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Xiaoming Shi

Professor Adjunct
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Professor Adjunct


Xiaoming Shi is the Professor and Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health (NIEH), Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC). Professor Shi received his MD in 1999 from Anhui Medical University and PhD in Epidemiology and Health Statistics in 2005 from the China CDC. He joined the branch of Infectious Disease Surveillance, China CDC in 2005, and then worked as the head of the Branch of Monitoring and Evaluation, Division of non-communicable Disease (NCDs) Control and Community Health, China CDC. In 2015, he was appointed as the Director of NIEH, China CDC.

Dr. Shi has received a number of grants from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), as well as international agencies and organizations (e.g., United Nations Population Fund) to conduct research on healthy longevity and environmental health, and more. He has also contributed to the establishment the National Human Bio-monitoring (NHBM) of China to assess for the first time the internal exposure levels of environmental chemicals in the Chinese population. Dr. Shi is currently leading a large-scale project systematically assessing the acute health risks of air pollution in China. He and his research group conducted a cohort study on sub-clinical outcomes of polluted air in China (SCOPA-China Cohort) and a well-designed panel study on biomarkers of air pollutants exposure among Chinese aged 60-69 (China BAPE). He has published over 200 peer-reviewed journal articles and authored/co-authored in over 10 book chapters and books.


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