Smoking and Tobacco
Center for the Assessment of the Public Health Impact of Tobacco Regulations (TCORS 2.0)
The tobacco market has become increasingly complex over the past decade, with new products recently introduced and others on the horizon. The increasing diversity of products will change the way people use tobacco and other nicotine-containing substances, including new combinations of polytobacco users. Little is known about how the evolving tobacco marketplace will shape the patterns of individual- and poly-tobacco use, their subsequent long-term health effects, and potential disparities by socioeconomic status (SES) and race/ethnicity. Because many products, including e-cigarettes, have only recently entered the market, long-term health outcome studies have not yet been conducted. Instead of waiting decades for such data, simulation modeling can predict future health outcomes and provide insights into how different policies and regulations may affect disparities in the consumption of polytobacco use and downstream health outcomes.
The Center for the Assessment of the Public Health Impact of Tobacco Regulations will provide evidence-based and expert-informed modeling of the behavioral and public health impacts of FDA tobacco rules or other regulatory actions, focusing on Impact Analysis and Health Effects as Scientific Domains. The Center will have projects based on the detailed analyses of current and historical tobacco use patterns in the US using four established tobacco simulation models, with different approaches to provide a range of diverse insights.
- Theodore R. Holford, PhD, Susan Dwight Bliss Professor Emeritus of Biostatistics and Senior Research Scientist in Biostatistics; email:
- Theodore R. Holford, PhD, Susan Dwight Bliss Professor Emeritus of Biostatistics and Senior Research Scientist in Biostatistics; email:
- Theodore R. Holford, PhD, Susan Dwight Bliss Professor Emeritus of Biostatistics and Senior Research Scientist in Biostatistics; email:
Comparative Modeling of Lung Cancer Prevention, Early Detection and Treatment Interventions (CISNET 2)
Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer-related mortality in the US and globally accounting for 1.8 million deaths annually. The collaborative investigators of the Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network (CISNET) Lung Working Group (LWG) have contributed to the development of US national strategies for reducing the lung cancer burden by quantifying the impact of tobacco control on smoking, lung cancer, and overall mortality, and by evaluating the population benefits and harms of lung cancer screening in the US. Our current work will extend existing CISNET LWG models to assess the impacts of future tobacco control interventions in the ever-changing tobacco market landscape, improvements in lung cancer screening and other emerging early detection strategies, innovations in lung cancer treatment, and their synergistic interactions, on lung cancer rates and overall mortality in the US and globally.
Principal Investigator (Yale Subaward):
Theodore R. Holford, PhD, Susan Dwight Bliss Professor Emeritus of Biostatistics and Senior Research Scientist in Biostatistics; email: