.918.5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAdult food insecurityHIV statusUnknown HIV statusMaternal HIV statusUS Household Food Security Survey ModuleHousehold Food Security Survey ModuleModerate food insecurityHousehold food insecurity statusFood Security Survey ModuleHIV-negativeFood insecurityHIV-positiveSevere food insecurityFood insecurity statusMild food insecurityHIVWomenMonthsSurvey ModuleProportion of householdsSummative scoresStatusGhana's Eastern RegionSub-Saharan Africa
Three‐month effect of diabetes peer counseling on plasma lipids of Latinos enrolled in the DIALBEST trial: Preliminary findings.
Vega‐López S, Calle M, Fernandez M, Chhabra J, D’Agostino D, Samuel G, Segura‐Pérez S, Damio G, Pérez‐Escamilla R. Three‐month effect of diabetes peer counseling on plasma lipids of Latinos enrolled in the DIALBEST trial: Preliminary findings. The FASEB Journal 2008, 22: 44.8-44.8. DOI: 10.1096/fasebj.22.1_supplement.44.8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchType 2 diabetesPlasma lipidsPC groupControl groupLDL/HDL ratioThree-month effectsStandard of carePC interventionsHDL ratioLatino patientsDiabetes careHartford HospitalPeer counseling servicesHealth disparitiesEliminating Health DisparitiesDlPeer counselingSelf-ManagementBaselineDiabetesLDLHDLAdditional yearPreliminary findingsMonthsImpact of diabetes peer counseling on glycosylated hemoglobin among Latinos enrolled in the DIALBEST Trial: Preliminary results
Perez‐Escamilla R, Vega‐Lopez S, Segura‐Perez S, Damio G, Fernandez M, Calle M, Samuel G, Chhabra J, D’Agostino D. Impact of diabetes peer counseling on glycosylated hemoglobin among Latinos enrolled in the DIALBEST Trial: Preliminary results. The FASEB Journal 2008, 22: 677.19-677.19. DOI: 10.1096/fasebj.22.1_supplement.677.19.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchControl groupIntervention groupPeer counselorsType 2 diabetesIntervention group participantsOngoing diabetesBaseline BMIGlycemic controlMonth 12Plasma glucoseMonth 2Medical appointmentsPhysical activityClinical careHome visitsWeekly visitsFirst monthPeer counselingGlucose monitoringMonthsGroup participantsDiabetesSignificant correlationInterventionGreater improvementValidity of the Latin American and Caribbean Household Food Security Scale (ELCSA) in South Haiti
Perez‐Escamilla R, Dessalines M, Finnigan M, Hromi‐Fiedler A, Pachón H. Validity of the Latin American and Caribbean Household Food Security Scale (ELCSA) in South Haiti. The FASEB Journal 2008, 22: 871.3-871.3. DOI: 10.1096/fasebj.22.1_supplement.871.3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFood insecurePoor dietary qualityHousehold food insecureHousehold Food Security ScaleFood secure householdsIndex childResponse prevalenceFood Security ScaleDietary qualityRural HaitiGood healthELCSAConvenience sampleFemale-headed householdsChild hungerCronbach's alphaCriterion validitySecure householdsValid toolMalariaSocial unacceptabilityChildrenMonthsWomenLand ownership
Timpo O, Lartey A, Pérez‐Escamilla R. RECENT IMPROVEMENTS IN EXCLUSIVE BREASTFEEDING RATES IN GHANA ARE NOT EXPLAINED BY VARIATIONS IN DHS INSTRUMENTS USED. The FASEB Journal 2007, 21: a687-a687. DOI: 10.1096/fasebj.21.5.a687-c.Peer-Reviewed Original Research