Annual SalivaDirect™ Conference
Featured speakers, clockwise from upper left: Dr. James Parkin, Avi Robbins, Leah Perkinson, Dr. Sarah Comstock, Dr. Anne Wyllie.
After more than two years (and 7+ million COVID-19 tests later), SalivaDirect proudly held its first-annual conference in summer 2022! The two-day event was a resounding success featuring presentations, panelists, and posters from SalivaDirect’s global network of leaders in the diagnostic world. Partners, collaborators, and stakeholders gathered to discuss advancements made through collective pandemic response efforts, as well as map out goals for the future of SalivaDirect’s work in helping keep communities safe and healthy. The SalivaDirect conference was a testament to the power of collaboration and research-driven innovation in advancing meaningful change. We look forward to seeing you at our next conference!
SalivaDirect™ Conference 2022
Check out this linked agenda to learn more about this year’s conference speakers and view the presentations and posters shared at the event!
Email to request the full conference proceedings file.
2022 Conference Images
image: SD conference group photo
Featured, from left to right: Craig Duni, Sumaira Akbarzada, Brittany Choate, Sheryl Meredith, Russ Thomas, Anne Wyllie, Anne Watkins Stahlfeld, Amy Hummel, Lolahon Kadiri, Yasmine Ali