Pengfei Guo, MBBS, PhD
Postdoctoral AssociateAbout
Insufficient Muscle Development Level Associated with Serum Zinc, Manganese and Cobalt Levels in Children Aged 6 to 9 Years in Shenzhen, China
Liang R, Zhu H, Cao X, Zeng Y, You Y, Guo P, Zhang Q. Insufficient Muscle Development Level Associated with Serum Zinc, Manganese and Cobalt Levels in Children Aged 6 to 9 Years in Shenzhen, China. Biological Trace Element Research 2024, 1-13. PMID: 39578349, DOI: 10.1007/s12011-024-04458-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRestricted cubic splinesMuscle massWeighted quantile sum regressionUpper limbAssociated with muscle massExercise of upper limbsQuartiles of zincBody composition analysisAssociated with riskAged 6 to 9 yearsYoung childrenJoint associationsSerum zincIncreased exerciseLower limbsMuscle functionLow levels of zincLogistic regressionLevels of zincCobalt levelsInsufficiencyCubic splinesOddsLimbQuartileCritical windows for exposure to chemical composition of ambient particulate matter and human semen quality decline
Wang L, Wang Q, Yao Y, Zhou J, Cai X, Dai T, Song C, Li Y, Li F, Meng T, Sheng H, Guo P, Zhang Q, Zhang X. Critical windows for exposure to chemical composition of ambient particulate matter and human semen quality decline. The Science Of The Total Environment 2024, 955: 176991. PMID: 39433225, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.176991.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchParticulate matterChemical composition of ambient particulate matterComponents of particulate matterChemical components of particulate matterPollution control strategiesQuality declineAmbient particulate matterSemen quality declinesLinear mixed modelsChemical componentsDistributed lag modelsCritical windowExposure windowsHuman semen qualityDecreased sperm countTotal motilityMixed modelsMotility declineSemen samplesSemen qualitySperm countDeclineMatterSperm donorsSpermatogenesis cycleExposure range matters: considering non-linear associations in the meta-analysis of environmental pollutant exposure using examples of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances and birth outcomes
Guo P, Warren J, Deziel N, Liew Z. Exposure range matters: considering non-linear associations in the meta-analysis of environmental pollutant exposure using examples of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances and birth outcomes. American Journal Of Epidemiology 2024, kwae309. PMID: 39227151, DOI: 10.1093/aje/kwae309.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNon-linear associationMeta-analysisHeterogeneity of effect estimatesEffect estimatesPotential non-linear associationsExposure-outcome relationshipsRisk of preterm birthSubgroup meta-analysisBirth outcomesPollution exposureMeta-analytic approachMeta-analysesEffect sizeEnvironmental pollutant exposureResults heterogeneityExposure levelsHealth effectsPreterm birthEvidence-based policymakingPrenatal exposurePotential heterogeneityMean birth weightBirth weightMethodological challengesCut-off choiceInvestigating Selection Bias in the Context of Multigenerational Cohort Study
Xiao J, Guo P, Li J, Liew Z. Investigating Selection Bias in the Context of Multigenerational Cohort Study. ISEE Conference Abstracts 2024, 2024 DOI: 10.1289/isee.2024.0353.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPaternal and Maternal Exposures to Per- And Polyfluoroalkyl Substances and Child Behavioral Difficulties
Guo P, Luo J, Arah O, Toft G, Liew Z. Paternal and Maternal Exposures to Per- And Polyfluoroalkyl Substances and Child Behavioral Difficulties. ISEE Conference Abstracts 2024, 2024 DOI: 10.1289/isee.2024.0321.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAssociation between Personal Abiotic Airborne Exposures and Body Composition Changes among Healthy Adults (60–69 Years Old): A Combined Exposome-Wide and Lipidome Mediation Approach from the China BAPE Study
Sun P, Guo X, Ding E, Li C, Ren H, Xu Y, Qian J, Deng F, Shi W, Dong H, Lin E, Guo P, Fang J, Zhang Q, Zhao W, Tong S, Lu X, Pollitt K, Shi X, Tang S. Association between Personal Abiotic Airborne Exposures and Body Composition Changes among Healthy Adults (60–69 Years Old): A Combined Exposome-Wide and Lipidome Mediation Approach from the China BAPE Study. Environmental Health Perspectives 2024, 132: 077005. PMID: 39028628, PMCID: PMC11259245, DOI: 10.1289/ehp13865.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFat mass indicatorsHealthy older adultsBayesian kernel machine regressionVisceral fat areaOlder adultsPercent body fatBody compositionBody fat massExposome-wide association studyPrevention of chronic diseasesAir pollution exposureBody composition indicatorsMediation analysisInBody 770 deviceHealthy adultsAssociated with increased body fat massBody composition changesKernel machine regressionBayesian kernel machine regression modelsChronic diseasesPollution exposureBody fatAssociation studiesAdverse health effectsFat areaPersonal exposure to airborne organic pollutants and lung function changes among healthy older adults
Guo X, Ren H, Sun P, Ding E, Fang J, Fang K, Ma X, Li C, Li C, Xu Y, Cao K, Lin E, Guo P, Pollitt K, Tong S, Tang S, Shi X. Personal exposure to airborne organic pollutants and lung function changes among healthy older adults. Environmental Research 2024, 258: 119411. PMID: 38876423, DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2024.119411.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances and sleep health in U.S. adults, NHANES 2005–2014
Guo P, Jin Z, Bellia G, Luo J, Inoue K, Pollitt K, Deziel N, Liew Z. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances and sleep health in U.S. adults, NHANES 2005–2014. Environmental Research 2023, 237: 117092. PMID: 37683785, DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2023.117092.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSleep disordersSleep outcomesU.S. adultsNHANES 2005Inverse associationSleep durationSerum polyfluoroalkyl substancesCentral nervous systemSerum concentration dataDaily sleep durationExposure tertilesOxidative inflammatory responseQuartile increaseBias analysisInflammatory responseExcessive sleepUncontrolled confoundingNervous systemSleep healthPFAS exposureHealth measuresQuantitative bias analysisLogistic regressionConsistent associationDisorders
Human health effects of chemical mixtures
Liew Z, Guo P. Human health effects of chemical mixtures. Science 2022, 375: 720-721. PMID: 35175805, PMCID: PMC9805352, DOI: 10.1126/science.abn9080.Commentaries, Editorials and Letters
Adherence to Traditional Chinese Postpartum Practices and Postpartum Depression: A Cross-Sectional Study in Hunan, China
Guo P, Xu D, Liew Z, He H, Brocklehurst P, Taylor B, Zhang C, Jin X, Gong W. Adherence to Traditional Chinese Postpartum Practices and Postpartum Depression: A Cross-Sectional Study in Hunan, China. Frontiers In Psychiatry 2021, 12: 649972. PMID: 34385937, PMCID: PMC8353075, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.649972.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
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